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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. If the rover has any reaction wheels, make sure they're off.
  2. Nope! Dres. Its adventure will be added to this tomorrow:
  3. I've been actually docked at more than 6m. It's gotta be km as @MoarBoostersRUS said. At 6km away, you won't see the other craft quite yet unless it's huge. Do you have a screenshot? 1.3km away, and the ship I'm approaching is pretty big. Here they are docking:
  4. Most of what I've been doing lately involved stuff like this... I don't mind yellow too much, it's when it runs 2-3 seconds green then flickers yellow like a warped spot on a brake rotor that drives me crazy 596 parts after that little module docked, and it's basically orbiting in a debris field with at least 6 debris pieces within 10 km. The biggest chunk of this was a 669 part launch (~100 parts less than her sister ships) and it was still probably in LKO in around 10 minutes. I'll have to launch another one and actually time it. I have a second monitor set up so I can do other stuff while KSP is playing with itself, so I can't accurately guess the time. I started playing on a ~5 year old laptop with crappy graphics and a 1.7 ghz i5. I didn't know what a green clock was on that. I might as well uninstall KSP from that thing, because I would probably punch it from the process speed and playing stock.
  5. There she is. I've got a new ISRU ship (I retired the first one) in Kerbin orbit waiting a few payload deliveries, then it's off to Dres to snag another asteroid, with the help of this guy.
  6. @bewing If I dock two vessels to the same asteroid, will EC and Monopropellant be shared, just like two ships docked together? I want to put a small helper probe directly opposite the ship, which is essentially a Klaw, RCS thrusters, and some giant solar panels. I'd put up a SS of the probe but cubeupload appears to be broken at the moment.
  7. I've also run into the issue where, somehow, a setting gets changed and the front wheels spin forward and the rears spin backwards. Had it happen with these: Even though they were all copied from the same source (sub assembly), I had to change wheel direction settings on two of the four after landing:
  8. I've started a few careers and I get bored really fast with them. Guess it's just not for me. Science saves are good though, but I play a good amount of sandbox.
  9. It was for me *shrug*. I run no visual mods and the game would just fall into 3-4 FPS whenever I was around a planet other than Kerbin. Brand new computer, i5-7500K @3.4 Ghz with 8 GB Ram. Bone stock, no mods whatsoever. Basically unplayable with the planet in view. I would rotate the camera to show just the ship, and it would smooth out. Issue went away with the GTX-1050. Not guaranteeing that's the issue, just some food for thought. Running 32 bit is likely the main issue.
  10. I think another kicker is that you're running off of on-board graphics. If you decide to put any money into this computer after you get a 64 bit OS on it, put it into a GPU.
  11. I think it should be a pop-up box like they have for sub assemblies.
  12. Your custom ships are saved inside the gamesave folder for the save they were created in. If you start a new game, you won't see them, and if you create a new game by the same name, the ships are deleted.
  13. New phase completed! This phase stands out because it combines two missions with a similar goal... and it was somewhat successful. The good news is the research going on at Dres (not really, this is sandbox) has allowed some new, very needed parts to be developed back home (I downloaded some more mods). Those parts have been scheduled for Phase 8. Meet the new ships! Washburn Class "IDT Roland" The IDT Roland is essentially a prototype asteroid harvester overstocked with ISRU equipment. Also sporting insufficient maneuvering capabilities and sub-par power generation, this vessel is sure to get our crew where they're going. However they may find themselves fighting for their sanity when they arrive. Uses an identical lifting/staging system as the TinyTina. Unnamed ISRU / Storage module for IDT TinyTina Station. LF/Ox & MP Tanks, along with massive cooling capabilities and Convert-O-Tron 250. Includes KIS storage. (I don't have a pre-launch SS and the craft file itself seems to be missing ) "Hawkeye" Asteroid spotting telescope. Phase 7.1: Launching ISRU Component: Phase 7.2: Loading and Launching Roland Phase 7.3: ISRU Module Capture / Attachment Phase 7.4: Roland Update and Raysel return *I think my favorite SS of this entire project is in here Phase 7.5 Finding Dresteroids, launching Hawkeye probes Phase 7.6 Roland capturing Dresteroid This was the fun part
  14. It's not uncommon for people to install their games in non-default locations. Specifically if they have multiple installs. Also all 3 platforms will install differently. For example, I don't have a C:\ drive. A windows self extractor may work on my Linux system, but would require intervention to go in the right place. But as long as you provided a regular zip as well, I don't see why it would be an issue.
  15. This was pretty much the first thing I asked when I joined. It would be great if it worked into stock, but hopefully this will get you by. Not only will it snap to a variety of angles, but it lets you weld the parts together if it's going to be permanent. First mod I even installed:
  16. It's possible one of my mods added it, I suppose. Probably Konstruction! if that's the case, since it has its own magnets.
  17. Yup. Click the link and you'll see the results of turning it on full while already docked.
  18. Go for @DMagic's stuff, and incorporate it with Universal Storage
  19. No wheels or landing struts on this ship. It's sole purpose was to snag an asteroid, drop it to low Dres orbit, mine it into oblivion, then go get another one. Understood! I'll try doing it by hand. I always strut mine manually, and you can see that the engines are fairly wide apart, although they are just gimble-less nukes. Since it's a mining station, I do have some LF/Ox tanks on there. If this doesn't work out well, I may fly out a retro kit to add some conventional engines. I tried the quick timewarp to stabilize. The ship got sucked into the asteroid and exploded as soon as time normalized. Similar to my experience turning the magnet on.
  20. @Cpt Kerbalkrunch I thought I'd mentioned it... but now I see I haven't. This is 1.3.0. I too have seen buggy stuff about 1.3.1, which is to be expected. I'll update when I have a need to do so. I have the GoG version, so no surprise updates for me. I'd thought about pulling. The ship has two Kerbals on board, it might be enough to move the engines to the other ends of the nacelles. If not, I've got 16 more down in lower Dres orbit or on the surface. But if the ship isn't flopping around, igniting the engines on low throttle seems to be the only thing mostly working. Although maybe I should move two of them so I can easily switch between prograde and retrograde without re-orienting during the hohmann transfer...
  21. I play with advanced tweakables off mainly so I don't have to deal with autostruts. Are they included on some level anyway when I grab an asteroid? The ship wouldn't break up, the connection between the ship and the rock would oscillate so much that it snapped in half right at the claw. The first time I grabbed it, I switched away from the game for a minute to do something else, and when I came back it was swaying back and forth bad enough that it broke off. Having SAS on Stability hold makes no difference, and turning on RCS makes it even worse. I had CoM targeted when I grabbed. I had done what you suggested, and nothing seemed to change when I told it to point to target. When I attempt to rotate the asteroid, it does turn, slowly, but the ship begins to oscillate again and I can't seem to get it to stabilize again. I'll try to get some videos tonight to clarify what it's doing.
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