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Everything posted by RaiderMan

  1. I built a proton k with no issues, just off the images alone. the soyuz launcher is a bit more involved due to the boosters' obstructing the view at times.
  2. so this seems to be 1.4.1 compatible? do I have that right?
  3. whilst in the assembly building, right click on the flap that deploys in the incorrect direction, locate the invert button(or similarly labelled) and click it. now the flaps SHOULD deploy properly.
  4. @harrisjosh2711 did you grab the new ksp part tools yet?
  5. managed to get voyager to actually transmit science data finally. rebuilt from the ground up, as the prebuilt craft had some kind of issue going on.
  6. @benjee10 ....what variant file? its not here. ok...the parts point blank refused to even show up.
  7. I'm hesitating on taking the 1.4.1 plunge as some of my favored packs arent yet updated... means I dont get to play with this one(?)
  8. does this mean you're no longer considering walking off into that good night? I mean..look how many people actually USE your mod, favoring it over the likes of even bdb and tantares? I myself find your dual axis tracking solar wings, and custom probe core and decouplers invaluable. also...a suggestion? might I suggest waiting not for version 1.4, but rather 1.4.1? better to wait for that rather than code for 1.4 only to find the next day 1.4.1 has dropped and go 'aw snap..I JUST finished the last update!'
  9. I dont suppose you could post a model that doesnt have the aforementioned part in question? also..none of the relay dishes will transmit any gathered data.. ..if I use the telstar vhf antenna, then I can transmit....
  10. error on trying to load craft ca-torekka, part(s) missing, dmmagboom.
  11. are we going to be able to continue to download your mod packs in the meantime?
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