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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. I don't think BG is replacing MH in any way. It's just KSP's second DLC.
  2. @UomoCapra @Maxsimal Can you provide any insight into this? Are the new terrain features placed depending on the biome or are they just scattered around at random? Crystals poking out of grass just looks strange.
  3. Hey guys... I'm still here I just wanted to post another quick update because of this: This new DLC is coming on May 30th, and the new surface experiments especially interest me because now I want to bring some of those along with my Mun base so that I can set up a cool scientific station near my base. That will probably push back the construction of the Mun base itself, but I still need to deliver those fuel pods to the MTS as well as send a couple of uncrewed scout rovers to the Mun's surface (notwithstanding that I'm planning a big trip around Kerbin in an airship and I need to prepare for that), so I'll have stuff to do in the 24 days until the Breaking Ground DLC arrives. My next report shouldn't be too far off...stay tuned
  4. Probably one of the robotic parts. Looks like a hydraulic piston of some sort.
  5. So if we assume that Serenity is indeed Breaking Ground, then how does 'Serenity' relate to the name and content of the new DLC?
  6. I think @UomoCapra has already accidentally created a Hype Train with this thread...now all he needs to do is rename it
  7. Looking forward to those! I'm sure @IgorZ will figure out a way to integrate KIS into the new system (however it works) since I don't think this new system will be a total replacement for KIS.
  8. So, it's a watered-down, stock KIS? Are the experiments the only things the Kerbals will be able to carry in their inventories, or will it be possible to pick up and carry any part? I'm sorry...I'm so excited and full of questions about this
  9. Yes, but how are they placed on the ground? Can a Kerbal pick them up and move them around?
  10. Excellent...this is an improvement over the usual 'go to place, click, go to another place, click again, leave' of KSP science. Thanks, guys! I can see you're really trying to make the game better any way you can
  11. Can you get those new surface features in any mods? AFAIK that’s the main feature of this DLC.
  12. New DLC? Robotic parts? More surface features? Another space suit? I'm so excited!
  13. 1. The Original Series. Oh wait...wrong franchise
  14. My first docking arose from my first crewed landing on the Mun. I decided to do it 'Apollo-style', with a Munar orbit rendezvous...not the best idea for a beginner!. It took a lot of tutorials and rage-quitting, but I can't tell you how happy I was when the camera zoomed out and the Kerbals' portraits turned to static. For me, rendezvous and docking is one of three essential skills you need to master KSP, alongside interplanetary travel and propulsive landing. If you know those, the Kerbol system (and beyond) is your oyster!
  15. @123nick A large majority of mods from 1.6 work perfectly in 1.7 because there weren't really any changes under the hood that affected mods. And since it's been over a month since the update, any mods that were broken have most likely now been updated.
  16. I was tired of building my launch vehicles from scratch every time I want to launch something, so I spent an hour in the VAB saving the different stages for my Kraken V and X launch vehicles as subassemblies. I ran into the infuriating 'parts become unclickable in editor' bug several times, but at least now getting a launch vehicle for the job won't be as much of a pain.
  17. @bayesian_acolyte I suspect this will get very interesting as it continues! I will be following
  18. (apologies for how horrible this meme is. I used MS paint )
  19. Another test cruise for the UKS Deep Purple: It's soon to embark on its mission to explore every river, strait, mountain and rolling plain that Kerbin has. Oh, and here's Seanvis Kerman taking a look at the scenery from the Munar Transfer Station's low Mun orbit.
  20. Floor -20: This room is made entirely from transparent aluminium.
  21. @RedSun Rocketry @lapis I think I’ll add an amendment to the rules that you’re only allowed to make your attempt on Kerbin. I don’t want anyone to have an unfair advantage because they flew on Laythe with its thicker atmosphere.
  22. This is already a thing. You just have to set the rotation step to zero and it'll spin until you tell it to stop.
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