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Everything posted by MechBFP

  1. That first one is a winner for sure.
  2. Best of luck to all the participants!
  3. If you download the mod Kerbal Alarm Clock you can set alarms that are shown in Earth time. So you can make a manevour and then set an alarm a few minutes or hours or whatever before your ship is about to reach that manevour.
  4. Not to mention that when taking into account inflation, games are significantly cheaper now than they were 10 to 20 years ago when they were still $50 to $60 dollars in those years. People don’t understand the time value of money.
  5. Guaranteed one of them is going to be like Tellumo in Galileo’s Planet Pack, which requires jet engines to escape.
  6. You should really only beta test games you have no intention of playing after. It truly kills the game for you.
  7. 6 hours real time is 1 Kerbin day. So as soon as you get under a day, it’s all the same. EDIT: Read this: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Time
  8. Sorry to say but none of that made any sense at all to me.
  9. I assure you, I can remember last week just fine. I’m not that old yet!
  10. You’re right, it’s too low, but they can’t set it too high otherwise they will start losing sales to the uninformed.
  11. I don’t recall Squad inviting the entire KSP community out to Mexico on their own dime to look at KSP in early development.
  12. You mean a slider in the difficulty menu like everything else that has a slider?
  13. Slowing down before you exit an SOI also helps. If you download the “Time Control” mod you tell it to warp to “SOI” which will help a lot.
  14. You must have some insider information that the rest of us don’t know about since you are clearly aware how much consideration they have already given it. You got a link to that info by chance?
  15. Ya that’s not correct. Generally in software versioning 1.0 indicates the initial GA (General Availabilty) release of the software. A version 2.0 would indicate a major overhaul of the software in such a way that it is significantly different from the 1.x branch. Generally updating from 1.x to 2.x would require migration strategies, new servers, user re-training, etc. However it could even be something like changing your licensing model. It’s entirely up to the company to decide what qualifies as a “major overhaul”.
  16. @SolarAdmiral If there was a “reply of the month” that would have won it. Absolutely on point.
  17. I’m good with almost anything. The only thing that would be a no-go for me is anything that would require constant micromanagement that would prevent me from using time warp whenever/however I want. However the devs have already stated they don’t want to hamstring the player into a certain play style, so this won’t happen anyway, so I am good. I laughed so hard at this, thanks for the post lol.
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