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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. That's flat out wrong and also implies that mouse sensitivity somehow has no use outside FPS
  2. KSP 1 maneuver nodes are broken on a fundamental level, considering your maneuver as only an impulse. For burns longer than a few seconds, and especially for capture burns, the predicted orbit will be completely wrong. KSP 2 does it right and properly accounts for acceleration over the course of the burn. May I ask what kind of engine you're using to attempt this.... interstellar mission?
  3. Pings an account that has done literally nothing for its entire existence KSP 1 development is basically wrapped up. You could probably fiddle around with suspension for a while until you find something that doesn't wobble to bits, but it'd probably be easier to put most of your gear on the fuselage like a real airliner
  4. Perhaps image-only posts could be directed to a subforum to ensure that the spacecraft exchange remains a spacecraft exchange?
  5. Forum user attempts to apply statistics, broad general things, to a very specific situation
  6. Saves and ships are stored in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2 now. As for extracting things like the tutorial mp4s, you can use unity asset extractors like Asset Studio. I still haven't figured out where the music and rocket sounds are kept - I really want to listen to these sfx and the files in SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2\KSP2_x64_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64 (where th tutorials are kept) don't contain them
  7. I've played the old versions a fair bit myself. I can say with reasonable confidence that there are rose tinted glasses involved here.
  8. Are people seriously only just learning KSP 1's half-baked excuse for gameplay isn't being done 1:1 in KSP 2, and is being replaced with adventure mode?
  9. That's just semantics and is ultimately a meaningless distinction. When people start making the devs out as liars because of that """meaningless distinction""", then it really isn't meaningless.
  10. And you say [snip] that KSP 2 as it is now reflects how it'll be in a few years, or even a few months? You're forgetting that this isn't the release and it's already dealt with a bunch of loose bolts that knackered the KSP 1 experience. Forget the newbies, EA is not for them. Newbies will get to enjoy KSP 2 when it's in a more presentable state. "It seems you look at KSP1's failings and see them as making the game "overpriced," but look at KSP2's equal failings, and discount them." Because Squad's got a full release title that, for a good chunk of that release period, didn't have a dV indicator. That's just depressing. Is it not? KSP 2's failings are inevitably going to be ironed out, unlike KSP 1's as it seems Squad gives up on adding features.
  12. But we got this indicator in the mechjeb Again. Squad relying on 3rd parties to do their job of making a game with the most basic features implemented. These are basic features and you think you're making some kind of point for KSP 1 when telling me "but mods!". Mods, and KSP 1's reliance on them, just hammer in how unfit Squad was to make anything bigger than a mobile game.
  13. At least it's there and mostly works, unlike KSP 1 where you had to rely on third party measures for something that arguably should have been present at least before 0.17 brought planets and dV became very important. It's present here in KSP 2 from the very start and I expect it'll be fixed in the future - it's not a case of it being completely absent and planned for "when it's ready" (at the very least half a decade), like it was with Squad. That's what really gives me hope for KSP 2. Yes, there's no thermals, radiation, etc. But the foundation is there, and the developers aren't skipping out on critical bottom-layer features such as dV, persistent thrust and properly-functioning maneuver nodes.
  14. I don't think players with functional colonies won't be the kind PAIGE is aimed at.
  15. KSP1 turned out not to be a very difficult game, since only a few newcomers led by Felipe made its core. The developers of KSP2 apparently decided not to use their experience and develop the game blindly. "Blindly" isn't an EA game being as buggy as your usual EA game. "Blindly" is getting planets in 0.17 and waiting over half a decade for a dV indicator. THAT is blind.
  16. What was Squad doing that was so much more important than dV indicators? EVA Chute. Of course. Doesn't really matter anymore seeing as the burn portion of the trajectory is highlighted anyway. Exactly It'd also just be another redundant scene change. The main menu already lets you access the currently implemented facilities instantly.
  17. KSP 2 is in an even better state than NMS was at launch because it's open about its EA state and Intercept was allowed by the publisher to be transparent about the lack of features on launch. So I've still got hope. In NMS' case, many people didn't realise how many features were gone (some actually promised, some claimed to be promised by journalists) until they already spent money.
  18. And you're speaking from 0 experience or research, presumably.
  19. That doesn't mean "ignore something that's clearly far superior if the rusty editor you're used to does the bare minimum of let you build stuff".
  20. Funny you say that... https://spacedock.info/mod/3256/LagRemover "mods are going to fix the performance before the devs do!"
  21. Completely this and what Periple said. I keep seeing obviously bad faith forum members slamming the developers for saying "we killed the Kraken!" without even BOTHERING to check what they ACTUALLY said "We're going to kill the Kraken!" Not "We killed the Kraken". Now obviously I can't name and shame and even if I could I still wouldn't because it's just not a good thing to do, but I will say that some members need to take themselves down a peg. "I would've pushed out a small optimization by removing what's causing the fps problem" is a disgustingly bad oversimplification of development.
  22. I'm not convinced that this is important, because frankly it's not. There's a million things each sector of the dev team has to be getting up to, and adding an option to make Kerbals borderline uncontrollable isn't one of them at the moment. (Also, I hate the Expanse. For all the times I hear people banging on about how realistic it is, there's just way too much pointless squabbling between all those flat and dry characters, to be happening on a military vessel.)
  23. There's already a direction indicator in the bottom-left that the compass indicators can be added to.
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