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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. I can't imagine the bugs that would introduce. I think it would also have problems with the doors on varying width cargo bays. Also, I wish the payload fairings weren't procedural. One of my favorite mods is Simple Adjustable Fairings. Yes, the height is adjustable, but by set increments and I can easily set my own rules on how many segments to use. But the widths are fixed, and I can store rockets easily knowing exactly how big the fairing is. Round cargo bays with the length being adjustable by set increments would be pretty sweet though.
  2. 2 am the morning of Black Friday. I have a feeling I'm going to miss this one.
  3. Hopefully whatever it was is something they'd already improved for Mk2.
  4. Moved to Add-on Discussions, since this isn't a mod release.
  5. Banned for changing your profile picture.
  6. This development discussion has been split off from a suggestion thread for this feature in stock. If the quoting seems off to you, that's because some were quoted from the original thread. @linuxgurugamer, you should be able to re-name this thread as you see fit. Let me know if it doesn't let you.
  7. I think having the ability to individually select Staging, Action Groups and Axis Groups would be ideal. Just a little box with a checkmark next to each. Maybe have which are checked by default in the difficulty options, if that wouldn't be too much work. Or even a config file. I'm the worst at coming up with names. If you follow my ship naming convention while playing KSP, this would be called "Untitled KSP Mod".
  8. Yeah that was my thought. Even if it's not rated to land the capsule, I'd rather have an off-chance landing with high possibility of injury than an almost guaranteed fatal crashing.
  9. Makes you wonder if the superdracos could still be used in the event of multiple chute failures.
  10. Hello, and welcome to the forum, @BIB♠! Our forum rules require that all posts not inside the International subforum be posted in English or provide an English translation. I have edited your post to include the translation. Bonjour et bienvenue sur le forum, @BIB♠ Les règles de notre forum exigent que tous les messages qui ne se trouvent pas dans le sous-forum international soient publiés en anglais ou fournissent une traduction en anglais. J'ai édité votre message pour inclure la traduction. (Traduit avec google)
  11. I love the name of the ship! Are you flying manually or is it scripted?
  12. You guys might like the Smart Parts mod. This is not a "There's a mod for that" post. I'm not negating the stock suggestion, merely letting you know this exists.
  13. Banned because there actually is plenty of free room in @GRS's signature.
  14. That kid needs to read up on the distributive property.
  15. I also have the Lego Saturn V. While it's neat that there's 1,969 parts, you can definitely tell while building it where they used two parts instead of one just to up the part count. I love Legos. They were a major part of my childhood, almost as important as my K'nex. It's probably one of the reasons that I love KSP so much, and why my favorite aspects of KSP are the actual building - be it in the VAB/SPH or orbit. Most of my Legos just sit in a couple big buckets. There's, of course, bricks everywhere, in every bucket an box in the house. I don't do much with them anymore, I never much cared for instructions. As a kid, the specific sets I would get would get built once, torn apart, and then the pieces merged into the great bucket. The Saturn V will stay as it is though.
  16. Greetings, @CryptidCrypt! It seems there's an issue with your link. Even though the displayed URL appears to be correct, it actually just links back to this thread.
  17. Banned for not caring. Banned for ninjaing
  18. It's been brought to my attention that this may be a Linux-specific bug. @OHara, are you on Linux?
  19. I was watching the actual SpaceX feed and I didn't see the signal on the booster at all after entry burn? Where did you guys see the landing?
  20. I'm so excited. I've been going through Falcon 9 withdrawl. Wonder why they ditched recovering the fairings?
  21. Long time wish of mine. We could really use round cargo bays in 1.25, 1.875, 2.5m, 3.75, and 5m sizes. Nothing fancy. One model would do, just scaled for all the sizes.
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