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Quoniam Kerman

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Everything posted by Quoniam Kerman

  1. If memory serves, in Kop Bleeding Edge, MyRocksAreBigerThanYours is obsolete. So if you kept it in your 1.10.1 JNSQ install, there might be an issue there.
  2. Have you enountered this problem on Krel poles? That could come from a bad template.
  3. SVT is useless/ obsolete now with the new shaders anyway.
  4. The persisting bugs after change of Kop version could as well come from your already cursed missions items on the ground. I sugest you go back to your last save before the landing and retry to see if there is a difference.
  5. Turns out I don't know why my 1.9.1 install was an 1.9.0 one an I don't know how since I copied the 1.9.1 just before it went to 1.10... Nevermind, I'll just make a 1.10.1 copy with Bleeding Edge and be done with it.
  6. Strange thing happened when I tried to update Kopernicus with my 1.9.1 OPM copy of KSP. I went from Kop to and the launch screen told me that Kopernicus wasn't compatible with that version of KSP. Is that because of the save? Or the MM? (went from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4). I'm reverting to Kop and it seems to be working.
  7. SVT isn't for 1.10, discard it. (it is for textures prior to 1.8, plus it can't apply to Parallax either) And Planetshine, I don't know if it is updated, you might want to drop it as well. As for Kopernicus, you'll need the Bleeding Edge branch of Kopernicus for Parallax.
  8. To be fair, Parallax even by being eye candy isn't very practical on use. Having ships, kerbals and other objects not really wisually on the ground as they should quite unsettles me. JNSQ textures, although flat are still very beautiful and I think I prefer it that way. I am testing Parallax on a stock game for now and I don't really think I'll keep it on the long run to be honest.
  9. Wait a ùinute, you took the fact that Epsilon Eridani is in fact Vulcan in Star Trek? That small moon arnound the gas giant was in fact Vulcan? Have those planets and moons been detected as your chart says (their appearance being up to your imagination still). If that Ball of dirt is only a moon orbiting around a Gas giant, it breaks Star Trek canon completely. It was never stated that Vulcan was a only a moon ! (only that Vulcan didn't have any moon). Anyway, it looks gorgeous. Now that I have loads of Ram and a a new hard drive, I could make another copy of KSP just for this mod even if that planet is in a WIP part for now.
  10. Hi, guys, Ohio Bob has made a fix patch for JNSQ 1.8 farm terrain bug. Any chance you couldn't make the same for KSRRS?
  11. Do you plan a Scatterer compatibility with 1.9.1? Your VO doesn't work anymore on 1.9.1.
  12. And true, the TWP doesn't provide delta V info as far as deorbiting landing/take are concerned. At least it can tell you transfer and circularize delta V info.
  13. Transfer Window planner gives you roughtly the delta V from Earth to other planets. As for taking off to LEO, well the stock scale Earth is roughtly the same as stock Kerbin and 2.5x scale is roughtly the same as JNSQ Kerbin. To get to the Moon, given you take off at the right moment when KSC passes on the Moon orbital plane, the delta V required to et their is between Mun ad Minmus and once there, the delta V required to orbit the Moon and get to the surface is roughtly the same as the Mun.
  14. Transfer Window Planner must work since it takes the data from the planetary parameters themselves. It is all you need.
  15. Autostrut is enough on Tantares at least on previous versions, I haven't tried the last one yet. And BTW when you put the MH DLC SaturnV like five engine cluster tank under the 5m stock tank and use both autostrut and rigid link, it krakens the Hell out of the rocket as well as you declamps the rocket on take off. So it is not a Tantares problem.
  16. What about RSS or KSRSS ribbons? As of now I've just renamed JNSQ ribbons into the closest to color or relevence needed for KSRSS bodies for my use.
  17. Send it to Squad, it should become their unofficial emblem. Did you invert the rocket going from right to left on purpose because of the Kraken? Kerbal rockets usually from from left to right on flags... May be it was not aesthetically pleasing enough?
  18. Can you be more specific? I haven't had any problem aside from a texture hiding the inside of the fairing at certain angles.
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