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Everything posted by RaiderMan

  1. @Kerbal01 can you post a screenshot of that Kohutek probe core/service module please? my desktop is in for servicing..so I cant look for myself at the moment.
  2. sounds about the same for us model makers and fliers...I've been fighting the tantares soyuz stack all morning. wondering if the sstu partset has an equivalent..
  3. I find it more helpful to search for the stage, in the case of the saturn, s-1c for the first stage, s-II for the second(roman numerals) and lastly s-ivb for the third stage. use wikipedia to look up the rocket you're trying to build, most if not all entries include the make and model of engine..and that information more often than not produces results in ksp's parts search bar.
  4. the new ones look alot better than the old ones.
  5. if you want a delta IV heavy..I can point you in the direction of two mods you'll need, and furnish a model file of the delta built with said mods
  6. did you redesign the motor housings on the dragon v2?
  7. suggestion..include in the part description 'this capsule is for ground landings only and will not float on water' or something to that effect.
  8. dunno if this is a bug or not..but the 'Shuguang' does not float and sinks like a rock on water landings.
  9. running head first into 'nothing fits right' territory for pigsnout. with the puck..I can use a tantares 'disk chute' and be happy with it... may I suggest for the next update, including the chutes for the pigsnout capsule, and puck capsule?
  10. I dont...is that in the contares mod proper? barring that, acceptable substitutes?
  11. oh..the snout decouples... what is the proper parachutes for the pig snout pod?
  12. ok, the pigsnout pod has all the reentry stability of a drugged camel....which is to say..not much.
  13. sweet..thank you. what manufacturer name are the parts under? so I can search and get all the parts in the results window?
  14. so I dont need contares to use this particular partset?
  15. update to the latest build. delete the existing folders for sstu, install folders for the new version.
  16. are you using the SSTU parts pack/mod? if so, try updating to the most recent build. I had the exact same issue.
  17. my friend K1 and I use joint reenforcement as well. my friend K1 and I used to have to spend upwards of a day in advance of a 'recorded launch' strutting the heck out of the launch stack, and payload both. less work, and it looks CLEANER.
  18. is there a skylab part? I noticed there's like two different sizes of skylab solar wings...
  19. for panels that dont have a variety of size 'types' it would be nice...though I will admit to a desire to see a dos style array on a few manned spacecraft...just not at the ginormous station sizing..
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