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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Then share them with KerbalX. Anyone who downloads it will be told which mods it requires.
  2. Not true. But to transfer anything else automatically, you need to have crossfeed enabled.
  3. Can you be a bit more specific? Are you trying to pull fuel from the LF tanks on your orbiter? The only thing I can see that might muck that up is if you have the "Fuel Transfer Follows Crossfeed Rules" option checked in your difficulty settings. If that's the case, then you can't transfer fuel through the heat shield on your command pod - since it blocks crossfeed.
  4. Short and wide for landers, especially if you're going somewhere like Minmus. That thing would be a deathtrap on Minmus. There's really no reason to build a lander like a rocket. Here's how I would build your LV-N based lander.
  5. Probably the same as nearly everyone else. Flea Booster, Mk1 Command Pod, Mk16 parachute. Straight up, straight down. Now, as far as first where I vaguely knew what I was doing... I don't really remember. But my first few weeks were essentially trying to leave atmo and crash into the Mun. I played for quite awhile before I even tried for orbit.
  6. Took several hours to drive from the East Farside Crater to the Twin Craters, but what a view. This will be fun to traverse.
  7. That really only works for Kerbin though. OP specifically mentioned The Mun.
  8. I was really excited about Capaldi, even though my only exposure to him was in Doctor Who as Caecilius and Torchwood. I agree with Jim. I don't care much for the Capaldi episodes, but it's moreso the writing and the fact that I just loathe Clara than his portrayal. She was good for a one-off in the asylum, nothing more. I would have much rather seen Sally Sparrow and whats-his-name Larry Nightingale come back than Clara. Those two were way more interesting.
  9. All thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs. And a space station would be a satellite.
  10. Soooo hungry. This diet is going to kill me. Which really is the most efficient way for it to work, I guess. Also, there's something behind me that keeps randomly clicking. It's definitely probably behind me. But when I turn around to track it down, it stops. It's very reminiscent of a clicking 3D printer extruder, but neither printer is running and it's too quiet for that. Makes more sense than: 11:59 pm 12:00 pm 12:01 am It has to switch at some point. It's not like there's an easier way to tell time by counting to 24 or anything.
  11. Are you trying to dock when this happens? If you have a target selected, the navball in target mode, and have less than 1 m/s of relative velocity, you won't have those options. As always a screenshot is pretty necessary with questions like this.
  12. Definitely KER. I recently started a new career install with just KER (and VABReorienter, which is nice to have but I don't need it). Having never seriously done career before, I was constantly forgetting the KER modules, and I would abort launches if I forgot them. Next would be Konstruction! and AGX.
  13. The key is to build backwards. Start with the lander. Make sure it has enough dV to get down to Duna, then back into orbit, with some juice for a rendevous. Then build the orbiter, make sure it has the dV to return from Duna with the lander attached, if you're taking it with. Then build the transfer stage to get from Kerbin to Duna, etc. A good thing about Duna is its moon Ike, which is a really good place to mine fuel. So if you build your ship with a mining drone, you can go up to Ike and refuel while your lander crew is doing their thing.
  14. I just kind of wing it. I have no idea who this "Danny" is, and I have never seen a Scott Manley video. The only things I really test extensively are shuttles and Eve landers.
  15. As far as I can tell, it just loads a new folder into GameData just like a mod. I don't know if there are any other differences, but I cannot image there are. I suppose you could message GoG and see what they say. They may allow a refund if it doesn't work.
  16. I came here hoping for a picture of Deep Thought. I am disappoint. In response to your question: 42.
  17. It is automatic, but you're not providing the right link. You're posting a link to the imgur post, not the image itself.
  18. I do believe it's supposed to be Spaceball One orbiting Druidia. So I too, am confused.
  19. When you reinstalled everything, was it possibly an upgrade from a version too old to have commnet?
  20. I didn't see "Transforming atmosphere suckers" on the list.
  21. Good thing my old email provider lied about cutting off access on June 1st. Lego account reactivated, and supported!
  22. It's not that bad. This calc does it for you. You just need to fly the ship instead of letting MJ have all the fun. https://meyerweb.com/eric/ksp/resonant-orbits/ Careful with dive orbits, depending on the body and what altitude you're putting your satellites at, a dive orbit may be detrimental. Note that when circularizing your sats, it's not so important to perfectly match ap and pe (which would work), but to match orbital period. Much easier to do than perfectly matching AP and PE, plus you can make small adjustments easily anywhere in your orbit. The small difference in orbits shouldn't matter unless you're only doing 3 sats and are right at the minimum LOS line. This is why I usually do them high and use 4 sats. Hey, at least you figured it out! I had to google it.
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