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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. Sure, but remember that you can only use Juno engines to get to altitude. Also, I'm going to try and bring this challenge back, if anyone wants to give it a go
  2. @gmartini01 Is it possible that your thrust vector is offset from your centre of mass?
  3. The advert for National Lab spelt 'associated' wrong Startup and go for launch!
  4. Just type 'ms paint tutorial' into the search bar. There are a lot of helpful videos there.
  5. There are no stars in Apollo photographs because the surface of the Moon is very bright and outshines them.
  6. The tracking station itself can be used to track asteroids, but I don't think the dishes themselves do. I'm pretty sure they do what others have said above...pick a random point and track it for a while, then find another point and so on.
  7. Floor -4: A sign that says 'Don't dig straight down'.
  8. I believe @tallhan is asking for the option to install mods on console. In response to that, there are a lot of issues with this. Mods would have to fall under the category of 'official' downloadable content, which could cause licensing arguments between SQUAD and mod creators. Added to that, Microsoft and Sony are pretty tight on what kind of stuff can be installed on their consoles, because they don't want some user unwittingly unleashing a virus on their console because they downloaded an uncertified mod. In short, adding support for mods on console is more trouble than it's worth and probably won't happen. But we'll have to see.
  9. Scrubbed? I just got to school in time to watch the launch before lessons start Well, at least tomorrow's Saturday and I can watch at my leisure.
  10. @LadyAthena I've had that problem too, but it only seems to show up if I try to transfer crew via the button in the PAW. A workaround for the parts with hatches (some SSPXR parts don't have hatches so it won't work with those) is to click on the hatch and transfer crew from there. But let's ping @Nertea and see if he can figure out a proper fix.
  11. Yes, at the moment all we see out of the doors of the VAB and SPH is a static texture. Even if time doesn't actually pass in the editor, I'd like to see the scene outside actually change.
  12. You could, but it probably wouldn’t be able to reach a velocity to get into space. Also, electric propellers don’t work in a vacuum, so you couldn’t reach orbit.
  13. This isn't really in KSP, but I'm currently reinstalling the game to fix some annoying problems I've had for ages. I'm not saying goodbye to my venerable save, but I'm going to reinstall all of my mods and try to weed out those that I don't really need and/or use.
  14. Another update...I’m planning to reinstall KSP this weekend, just because it’ll fix a few irritating problems I’ve been having for a while, while possibly improving performance. Don’t worry, my save isn’t going anywhere (I’ll copy over the ‘saves’ folder from my old install) but I’m going to reinstall all of my mods and hopefully weed out a few that I don’t need or use. Regarding what I’ll actually be doing next in-game, I’ve decided that I should install two fuel tank modules on the MTS, so I don’t need to send a refuelling mission every time one of the landers returns from a surface sortie.
  15. If magic was real, it wouldn't be called magic; it would just be part of physics.
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