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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Do you know this site? https://visualgo.net/bn/sorting
  2. In the 80s, when I was still learning, I attended to a course using one of the first computers to have Floppy Drives as standard. Magnificent two floppy drives, 5.25", 160Kb per face. It was a TRS-80 Model III local clone. Thing is… Some Dud SAS though it would be a good idea to shove a folded EIGHT POL FLOPPY DISK into the boot drive - rendering the machine useless until the drive were replaced, what took some time as that things were horribly expensive around here. I also managed to see a floppy being photocopied and the copy sent by mail, as well floppies being stapled on printed reports and sent by office boy to the opposite side of the city. This is not a joke. These things really happened in the real life!
  3. If they use Windows in their carriers, they should be stranded half way to here by now! On a side note… I think that rick-rolling them will do the trick. =P
  4. Not harder than doing the same from civil roadways or pretty short airstrips. Carriers are not he only ones in need of short take-off procedures. If you want a way more dangerous approach, give a peek on this: I'm not saying that taking off from Carriers is easier. I'm just saying that it's not necessarily harder. Taking off from any short length strips, being a carrier or not, is harder.
  5. More than that. It's utterly needed. You don't want realistic living beings blowing up in the skies, neither being smashed and/or ripped by gruesome accidents. Crashes are unavoidable on KSP, so crashes must be fun. So the environment needs to be somewhat cartoony in order to cope with the cartoonist characters - unless you plan to make a follow up to "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" or "Cool World" (while I doubt the late would be a viable option for our kids. ).
  6. Take off from carriers are more dangerous, but not necessarily harder. Landing there, on the other hand, it's almost suicidal.
  7. Traction, centrifugal and inertia. You need a really heavy weight up there, in a geosynchronous orbit, to keep a very resistent and rugged tape tied to it tractioned so the flopness will not occur by mechanical resistence. Clamping wheels would pull the vehicle up by friction. Since to each action there's a reaction, that weight upthere must be such that the weight of the vehicle going up accelerating against the gravity doesn't disturb his orbit (not to mention the weight of the "tape").
  8. Ugh. Appears to be something new. The latest TweakScale gets rid of the duplicates, so at least in theory, you are facing something new. The newest commits (se the orthodox branch) are patches only. You can fetch them and test them on your installment and check what happens. That weird problem I described by last just vanished. The glitch happened on my playing installment, and the dud SAS here forgot it next day and updated some Add'Ons, and now I can't reproduce it anymore. At least this hints that by updating to the newest versions of the Add'Ons the problem goes away. but i'm unrest about it, I want to know what happened. I would like to see your KSP.Log to compare with mine. This can help us to narrow down the glitch's source! — — — — — Guys, I found some Kraken Food between TweakScale and Kerbal Animation Suite. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/29 At the moment, there's no other workaround but to do not install both Add'Ons at the same time. It's not clear if it's a TweakScale issue, KerbalAnimationSuite one, or if there's something else inducing the borking by side effect. More news on it ASAP.
  9. Please, Dear God. Not on Friday, I have a deploy schedule and it's hard to deploy things while playing KSP!
  10. Now you pulled a good argument from your hat. "Look, you *need* to add some clouds and novelties to the game, as the present Look&Fell are making you look as a kid's toy". I'm not exactly dissatisfied with the current Look&Feel - it allows the game to run on my MacPotato, and since it's currently the only gaming machine I have, I'm counting my blessings. But yet, I already bought the game, and Squad needs to convince new players to buy it in order to keep their revenue flowing. So, as long such GPU intensive thingies can be disabled so I can keep playing for some more time on my MacPotato, yeah, I can agree with you now. And yet, KSP "looks like a child's game". I can see your point now, but look both sides of the coin: a the same time they need new gamers buying the thing, they can't make their current user base angry - or they will face a backslash, and the fallout could cost them more than any new incoming they would get on the stunt. They need to measure the consequences with prudence. This is probably one of that weird situations in which two opposite points of view can be simultaneously right (or simultaneously wrong!). Hard nut to crack, if you ask me.
  11. KAX uses FSplanePropellerSpinner, FSswitchEngineThrustTransform and ModuleAlternator. The only novelty is ModuleEnginesFX and EFFECTS nodes (that, frankly, I'm rolling back to FSEngineSounds as they behaves better with it). I have KAX historical releases since 2.0, and this part had born on KAX 2.3.4 (KSP 0.90). Problem is… Nothing had change significantly on the thrusting model. But your hint leaded me to FSswitchEngineThrustTransform: MODULE { name = FSswitchEngineThrustTransform defaultTTName = thrustTransform alternateTTName = alternateThrustTransform useNamedAlternate = 1 So I think I had to search for the problem on Firespitter itself anyway. KSP 1.3 appears to have break this. Problem is… This is already an stablished behaviour for KAX since 1.4.0. I'm unsure about the decision I have to make - to break (new) expected behaviour, or rollback it to the previous one (assuming I can fix Firespitter).
  12. I would gladly send some of them to take a ride with the Musk's Starman if I could.
  13. I will work on it, thanks - it's a nice idea. It may take a little due some other pressing issues (mainly on Real Life), but I will get into it. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KAX/issues/3
  14. I'll change my name to Nostradamus. Client decided to use a feature still not homologated . We never tested that feature, because we need testing data - but testing data is not available (or possible), as a lot of things depends from third parties that don't provide us with testing data. So we had to make a controlled, dry run with live data as homologation. But the client decided he would risk it. (sigh) Aftermath: If I was a surgeon, I would had made a heart transplant on a pilot. With the guy piloting the Kraken damned aircraft. 8 trucks full of merchandising on the parking. Some of my hair got gray today - replacing some of the fallen gray hair. — — — — THEY DID IT AGAIN
  15. Forget about. This thing is so old than it doesn't use it yet. I really need to update this thing sooner or later. Please backup your savegames!
  16. There's an unusual situation in which a (third party) DLL borks on loading that halts MM. The funny messages are still shown in the screen, but the progress bar (and the text where the current action is being displayed) halts permanently. It's a third party DLL borking. You delete or fix that DLL, and things work again. KSP.log pinpoints the problem, it's usually on the last line of the file as everything halts. If you installed Hyperspace you need to close KSP before taking the LOG , as Hyperspace makes writing to the log more "chunky" - it waits for way more data to fill a buffer before writing something to disk, and closing KSP flushes that buffer.
  17. Unzip the thing on your KSP's root. The GameData goes to KSP\GameData , and the Plugindata to KSP\PluginData . The files ends up in the correct place by doing that. Don't forget to install KSPe too - it's a hard dependency. And yeah… I need to update the thing, it's still using my first attempt on packagings. (but this will take some time yet, I'm overwhelmed by now…) Oh, and the thing is NON-MAINSTREAM. Even the naming is non-standard, it should be just "/L" and that's it. (the current maintainer is welcome to merge back anything he likes)
  18. I'm working on a nasty bug since October/2018 on TweakScale. The problem is essentially "solved", but I need time for testing the coupling with remaining Add'Ons (guess what? it's borking on some of them), I need time to implement the new solution to correctly cope with that coupling, and I need time to think on how I will implement that new solution in a way that it will not bork too heavily when something on KSP changes again (I'm not complaining on the changes, I just saying it will be another change sooner or later, and I don't want to do this again). I can say that I spent about 8 hours/week since then (some weeks I spent more time, some others I just didn't touched the thing). And this for a single bug, that it's easily solvable if I would be the only guy in town authoring Add'Ons for KSP. Things escalate exponentially, not linearly. Each new "feature" I add to TweakScale explodes on a lot of potential side effects on everything else. And this is not due any "bad architectural decisions" on KSP (yeah, there're some very bad ideas there, but they are not the problem [they're just nuisances]), it's due the fact this Kraken damned thing mangles with something that everybody and the kitchen's sink needs : mass. A bad decision about how to handle a mass here, and I can induce someone to a bad decision, that then makes something blow up into space in the less desirable and pleasant way possible. TweakScale also mangles the thrust. And area (or volume). So it influence resources consumption (or generators). What do you think it will happen if by some mishap of mine, a fellow Add'On author is induced to generate ZERO electricity on a situation where it was defined by design it will always generate electricity? The first code that would try to determine how much time of electricity it has will get or a Division By Zero, or a INF on the result. Now try to imagine what would happen if I do a mishap on the Area, and allow something goes negative. And so on. Now extrapolate all of this on the whole KSP. Now try to figure out every Kraken blessed Add'On in existence borking due a change you did, and now you have to face all that public backslash. And then hurrying up to patch that hole no matter what so you stop the backslash, and once the backslash ended, you need to handle the fallout. And once the fallout ended, you need to properly fix that thing you did in a hurry, or another backslash will happen soon. I said once, and I say again. KSP is not a "project" like Assassin's Creed or Battlefield. It's a "program", like Windows or the Space Shuttle. Every new interaction has a huge legacy to cope, or you loose your userbase (as the new guys on Microsoft just discovered with Windows 10 ). Microsoft had 25 years to deliver a stable, "final" release of Windows since Chicago (that Windows 95 thingy). They are still on it.
  19. At least me, I'm not "defending" Squad. I'm defending my class. I'm a software developer, exactly like them - and the fact I develop a different kind of Software doesn't changes the fact that we have similar issues. They bork? Yeah. Problem is: me too. Sometimes, because I didn't give enough thinking on the problem. Sometimes, because I had to rush something into production or I would fail a deadline that would cause more damages that the stunt I did. Sometimes because someone else borked, but I was on the frontline and so, I had to handle the fallout. Exactly. KSP is owned by TTI, not by Squad. TTI is a business. Squad work for that business, and then, are accountable for the results they provide to such business. The exact same way I am to my boss and his customers. On the bottom line: the client borks, I handle the fallout. My boss borks, I handle the fallout. I bork, I handle the fallout. Someone promotes bad press about my work, I handle the fallout. But only 3 of them pay my bills. And it happens that neither you or me are part of the decision making party. Right now, I'm having to cope with a new module on the project I'm executing that, frankly, doesn't makes me too happy. It will be messy. We will have to waste resources on shielding that we don't need to do now. We will be exposed to attacks that are plain impossible by now. It will be a hell of pain, but some big player wants that way and we need their money. So... I'm implementing that Kraken Poo. The best I could do is to explain the stakeholders about the incurring costs of the thing, and to convince them to keep alive the current solution so we can still apply it on the retail and keep our costs low for the other clients - let the big guy absorb all the costs his demanding us to take, and if by any means he goes away, we don't need to spread such costs on the remaining clients - we just pull the plug of the damned thing. Welcome to Real Life (tm). I don't expect life is easier for these guys.
  20. Doom 2005 was a hell of a good movie, once you skip the clutter and go right into the good stuff. It only happens that the clutter has 1:23:24 and the movie itself just 5:36.
  21. The freaking autocomplete "typed" have, I meant HAD. (sigh). This changes your line of arguing somehow? If not, yes. There was a need for a new and cheaper rocked, and that's the reason SpaceX managed to get there. Being probably the reason Musk is betting on Mars and Moon. So, yeah. People willing to build that space station will need to pull it out a need from their hat. Tax evasion usually is a very lucrative reason. So I stick with my argument - one of the main uses of such space station will be tax and labour fee evasion.
  22. Musk didn't have [HAD] a client willing to pay for his rockets when he started Space-X. Neither Bezos with his Blue Origins - but this one had some funding by (indirectly) participating on government funded programs some time later. Virgin Galactic already sold some tickets to space, by the way. From all of these, who is commercially operative and recently docked on ISS? Yep. That crazy loud mouth called Musk. Life is more interesting than our imagination sometimes.
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