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Everything posted by DatBoi

  1. T-34 Is love, T-34 Is life. Lemme guess, you prefer the FW-190 as well?
  2. Map of new launch site location?
  3. Get the smallest asteroid, and send it on escape trajectory with a base clawed on.
  4. Any word on the Atlas pack being updated?
  5. @StrandedonEarth It seems to have worked for me... I was basically locked to Gilly when I landed there and deployed a drill.
  6. Have you tried using a drill as a sort of lock?
  7. Para Motors. We can make gosh dang Paramotors. *Preceeds to fanboy uncontrollably*
  8. Any plans to update this TT? Seems like a nice idea.
  9. Can you make it take away money per Science Point, as though you have to pay the R&D boys?
  10. Bleep Bloop

    I am not a robot

  11. Hello There

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DatBoi
    3. selfish_meme


      Editor Extensions is a mod that allows you to be a lot more flexible in the VAB/SPH while keeping the craft stock

    4. DAL59



  12. Yeah, I saw that later in the thread I didn't read all the way through.
  13. Kan Diego State University is proud to announced it's new Duna Probe. Coming from the land of sustainability, KDSU decided upon using the low thrust, yet high efficiency, top of the line "Dawn" Ion Propulsion System. Some of the Tech on this probe may not be availiable to the Space Program, as it is currently in the highly dangerous prototyping phase. Until the flaws are worked out, certain parts will not be released to the public. Kan Diego's R&D Team wishes the Program a happy flight, and reminds them not to forget to pack their towels. (Antennae not included. Warranty Void if flown beyond Duna.)
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