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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. I really hope the devs make an allowance on interplanetary-scale Orion drives for the day one release given its status as a drive we could have had not long after Apollo if not for politics.
  2. It can take an incredible amount of skill to figure out how to stop a spinning craft. Er...?
  3. Is the context here not that the relevant droptanks aren't attached to decouplers, nor attached to things that are functionally identical to decouplers but are given different names for the sake of convoluting the game?
  4. Unless you added a decoupler beforehand, how else would you go about detaching the droptank?
  5. Not every square inch of the game has to be bright and colourful for it to be a case of a game using bright colours as a part of its style. I'd argue that the dark and gloomy test chambers and BTS areas make what colour there is really pop, especially when you see mods that make the portals properly light the walls they are attached to, like they sort of did in the E3 promos. Compare with Outer Wilds where you don't see much saturation beyond a few tractor beams and crystals because everything else is also saturated - not that that's a bad thing.
  6. It will have one thing for it until that thing catches up for KSP 2. Mods. KSP 1 has literally hundreds if not thousands of mods. KSP 2 will take a year to some years to catch up. Then the dichotomy becomes "Do you want a broken game with broken mods, or do you want a game that not only has what said mods provide, but also not as many bugs and many QOL adjustments?"
  7. Unlike other sequels like Portal 1 and Portal 2, KSP 1 isn't going to have much of anything KSP 2 doesn't have, except for bugs.
  8. The fact that Blackrack liked "Here we go again with comparisons" but not the comparison is, imo, kinda telling.
  9. The devs don't do this for fun, the devs do this to test the game's systems.
  10. That sounds more like something that's being caused by shoddy internals than anything. To be fair, you don't have that much of a choice. Still, you'll be dealing with all the bull waste ShadowZone brought up in his Invictus part 1 post-mortem, a generally unpolished experience, a million mods that are implemented as applets instead of being properly integrated into the UI (like what stock KSP did to the dV indicator, compare to Kerbal Engineer's comparatively unwieldy and unfriendly readouts), etc. It might be worth looking into VMs or dual boots if KSP's manure-factor starts getting to you - that much is evident by the devs' emphasis on user experience.
  11. My parachutes have never been ripped off while under 4x acceleration. Sure, larger vessels flex more like they become heavier. But no, this isn't a problem with the function of phys warp itself or how it's been integrated into gameplay. This is just a minor backend issue that BetterTimeWarp fixes with its accuracy toggles. Phys warp does not need to be functionally different.
  12. I don't know. Will they refund if you make the conscious decision to attempt to run it on a platform that it explicitly states it won't be running on until some time after EA?
  13. No, but keeping phys warp and rails warp as separate functions only makes sense. Elaborate? Without anything to go off of besides this sentence, "switches smoothly" can mean anything. It's necessary for proper simulation of vessels in atmosphere, so assuming it's 99.99999999999999999999% likely that phys warp will be here just as in KSP 1 is completely justified. "something better"? Without any kind of elaboration or actual suggestions for what Intercept could possibly do to top Phys-warp's very simple function of "just speed up the physics rate", just saying "well maybe there's something better" doesn't mean much and only serves to discredit the fact that physics warp only has one function that it already carries out very well.
  14. Why? The entire point of normal warp is to not simulate part forces (especially that are important for atmospheric flight) so you can increase the time acceleration to ridiculous values without breaking the game. You absolutely need to simulate those forces that are thrown out so that atmospheric flight doesn't become exceedingly inaccurate. KSP 2 will have separate physics and rails warp, if you discount the silly idea of them throwing out physics warp for a hacky solution to normal warp that not only limits what you can do with it in atmo, but also degrades the physics simulation for vessels under warp in the atmosphere.
  15. I prefer the desaturated planets as much as NovaSilisko. But to say vibrancy is automatically bad is just... well, I don't think I have to say anything. This angry rant over something as inconsequential as the colours of the planets speaks for itself. I would say you're joking, but given the context, I can't be sure of that.
  16. And you pulled this from... where? No more physics warp means no more warp in atmosphere, which IMNSHO, is ridiculous. Just build crafts that are capable of reducing their spin under their own force.
  17. Could you circle it? I have no idea what anyone is on about. The vessel looks fine to me. Could all be listed under "Will the aerodynamics be passable?" which should be a yes as long as KSP 2 accounts for the shape of the whole vessel and not just how the parts are stacked. Probably necessitated by not using part trees.
  18. A. Why? B. What does this accomplish that can't be done by just using rendering multiple views on the same device? (For the record: A cos I was curious and B cause using multiple computers for this sounds expensive and redundant)
  19. Swept wings acting far different to delta wings is a basic feature in the book of anyone that's picked up on how prevalent winged vessels are in the trailers and previews. To undershoot aerodynamics would be to undercook a major feature of the game. It'd be like trying to hack in Rask and Rusk while only using two-bodies and convoluted SOI setups; we expect better of a much more funded game that's being developed full time and is meant to fix what the first game didn't get right.
  20. It's likely it's 4 tanks, but then again repeating model details could just be a preferable alternative to stretching models or easier than stretching parts of the model but keeping others at the same scale so it doesn't warp.
  21. For a video game series where airplanes and spaceplanes have been a massive mechanic since 0.17, aerodynamics that doesn't simulate the sort of phenomenon you might find with FAR installed would really be dropping the ball.
  22. Why? The jank you see is indicative of a physics simulation and wouldn't happen with an animation.
  23. Did they say anything about being in orbit?
  24. A. Intent matters B. Whoever's getting angry over the teasing doesn't have any reason to be angry
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