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Everything posted by RaiderMan

  1. gonna have fun with this again XD. @harrisjosh2711 welcome back to the funny farm..did you collect your souvenir straight jacket from the gift shop?
  2. eh....nested like that, they dont show up in the vab. so most users, such as myself, dont know they exist.
  3. no there arent. I just downloaded a fresh copy, thinking I had an older zipped copy...there are no prebuilt craft included. if there was, in the folder below the game data folder would be a ships folder.
  4. ..I need a bib..I'm drooling all over the keyboard here at the beautiful parts..
  5. I'm already working on one, I assembled and tested a two stage core booster last night and fully intend on mounting and then testing the strapon configuration...I'll be automating the recovery system with radial parachutes since I dont care to risk my kerbals' lives and the boosters and core stage wont be high enough to make such recovery impossible.
  6. the second he puts in usb and or hdmi..I'm going to...ahem...requisition use of...the component for a station craft of my own XD.
  7. there's a robot arm in knes that has a fixed attachment node thats only active when the arm is 'armed' so, are you 100% sure you cant work it similar? I'm just asking..cause the extendable clampotron is otherwise limited in that regard..
  8. the extendable clamp-o-tron...it doesnt have an attachment node at the business end like the original clamp-o-tron, making it difficult to mount vehicles that have this as their attachment method to any booster stack. case in point, I tried to update the docking method used on the phoenix in the knes mod, and discovered I could not mount the booster because there's no attachment node on the extendable clamp o tron.
  9. and if I run into another 'will not latch despite doing everything right' situation? also I did run into another situation with one of the packaged ready to use models. the hermes on the ariane 5 es launcher, when I begin my initial pitchover to 45 degrees at 10,000km, the stack has a tendency to just want to keep going clean over and pinwheel uncontrollably, and thats with a feather light tap of the control. I'm going to test the g variant next..could just be the launch stack variant.
  10. and there's no indication as to when the grabber is ready for work as it were, could there be some kind of indication worked into the part or menu somewhere that indicates 'ready for use'?
  11. The arm and disarm Cycle takes way too long because it's tied to the animation of the model, I don't suppose you've had the thought to make the arming and disarming a simple toggle option on the right click menu? Obviously you'd still have to deploy the arm before you can arm it and disarm it..
  12. 1.875cm version? good idea, but it'd be best to finish off any outstanding parts in the MOL partset first..
  13. in orbit...if I try to grab the copula with the arm...see the first pic..it does not want to cooperate. see second pic for the consistently successful orgit grab.
  14. ..I cannot get the arm to latch onto that copula. needs an attachment point of some kind..
  15. intended result intended latch point by XRaiderV1.7, on Flickr end result when I crashed in bed last night end result by XRaiderV1.7, on Flickr this isnt the exact same setup, as I've not gone back to orbit yet to recreate but you can see what I was going for, and what ended up happening.
  16. would it help if I did a video of what I'm trying to do and the end result? also, question..would it be possible to put parachutes on the hermes? or at least tweak the collision boxes on the model so stock chutes can be mounted? had some really dicy attempts at landing last night with the hermes..as in the kind of dicy where I was glad I had rigged a remote on her.
  17. the problem I had, was no way of knowing when it'd latched, if it did at all.
  18. so, straight on is preferred...gotcha. copula module from @Nertea's stock alike station parts redux pack. could not get it dead on with the window frame on top. was able to grab the one clamp o tron with the propellant stores though.
  19. So, come in with 10 degree offset angle, then what? How long does it take for it to 'latch'?
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