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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. The gap was actually sorta on purpose. I like it. I know the game won't care about stuff in front of air intakes, but it bothers me.
  2. Well... you've posted some really helpful pictures anyway. I guess I just assumed it was from a tutorial you'd done.
  3. @Snark has a really good tutorial for Mun returns.. that I can't seem to find. If he links to it here, I promise to bookmark it this time.
  4. I was gonna guess that, but seemed too obvious. I was even gonna do Firefly, but thought it'd be too obvious..
  5. That's only true if you have the "Fuel transfer obeys crossfeed rules" option checked, which (at least in sandbox and science) is off by default. I swear I learn something new every day. I'd always thought it was annoying to have to lock the first one before clicking on the second.
  6. Today I launched the core of my minmus EPL manufacturing facility into orbit with a rocket SSTO. (I even threw away about 1600 m/s in the tanks. Could have easily taken it to Minmus, but I want it assembled in LKO) I also started working on the world's worst Pelican replicative-fading clone, and it's all @Rocket In My Pocket's fault.
  7. Too many reaction wheels / reaction wheels turned up too high / too much RCS can cause the wobble. If you're willing to mod, you can get KIS/KAS and actually go out and build struts in orbit with EVA.
  8. It was a series of images. Cowboy BeeBop? I guess? Never really watched it, swinging with the show title..
  9. So a spambot created a post that actually generated replies? Those things are getting scary. But what if we don't want to?
  10. So something like this? (Not doing "There's a mod for that", just clarifying what you're after)
  11. Well they did get it running on Pie... ...which has its own version of Minecraft.
  12. You've still been more helpful than the rest of the internet.
  13. I've been bashing my head against the wall for like two weeks now trying to get this stupid Huion 1060 Plus graphics tablet to play with Linux Mint. Googling it pretty much brings me to a bunch of forum threads that are either: 1. You need to install this driver! $githublink (Works for them, not for me) 2. The drivers are already included as of $kernelnumber so everything works except this minor function 3. The one thread with no function whatsoever resulted in the discovery of a dead tablet. (Mine works fine in Windows) The shear number of "It just works out of the box" posts is driving me insane. This is a Christmas gift for my daughter and the thing just won't work. (Not really looking for help here just insanely frustrated)
  14. Big Bang Theory... Quit now before it's too late.
  15. Are you sure you're going the right direction? I've seen many threads like this where the problem was the contract called for prograde and the craft's orbit was retrograde, or vice-versa.
  16. If the reaction wheels are on their default setting, they'll still react to user input with SAS off.
  17. Banned for using a 'z' instead of an 's' like it's 2002.
  18. Sounds like you may need to take it outside and douse in in Lysol.
  19. I don't think I ever saved it. May have been a fluke, but figured it didn't hurt to mention.
  20. Happy Birthday! Only about a year and half behind ya. @Philae & Rosetta, if what we suggested doesn't work, can you get a daytime screenshot? Even if you don't put engines on a station, you should always make sure it has a reaction wheel and some kind of control point. IIRC you can't control a ship from the hitchhiker pod.
  21. What happens if you right-click on the docking port on your ship and click "control from here"? I don't see anything on your ship that could throw it off, but you never know. (Plus the SS is kind dark) I also can't tell if the hitchhiker has the same size docking port as the ship. Are they both Juniors? It looks like it's targeted.
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