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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. That's ignoring several videos and countless posts telling you everything you need to know about KSP 2. Please cease your caviling by virtue of the aforementioned behaviour not being of productive use within the contemporaneous discussion To add, Take Two and Intercept know that if they say just one too many words, a not too small and very loud minority of the forum will erupt at them. Plus, development isn't instant - the team has already talked about planetary architecture, recently shown 15 minutes of footage pertaining to interstellar vessels, propulsion and tutorials, and made too many posts here to remember, and it likely won't be until something substantial is completed and in a presentable state before we hear that much again. Again, it's worth noting that 2 months isn't long in A. the grand scheme of development and B. in the eyes of someone whose recent life has not been built around a possibly unhealthy obsession over KSP 2 content. The length of Aziz' post here is already enough evidence that "I'm at square 2019" is a disgusting exaggeration; the team might as well cease news till release campaigns begin and this would be enough information to put me on.
  2. The optimal KSP beginner would not realise they can customise the existing engines until they're familiar enough with the UI to start learning how they can optimise their engines. Engine customisation is a feature in SimpleRockets 2 A.K.A. Baby's First KSP and stays out of the way for beginners, so I see absolutely no reason to not implement engine customisation in a similar manner for KSP 2 when we're also getting several other advanced features like torch drives and interstellar travel.
  3. It's not a major fail point, you just need to adapt the atmospheric stage engines for atmospheres, choose the best parameters for the job, and choose otherwise for transatmo and vac.
  4. Above all else, it means no waiting for the devs to fix possible holes in the part lineup.
  5. It just has to be a side feature, like choosing to customise an existing engine when you're familiar with how it works. We don't exclude interstellar travel just because there's some people who haven't even heard of an orbit, do we?
  6. The tiniest sprocket is three hundred meters löng (16)
  7. May I politely ask... so? So it was a good idea for show & tell. ...your point being?
  8. There's literally nothing that sets this apart from the dev posts here and the Interstellar Travel video on YouTube. Your criteria for what counts as "qualified" gameplay footage seems to be merely random and not a logical process. How did you decide that?
  9. We don't actually lack gameplay footage. There's plenty out there.
  10. Sentences only being allowed to be edited three times makes for a rather meh game in my opinion. I think it'd be actually interesting if edits were unlimited and we could see how many sentences we could create just by slowly changing the initial sentence, as this otherwise just creates a topic consisting of random sentences that ultimately go nowhere. The topic is called "ever-morphing sentence" and not "slightly morphing sentence to be reset in a couple posts", after all. So, here's my more interesting take on the idea. Ok, here’s how it works: I start with a sentence, then the next person changes a word in the sentence, and then the next person does the same thing, and so on. Don’t start your own sentences - the new sentence must be the previous one with a word changed. The sentence can have a total of three words changed in one post, but you must show these iterations, as shown below: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" (0) "The quick brown fox rolls over the lazy dog" (1) "The quick brown fox rolls from the lazy dog" (2) "The quick brown fox rolls from the smelly dog" (3) The next person may continue, etc. The numbers after the post signify the number of edits the sentence has had. Just for convenience, not a requirement. This is just a take on the original game and not a jab at it. I just personally think the rules OP set greatly limit how much fun we can have with the game. Take it as you wish.
  11. Hans Zimmer's Interstellar score is superb
  12. Even if I knew what "it" meant in your comment, I would probably still think it's a bad (mainly consumerist) idea.
  13. Having to do 10 things for each EVA is a massive downgrade in gameplay from being able to click 1 button. Your idea serves no gameplay purpose and ultimately is a distraction. Please tell, what purpose is there to your idea? I'm not being rude - an idea needs an actual purpose else it becomes a burden to the game.
  14. Let me fill in the blank for you. Criminal mastermind Well I was thinking of one far worse word, but, you tried I guess.
  15. The KSP 2 Team is a collective ________ for not telling Felipe that they were working on a KSP 2 sequel
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