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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. That was quite a lot of airplanes, but that wasn't all that thrilling. I did get to see Discovery though! There is an apollo CM Boilerplate there They also had something interesting in the restoration area, although I didn't see any info on it. I think they're working on a podracer as well
  2. It looks like you downloaded the debug version of KJR Next. Install the normal one.
  3. Well, we're here at our hotel in Arlington. Thankfully the wifi here is excellent, unlike the half-way hotel in Richmond, IN. I've got three full days here. As far as I'm aware, the Apollo 11 CM is not on display right now. Which SUCKS given that the 50th just happened. I'm definitely going to hit up the Space Shuttle Columbia memorial at the Arlington National Cemetary. Probably see Discovery tomorrow. It's going to be tough getting around, because holy cow is traffic insane in this city.
  4. I am at a hotel halfway between home and Washington, DC. One time, in 2004, I was at a hotel that advertised free internet. This free internet included a PCMCIA 56K modem and one of those free AOL trial CDs. Yes, really. That may have been preferable to this "High Speed Wireless Internet" I really hope the hotel in DC has an ethernet jack in the room.
  5. Oh no doubt, it is impressive. It just doesn't have anything to do with the Single Stage To Orbit classification. If you're going for realism, I think refueling would be better.
  6. Neither. We all play the game differently. An ssto is simply a craft that gets to orbit with a single stage. It has nothing to do with refueling or literally anything you do with it after you get to orbit.
  7. I couldn't care less about the pontoons and skis, but I wouldn't mind some stock airbags.
  8. That moment when you trip in front of an audience.
  9. Well, you did say "full blown mod", so I thought you might be ok with a pretty lightweight one. You could always clip a jr docking port in somewhere, and use that for a control point. I believe you can assign an action group to set it as the control point, and if it's the root part, I think it'll even default to it. I don't think they'll ever do something for adjusting control point to the lateral line of a craft. It seems pretty niche and I doubt it's worth the dev time. Plus you'd have to consider all the times it would get it flat out wrong. There may be a control point orientation hack you could do to a craft file in a similar way that the aforementioned mod does it on the fly, but that's above my pay grade.
  10. Eh? This mod is a godsend for spaceplane re-entry, I can say that much. It might help for what you want.
  11. I don't believe so. I think it's to prevent you from buying multiple copies on sale at $10 a pop, then selling them for, say, $30 when it's back at its regular price of $40. I was told that was why the multiple packs pretty much went away.
  12. @4x4cheesecake I did with editing the html in the inspector. <table style="style="width:500px;border-color:#FF0000;border-width:14px;border-style:inset;"> and each <td style="border-color:#FF0000;"> Hopefully it won't try to parse those... Edit: nope!
  13. Dunno what you're talking about
  14. Huh. Apparently left shift. I didn't even know it was doing that, I figured I'd grabbed the root. I've always just grabbed the root when I needed to move the whole thing.
  15. I had to do the same with my response... which happens often. It's all second nature now, I don't actually consciously know what buttons I'm pressing most of the time. I've mapped cycle symmetry secondary to my forward mouse button, which I keep forgetting to do on the computer at work. It's so much work to actually hit X. I also can't tell you how many screenshots I've missed because I've forgotten to map the back mouse button to take a screenshot. I hope too many people haven't gotten frustrated over being told that a key is "alt" if it's just "left alt" and they were trying "right alt". Plus, don't some keyboards only have one alt button?
  16. Hold alt when you click on it. Just get the part(s) you want to copy highlighted, hold alt, and left click. I think, anyway. I'm pretty sure it's alt on Windows. I'm on Linux, it's right shift for me.
  17. As long as you install the B9 Part Switch dependency, yes, you'll have switches on the parts that have many extra nodes.
  18. The Ryzen 5 3600 is better in pretty much every way, which isn't surprising, since nobody buys an i3 for gaming on purpose. You'd be going to a higher boost clock, 4 threads to 12, and a higher IPC. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/Intel-i3-8100-vs-AMD-Ryzen-5-3600/3103vs3481 Bear in mind that you can't just stick a Ryzen 5 in your motherboard, so you will need a new motherboard beyond just the cost of the processor. Everything else in your computer will be fine.
  19. From my quick and dirty test, everything should be fine. But if you load a vessel into the editor and remove a part that used an added node, the node will no longer be there, so you won't be able to just put it back. This is a very light mod. Why would you "disable" it if you wanted the nodes?
  20. You don't need a high GPU, but I really recommend that you have a discrete GPU just to take that load off your CPU and free up some of your RAM. Keep in mind though that this game can still bring even high-end chips to their knees with enough mods and big enough ships.
  21. Hit ESC. Click Settings. Scroll to the bottom. It's the last slider.
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