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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. @ZZYZZY Fascinating! Is it purely stock parts? How many parts are there?
  2. Still, descending into Jool is a rather niche thing to do in the game.
  3. PC players never get release dates (we only have the rather vague 'every 3 months'). Plus, aren't you happy that they decided to delay so that they wouldn't release another broken console update?
  4. In the right-click menu for the Mk2 lander can there should be a button to 'open doors'.
  5. I feel like sometimes people just want to complain for whatever reason, no matter what SQUAD does. They release with a major bug, people complain about them not testing properly. They announce a release date but then have to delay, people complain about having to wait. They don't mention any particular date, people complain about a lack of information. It's really a lose-lose situation for them.
  6. We are Cloudflare. Lower your avatars and surrender your posts. We will add your communal and discussional distinctiveness to our own. Your forum will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
  7. It's kinda difficult in stock, you can use ore tanks but since KSP was never designed for underwater exploration some of the physics are a bit janky. There are mods that add parts for submarines though. I'm not really sure why SQUAD implemented the pressure limits if they never intended for players to go underwater.
  8. That was weird. Analysis, @ManeTI!
  9. If the forum were a dolphin, it would be currently singing this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_dUmDBfp6k EDIT: It gave me a 1020 when I tried to embed that.
  10. I tried to ping ManeTI...that didn't work either.
  11. Agh, this is happening intermittently when I click to open a subforum too
  12. I'm getting it on Science and Spaceflight, as well as whenever I click the 'most recent post' button next to every subforum.
  13. Remember, it's the 'History and Parts Pack'. The reason it's not just called 'Making History' is because it doesn't have the mission builder. Sorry, I'm just a stickler for accuracy
  14. Those are nice! I think playing a lot of KSP has got to you...those big icecaps remind me of Duna
  15. Unzip the zip file you got when you downloaded it, there should be a GameData folder inside that with ModuleManager and WildBlueIndustries in it. Since you already have ModuleManager in your main GameData, you just need to put WildBlueIndustries next to it in the same folder. You also need Hooligan Labs Airships to make the airships fly, there’s a link in the first post of this thread. For that, you’ll want a HLAirships folder inside GameData.
  16. If you’re going to poke me, don’t poke me about my mission report thread
  17. Hey @EnzoMeertens I have a feature suggestion: Maybe parts could slowly get more damaged if you're deeper than 400m (the stock pressure limit), maybe eventually being destroyed at a certain depth beyond that.
  18. Yeah, I would prefer if they removed that, it's not really helpful and just annoying most of the time.
  19. The 'unknown part modules' thing was introduced in update 1.6 (I think?). It's just saying 'hey, this craft was built with some other mods installed, watch out because things might be broken'. It's usually harmless and you should still be able to open those ships fine.
  20. Are you sure you've installed it correctly? Assuming you only have Heisenberg and its dependencies installed, you should have ModuleManager as well as a WildBlueIndustries folder in your GameData folder. The WildBlueIndustries folder should have the folders 000BarisBridgeDoNotDelete, Wild Blue Tools, ClassicStockResources and Heisenberg in it. I hope that made sense
  21. Bon Voyage (and most other mods compiled for 1.5.x) work absolutely fine in 1.6.x.
  22. When I last left off, my Munar station needed a crew. So here we are...I'm irrationally happy that I'm able to get to the Mun and rendezvous after the shenanigans of my first Mun landing mission
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