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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. well perhaps google translate in progress origin; can I science in such a way so that my Kerbals do not die? translated: I'm not going to kill people. What should I do in Kabul? shoutout to Latin for changing it the most. Did 55% of the work tbh so: I'm not going to kill people. What should I do in Kabul? honestly asking tbh
  2. looks beautiful!! Rhan and Tythe aren’t quite KSS (may I sell my nostalgia goggles?) but they are nice. I’m ready to land on that lava planet no matter what you say!!!!!
  3. is making history ded

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pascovian


      yeah sadly

      imo, it was kinda complex to handle since it doesn't hint too much to what should the player do when making a mission

      cool concept tho

    3. HansonKerman


      THSI WODNTN SYOP ME !!!!! I plan to make a mission and nobody can stop me!!! CWOEKNRNRBTHSHS!!!


      kk I’m don’e

    4. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      Making history was actually a great DLC. It's a shame the mission builder never really blew up.

  4. ??? MechJeb is a piloting tool, not an autopilot. I only use the autopilot function for things like rondevouz, things I need work with. Do you even use MechJeb? It also is not “primitive”. It’s one of the most downloaded mods in all of the community, and very useful. Autopilot is simply an option, but piloting your own rocket is always what I will do.
  5. kk I just need to boop this here too taxing on bad computers. “Extra extra graphics”, whatever that is is just not friendly for 2 gigabytes.
  6. ah yes, bad dlc. I persuaded my parents to get the two dlcs, AND I GOT THEM, but RSS, is something I will never want, and if I have to pay, I will want it even less. I am considering KSRSS tho
  7. Hanson used Pay Day! here are two cents. First: all the points are valid, and many of them my thoughts exactly. Thank you. Anyway first cent: mods. They exist. THEY ARE EASY. the devs said that there would be the same moddability, and I believe them. Shove that big blue (or yellow for windows) folder into GameData and you’re done. RSS is installed. THANK YOU. next: KSP is fiction. It is always unrealistic in some way, because KERBALS are not HUMANS. Do humans have enough health to live forever? No. Do Kerbals? Yes. Do all humans want to join the space program? No. Kerbals do. They have Kerbin, Minmus, Eeloo, Rask, Rusk, Gilly, Ike, Jool, Laythe, Bop, a Kraken, and infinite possibilities. KSP IS NOT REAL LIFE. What it is: is beautiful. A crossover between real life and a new universe. Monoliths, mystery arches, literal magic (space rocks), a beeping pyramid, and RSS would take that away. extra cent (buy a gumball or smthin): idk how to irl science. I know that grammar was horrible but seriously. It’s why I don’t watch Scott, and just leave anything pertaining to irl science, and rockets, even though I have loved space exploration since forever and a half, I don’t give a spark about actual rocketry unless it’s some kind of cool research probe (New Horizons is a prime example). Idk what y’all are talking about dv, or angle of attack, I’m just sitting here with my smol lil solar system, and Sylveon, and listening to Undertale. If we take all of that science into account, I will just leave ksp2. I don’t care how to get to Pluto. (also maybe number your points just for easy direction thx) oh yes, same. I have considered it, but my inner literal username has told me off, but I do not want to venture around a solar system 11x bigger.
  8. I’m just a pessimist, and I do honestly think they won’t care UNTIL KSP2 is released. Then, they (hopefully) will listen to criticism for updates, and will hopefully be as high spirited as the guy who invented Eeloo was.
  9. *neutralize.exe deactivated *negative.-3xe initated -12
  10. kk thx I see Thythe looking a lot like Mirn, but I’m not sure about Taythe (the ocean one from kss)
  11. I no longer have MEGALOVANIA stuck in my head.



    i have the Bad Time Trio theme instead.

  12. simply a glitch. It’s still $50. Rn it says 300-9,999
  13. will this have counterparts of Taythe and Mirn? Asking for a friend. (I miss kss)
  14. aww good job me? I’m just doing well. Life isn’t horrible, and I feel good, not to mention that we bought really really good chocolate.
  15. JEEZ! This huge of a lander. Not sure whether to be impressed or scared for your mental health. What are you landing? I love it!! same! I miss the mk 1-2
  16. Pie. ‘nuff said.



    even though a lot of it is a simple repeat, the whole song keeps up the tension in a different way than MEGALOVANIA or Spear of Justice. After all, child... you don’t know what lies ahead (or... do you?) The feel of it keeps up the tension as you’re fighting your caretaker. She gave you pie, and you repay her like this. Indeed, an amazing song with the perfect name, and obviously one of the most important songs to get into ASGORE (along with Determination, and maybe something else idk) I don’t really have as much to say about Heartache. Just an emotional song for a fight against Toriel.


  17. OH MY GOOOD! human version of a gigantor xl (3.182848483920230933883929283737282/5)
  18. 19/5 maximum gaming overdrive (I see you hiding Rosa)
  19. it was a stranded kerbal eating HEALTHY FOOD!
  20. 10/10 yup I see nothing wrong as a human, I remember this thread, and every post on it downloaded into my databanks human squishy brian synapse system
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