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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. I wonder where they got that concept art and why it's wasting half the fuel... I'm not going to pretend to understand how the engine works. Hence why I'm not going to pretend that I understand enough to say that this is "wasting fuel". Maybe you should follow.
  2. not really. i doesnt generate a solarpanel it just ads the solar panel more times So it's procedural.
  3. How would the game detect things that literally aren't intended to happen?
  4. Have you considered the fact that it's a hair-pulling task because you only did it two times without ever bothering to become good at it? Docking is just as easy as getting to orbit. Why don't we just automate literally everything then, instead of encouraging the player to know how to do things?
  5. In other words.... procedural solar panels? In fact, why not go a small step further and make control as fine as with radiators?
  6. I'm failing to see how this is any less ambiguous than a navball that shows exactly how your craft is rotating.
  7. Why spend time and money supporting something you don't have to? Did Take Two have to start KSP 2 in the first place when KSP 1 works fine enough? Let's face it, "why do x if you don't have to" is a question that holds 0 water.
  8. A KSP 2 analog of MM doesn't exist yet? Guaranteed support from the devs?
  9. Would it be easy to tell that the nose of your lander is drifting left as opposed to down? Again, in 99% of use cases, navballs are more practical than ladders, regardless of the aesthetics.
  10. Ladder displays work in aircraft because they're not as commonly seen in situations where the nose is facing directly upwards. A ladder display would be nigh unreadable while landing on anything but a mountainside. That's why spacecraft use navballs.
  11. Is this all just because you are all mad you didn't get EA earlier? The game has grown a lot in the last few years. KSP 2 two years ago was the polished KSP 1 you are secretly hoping that KSP 2 releases as. Now it's a fully fledged sequel because of all the extra time the devs got. Only now is it in a state good enough that the devs are confident enough to show to this, frankly, spoiled community. But sure. The game's an incomplete mess because the roadmap is somehow indicative of what is currently complete, even though some of these features were first shown to be in a functional state YEARS AGO. Whatever helps fuel whatever forum drama you're trying to kindle. I am being realistic. You are coating it with mud and vitrol. Why, exactly, are you doing this?
  12. They're not "future updates". They are walls designed to make sure Intercept is looking at one set of features at a time and not being flooded with too much feedback to handle.
  13. Are you saying that you think Intercept hasn't finished the roadmap features yet? Of course they have. They just don't want inboxes to be flooded with feedback on everything at once? Honestly, there's no winning here. Game delayed, people winge. Game comes out on Early Access with walls to keep Intercept inboxes tidy, people winge. Even when the game comes out with everything that was promised, people will still find things to winge about.
  14. Multiply slow and clunky by a million, and that is what it's like trying to arrange timewarp when X wants to go forward a few minutes and Y wants to go forward several years. It's not happening.
  15. We're still bashing Hello Games and comparing NMS to Cyberpunk after all the team did to salvage the game? In late 2022?
  16. Why would people need to warp in a race? So you agree with having areas where warping is not allowed? I'm saying that no-one in the race would bother to warp, and if one of the racers did then everyone else would likely disqualify them.
  17. You dare use my own spell on me? My tired 2am mind realized that the implication that she may be a trans man. Forgive me for the lapse in judgement, I'm just sick of humans. Caring about gender and all that pointless twaddle. Still a deluded tribal race. [snip] We're several millennia behind what a race capable of creating nuclear bombs should be.
  18. That's implying that trans women aren't women. They are. You don't need to assume anything or use quotation marks.
  19. From what I can tell on her Wikipedia page, she wasn't trans or non-binary, she was lesbian. P.S. The use of quotation marks were unwarranted. Thank you.
  20. Exactly... I can see some bigoted "opinions" shining through some of the posts here.
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