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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. oh. weird. Yeah I agree that it wouldn't appeal to current players of KSP in regards to having stories for the Kerbals with the lacking the rocket science part of it. There's a like button for when you agree with something but don't have much else to add.
  2. "ksp story mode" doesn't really mean anything until you elaborate on what you specifically mean. If you mean stories about Jeb, Bill and Bob's adventures, that would not appeal to people who play KSP because it'd lack the rocket science that makes KSP appealing (and in addition would go against the make-your-own-stories appeal) nor would it appeal to people who've never played KSP before as it's a niche product. I'm putting my money on an Outer Wilds clone (stylized, science, adventure), where the progression is in the player's knowledge of the game and a clear save is almost identical to a new one.
  3. Is it gonna be an Outer Wilds clone? Cause that's exactly what I thought of when I heard 'stylized', 'adventure' and 'science-based' in the same sentence.
  4. Mellow out, Sequoia. You made mistakes and now you can learn from them. KSP is a game about trial and error; don't get angry and look for people to blame when things don't turn out exactly as you planned.
  5. I chose green as well, pressing the red one would be somewhat selfish and a bit illogical.
  6. KSP 2 has been delayed, must be the thing I hate about it. Is that your thought process?
  7. Because it makes work for the moderating team. We are unpaid volunteers, have day jobs, and don't have unlimited time to devote to moderating. What if name changes were just limited to 1 per few months or so?
  8. What you should ask is "Is there any reason to not have a diverse cluster of stars if it enriches gameplay experience?" Like the odds are against ridiculously dense planets? Again, I think this is another place where gameplay is more important than reflecting the chances of x type of star being near another type. I do like how you acknowledge my point for one brief moment before going back to making it out like having a blue giant next to a yellow dwarf should be less common than planets made of anvils in the world of KSP.
  9. Being scientific, planets with densities like 58,484.090kg/m3 aren't possible either, but KSP bends the rules to make the gameplay more fun.
  10. Yea, hi @karen millen sale dresses, are you there?
  11. Don't believe it until KSP2 is actually out Not entirely sure how this slipped under my radar, might as well reply now. But, what do you mean "don't believe it until KSP2 is actually out"? We've already had a video and a couple posts go waay in-depth into the systems and work behind the new engine plumes. What is there to not believe?
  12. Players will figure out how to get near DebDeb without melting, and at that point patched conics would not do the job very well. Orbits do not act like they do under patched conics when near binary objects. I don't think patched conics could qualify even as a bare minimum approximation of three body.
  13. I'm... somewhat confused. If the thread isn't for discussing issues with KSP 1 we want to see the devs avoid while creating KSP 2, then what is it for?
  14. May you elaborate on how that would be nice? The KSP 2 UI is much more efficient - the altimeter and velocity readouts don't have any reason to be on opposite sides of the screen, and the devs seem to acknowledge that. Maybe the KSP 1 UI could be a mod, but from the devs as per OP's idea? No. Nonono.
  15. That would waste time that could be spent just polishing the new UI. As I've previously elaborated on before, the KSP 1 UI is atrocious and there's no excuse for the fact Squad has barely touched it in the time they could have spent improving it.
  16. Is the part OP? Yes -> It does not really fit into stock KSP No -> It doesn't need to be an easter egg
  17. The question has been asked and answered like 3 times now...
  18. Yes, pretty sure a KSP 2 post went over how they make the effects and another went over how they figured out how the plumes would expand and glow. It's being developed by professionals so I don't see much reason to worry if the engine effects will be especially accurate. Personally, that doesn't make much sense to me. The lower volume of the engine bell isn't cone-shaped which means the plume starts off as a cylinder instead of a cone, and the exhaust is a fluid and has momentum like the rocket it's propelling, so it takes time for the outward pressure to divert the fluids outwards into a cone. I'm not knowledgeable on fluid mechanics and how engines work, so this is a best guess for me. But it is supported by what I see in KSP 2.
  19. The plume expands because there's no surrounding pressure. The opposite of what you're positing is what happens, the plume is straighter in the presence of an atmosphere.
  20. Strongly disagree. So you'd sacrifice all the performance & bug fixes and features of KSP 1.0+ for the sake of having a feature a fraction of the playerbase would use?
  21. This does not have to be a competition, Vlad. Please acknowledge that. Intercept has a lot more on their plate than just the density of grass.
  22. KSP 1's development has nothing to do with that of KSP 2. I'm not saying your point is invalid but the comparison makes no sense. KSP 2 is not being developed under the same roof.
  23. Here's a full size screenshot with that bar out of the way One thing I notice is that the runway appears to go over some slightly bumpy terrain. The VAB also seems to connect to the runway, further indicating that both planes and rockets can be launched from one VAB (unless they simply gave the SPH a more angular appearance), and the ATC tower is its own structure.
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