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  1. I noticed the Frisbee's ISP (1,050,000 s) is based on a 1/10th scale speed of light. I'm curious what other engines have their ISP' scaled down like this so I can target them in a patch for higher scales
  2. what engine goes in the little slots on the Propane Booster?
  3. Note: as far as I can tell the 50 meter shield is, in fact, only 25 meters in diameter (easy mistake to mix up diameter and radius)
  4. If anything they'd be better at seeing in the dark than humans, because their eyes are bigger.
  5. I agree with some others in that the Mammoth II is somewhat peculiar, and I don't really like that you won't be able to easily make faithful replicas. With the old system having engines be sort of like real ones while being different in their own ways was useful. Here it seems like you're forced to do your own things.
  6. I love this mod and hate Armstrong (Not conceptually, conceptually I love it to bits it's just an annoying bugger to launch and land from) Seeing Bifrost rise from Low Armstrong Orbit made me go "HOLY excrements HI BIFROST" And there are a lot of funky things all around to keep you interested.
  7. I'm interested, but confused. Why is the "stock" scale setting 1/9th real scale, and not 1/10th like I'd assume stock KSP is supposed to be.?
  8. Currently playing 2.5x scale. In Hellas Planitia you can go below zero altitude at datum and the ground goes invisible ksp.log
  9. My greatest apologies if this has been asked before, but is there a plan to integrate the Saturn C-8/Nova?
  10. Is it possible to increase the numbercrunching rate (Multi-Flyby Maneuver) by feeding it more computer resources? If so, how can I do this?
  11. Yeah! I did have to mess around with the orientations to make sure it could actually 3d print correctly. I'll consider making a thingiverse account too.
  12. So I was waiting for class to start and I had my school computer . So I decided to open up TinkerCAD and model up a Saturn V. Throughout my free time that day I kept going. After advanced science I asked my teacher (henceforth Mrs. S to keep my and her privacy) if she could 3d print it (she had a 3d printer in class) and she said sure! So I have finished it up and she'll print it sometime soon. For now, here's a picture of it (I'm not gonna send the link because its linked to my school account.) S-IC S-II S-IVB, Payload Fairing, CSM and LES The lil indent on the bottom of each segment fits into the last ones' interstage. It should hold together upright.
  13. Alright. Hey y'all. It's been a while, hasn't it? I've left for a while because I've been embarrassed by my past self, but I thought it would be better to make it public. All of the mods I've made were from that time. I was naïve and immature. Whenever I think of what I was, I get embarrassed. This does not excuse my actions and you all are open to think badly of me because of it, but i will try to separate myself from that. Thanks for tuning in.
  14. Yes it's compatible with OPM. It's orbit doesn't cross opm's orbits and it doesn't mess with eeloo so it's compatible with OPM.
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