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Everything posted by RaiderMan

  1. experiencing a problem where the upper cryogenic stage is decoupling from the sm on staging of the first stage core booster.
  2. is development of this parts pack ongoing?
  3. let me just take the time to compliment you on a well made mod, and believe me, half the stuff I do of late isnt possible without it.. on the subject of the eula...there has been much discussion, and it doesnt really look all that much more different than the old one. on the subject of you departing...please, we beg of you..dont go. too many people will miss you, too many crafts wont get built or flown...
  4. a stand alone at that even, however the mod maker for contares reacted in an..unpleasant...manner when I requested he add the compatible parachutes to the pack...so I refuse to touch contares with a 10 meter cattle prod. basically said 'get the full mod, now go away' in simple terms. ok, I went away, I did not get the full mod. too many dependencies.
  5. I would cheerfully sell my soul for a functioning Fuji space craft.
  6. this entire thread...its like a car wreck happening in slow motion..you want to look away(or not as the case may be) but you just cant... how long does it take for lawyers to decide 'this is what you can say to clarify that issue'..... my theory? too many cooks in their legal department's kitchen and they cant all agree on the response..
  7. if ksp could support it..I'd suggest strobe lights...aka a 'here I am dummy...you're low and long' formation light.
  8. I think at this point...an official response is not only DESPERATELY wanted...but NEEDED/REQUIRED of squad/taketwo...
  9. if you need a play tester for any rebalancing done to the proton..I'm volunteering. I love the proton, goes up every time without complaint.
  10. dear take 2, and dear squad.. these updated terms and conditions are very alarming on many levels. I will summarize the prevailing thoughts of the community here for you... T2/squad..if you do slap an 'all current licenses are void' on the community's hard work and efforts..you will not only alienate the community..you will LOSE most if not all of your player base. gamers as a whole are tired of being done over by the gaming companies. so far you and squad have been very good to us. please do not break our trust and faith. sincerely, one person out of a vast community of ksp gamers.
  11. so...outline the full set of command sequences for booster sep?
  12. any special steps needed during flight for successful seperation?
  13. did you ever figure out how to make the falcon heavy boosters seperate properly, @harrisjosh2711?
  14. he's still arguing with a disconcerting tendency for the boosters' noses to want to swing in and 'kiss' the core stage but progress is being made last I saw.
  15. it also has on the back in stencil print 'I'm a rocket scientist, trust me it'll be fine!'
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