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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Today is this magnificent piece of art from Wendy Carlos, TRON.
  2. And some people that should be working on KSP1 are spending their time on KSP2 now - or, at least, is what we were informed on these 4 pages you was complaining about.
  3. More or less good news... Almost all the test beds passed, but one (B9PS and TweakScale), appears to have a rounding error somewhere: Craft file on the comment: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/16#issuecomment-821219507 Since I had ran out of modding time (by a mile, boy I need to work now!), I will rush a Pre Release on github for people willing to test the stunt. I didn't tested it on FMRS neither, by the way - so don't assume the thing is fine yet (I may had borked something on the module life's cycle, I really didn't tested this specific test case). Happy Refundings! -- -- POST EDIT -- -- Pre Release is on the wild: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/releases/tag/RELEASE%2F0.1.0.7 This will not be promoted to release until further testings, but at least the most common cases are working fine now.
  4. Lucky one! Mine are more like this: ( but the crater is usually on the right place! )
  5. No. Only to the public one, and to the delivered products. Do you?
  6. No. Perfectly understandable. The issue tracking reflects perfectly the professionalism and the character of the development team.
  7. The new owner must be facing some operational problems. Before the transition, i was a matter of opening a ticket and in you had the new version available on the next working day. When I asked them for 1.11.1, they took a week . For 1.11.2, it's half a month and no reply on the ticket.
  8. Yes, they do. Reputation follows people. The different parties have overlapping human resources. You don't need to be too smart to understand that taking broken pieces from an unreliable engine to fix a new engine will, unavoidably, lead you to have two broken engines. (of course, some pieces may not be broken at all - but this is exactly where reputation plays a role).
  9. Yes, we are. On these very same 4 pages of discussion were revealed that KSP1 developers are spending their time on KSP2. Since these guys are the ones involved on KSP 1 bugs, it's reasonable to to expect (or fear) the same results from KSP1 on KSP2. There's a interesting thing that happens on Real Life, where people don't hide behind nicknames and are, so, accountable for their deeds. We call this phenomena REPUTATION. Don't bother going back to this thread if this subject does not interest you.
  10. Your are misleading the problem. Some people here are fearing that KSP2 would be plagued by the same problems KSP1 is getting now and are being vocal on it. If you get the same people doing again the same things, it's reasonable to expect (or fear) the same results.
  11. Shhh!! Let the kids argue! What people are forgetting is that the Open Source guys, more than once, ported games between Engines - and with Unity getting a lot of attention these days, you can bet your mouse sooner or alter someone will write a wrapper over it in the case they cease to support Linux. It's a hell of a work, but it was done before. A full report on how this could be achieved is, obviously, against Forum Rules (that Legal Boundaries thingy), so I will not talk about here. But, and again, it was already being done in the past. It can be done again in the future. TL;DR: KSP will survive us all, even if ARM wins the CPU race 50 years from now.
  12. One good new. I fixed the Over-Refunding related to Kerbals! #hurray (not bad for a lunch break) Craft on this comment on Issue #16. By night I will go through the currently known Use Cases to test against regressions, and then if everything looks fine a new Release will be on the wild!
  13. I'm not 100% convinced on this. I had worked on teams formed by very skilled teammates just to see them utterly failing on tasks I was (relatively) succeeding. I was not more skilled than some of them. But yet, I was delivering some good results, besides the problems. The real problem was environmental. I may had not be [damn, this is right?] more skilled than some of my colleagues, but I was way more experienced - so I did what it was needed to be done, not what I was expected to do.
  14. The devil is on the details... I realised something interesting - late night is not exactly the better time of the day for debugging... I had assumed that the extra 70 Funds were coming from the EVA JetPack from the two Kerbonauts, but the true is that... WE DON'T KNOW from where this Funds is coming from. Checking the test craft on a stock KSP, I got this: So, it's not a surprise I was not being able to get rid of that extra 70 Funds, and ended up chasing ghosts on the ProtoPartSnapshot. This other bug on KSP is deep on the code on some hack made in the past, and not on counting Resources!! So I kept digging. I launched the vehicle with only one Kerbal, and got a 35F over-refunding. Then I added an extra command-chair, and launched it with 3 Kerbals, and got 105F over-refunding. Appears to be consistent. Then I launched it again with only one Kerbal, but getting rid of the chute and of the JetPack. No over-refunding. Adding more Kerbals, as long they are without chutes or jetpacks gave no over-refunding neither. Found a pattern. Launching the craft with a single Kerbal with jetpack but without chute gave me back that nameless Resource with a cost of 25F, and a 25F over-refunding. Launching the craft with a single Kerbal without jetpack but with chute gave me back that nameless Resource with a cost of 10F, and a 10F over-refunding. Further testings confirmed the over-refunding being applied on a per Kerbal basis. 25F and 10F are the prices for the JetPack and Chute, respectively. That nameless Resource is a marker with the price of the equipment on the Kerbal, and it's multiplied by the number of the Kerbals on the vessel. [not quite, but near...] So I launched the craft with 3 Kerbals, one with chute only, other with JetPack, and the third without any equipment. I got a refunding of 35F, what I expected. That weird nameless Resource happened only once, with a 10F price. By adding anything else to a Kerbal, I got the total price of the itens over-refunded. By example, if I shove a Small Work Lamp and a EVA Fuel Cylinder to a Kerbal, I got a over-refund of 75F, the combined price of the two itens. I finally understood. Squad added the ModuleInventoryPart stunt but didn't got rid of the older code that was handling Kerbal's inventory. Well, I finally know what to do. I think someone had hinted something above, but I don't have time to further digging right now. I'll be back to this on the end of the day (GMT-3). Full details on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/16
  15. It's KSP for sure. It's not calling IPartCostModifier when recovering the craft, so every cModule (including their own) that would affect the part's cost is being ignored, and TweakScale is just one of the victims (as the difference of pricing when scaling thing is handled on that Interface). @lookolookthefox, currently the only way I'm aware of recovering costs on a modded Career game is using KSP-Recall. It's not perfect, however - I'm fighting some details, but generally things are way better on it. Use the release (and not anyone other), it's the more stable at this moment.
  16. You are using an older version of Recall, where I borked beautifully on a logging commando that ended up being... unhappy on the field. If that bork happens on the "right time", you may get some complex action interrupted. Update it to the available now on CurseForge, Spacedock and CKAN. (and sorry for that, on the release, I didn't knew enough the problem at hand).
  17. No exactly, because interstellar has TweakScale embedded. Unless you are not being able to scale things corretly, anything else is more likely to be a bad interaction with something else - or even bad patching. And nothing, absolutely nothing on TweakScale can halt it from loading without MM complaining about a Reflection Error on it. -- -- -- POST EDIT -- -- -- What leaded me to remember... @Quantum_intrication, be sure to have installed 999_Scale_Redist.dll on the GameData folder (together Module Manager) and no on anywhere else. The absence of this file (or even moving it to the wrong place) may, indeed, trigger a Reflection exception that will be caught by MM, that will halt the loading.
  18. Oukey, debugging time. I made a new test on a vanilla test bed using that craft of yours, but with Mk0 Fuel Tank inside the SEQ. It worked fine, ir better, it borked as expected - the same 70 Funds over-refunded from the last time. So, at leats for some parts, the thing is working fine (only the already borking parts borked). Now I redid the test using also the Weather Analyser: And no new misbehaviour, only that 70 Funds we already know about. So, yeah, this is a confirmation that your problem is 100% on Refunding.
  19. He worked for Messerschmidt, but later on the 60s! These guys at that time knew each other (there were not too much aircraft designers around). The designs are too similar to be just a coincidence, IMHO - there must be some project from someone else on the war in which both guys (from FW and from ME) must had know about. Or not - sometimes, some ideas just happens more than once at the same time... Beautifully kerbal!
  20. Unsurprisingly, as the IA 36 was designed by a german guy from Focke-Wulf engineer, Kurt Tank!
  21. FMA IS 36 Condor. An 1950's airliner project with 5 engines.. inside the tail. Never passed the mockup stage, however. What may be a good thing after all, as having 5 jet engines confined in a small space appears to be less than a good idea... POST EDIT MOAR INFO.
  22. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If you get the same people doing again the same things, it's reasonable to expect (or fear) the same results.
  23. Most add'ons have glitches, as they are maintained mostly by non professionals on the field on their free time. And yet, as serious bugs are reported, almost all of them do something about to get things tight in a matter of days, or even hours - not bad for a bunch of amateurs burning leisure or rest time. I wish some professionals on the field could do the same. A lot of people, if Steam serves for reference.
  24. Because most players are kids with shallow pockets, but want the game the same? I can see a good P/R on giving a few KSP2 copies to kids on some contest or something using KSP1. Would keep interest on KSP 1 awaken for a while, and would help to promote the sequel. Just be sure to giving the freebies to real kids, not to professional gamers (I think that would spoil the contest).
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