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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. @pijamaman5 getting the basics out of the way: are you sure the engine is activated? Are you using the correct kind of fuel tank for your engine (most of the rocket engines need a tank with liquid fuel and oxidiser)?
  2. No, I don't know if there were ever plans but at the moment it just uses a blank placeholder IVA. Pak seems to have been inactive in modding for a while so I don't know if that will change.
  3. The road is closed and the pad is clear. We saw an ambient pressure test yesterday, perhaps today is the cryo proof.
  4. This should be a badge that gets awarded to the worst post removed by the moderators every year...
  5. C'mon, Emiko Volume 2 needs to have a sentient ship with googly eyes...
  6. The road is closed, and it doesn't look like the kind of closure for a crane move. So we may be seeing a cryo test today.
  7. The developers of KSP2 can't keep bending over backwards to support old and/or underpowered hardware. This is a modern game, and it's going to use modern techniques. Upgrade or get left behind. Sure, I have an old laptop myself but I'm planning to get a new desktop by the time KSP2 comes out. If you're on a budget then it's still possible to get a decent PC, see the example posted above by @mcwaffles2003.
  8. Nice article on Earth to Earth travel, and awesome render:
  9. Weird, this is probably a bug then. Maybe try restarting the game or reloading a quicksave then. Have you tried one of the new deployable lights as well?
  10. Huh, it worked for me. Presumably when you right-click on the experiment, it says 'Module Deployed: False'? Maybe you need to deploy a solar panel or RTG first, or you're not deploying the part using the right kind of Kerbal (scientists for experiments, engineers for power/control stations). I don't know.
  11. @SkyRender You can't just place them down by dragging and dropping out of your Kerbal's inventory, you need to hover over them in their inventory and a small white icon should appear in the bottom right of the inventory slot. Click this and you should have the option of rotating the experiment and then placing it. (And also, if I'm not mistaken aren't you the guy who uploaded a bunch of KSP music to youtube? )
  12. The admin guys are total cheapskates, they installed imitation water.
  13. Yes, but using KAS you need to have a KAS strut on one craft and a socket on the other, so it does require a bit of foresight to be able to attach two of your craft together.
  14. Yes, you can use struts and fuel lines in the stock system, but you can't in KIS.
  15. Probably for a display stand of some kind, the accommodation for the workers is those trailers at the top of the image. They wouldn't put a test/launch stand there.
  16. This, and also remember to bring the parts that you want to weld along with you!
  17. Merry Christmas everyone!
  18. I got the ninth edition of Rocket Propulsion Elements for Christmas! I'm a happy nerd
  19. Seems like a good idea, maybe add it as feedback on the bug tracker?
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