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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Bom, os caras tão dizendo que roda no 1.6 neste último commit. Agora precisa ver com o Making History. https://github.com/godarklight/DarkMultiPlayer/commit/9ff6c1ba5b61cb6762b7f3b6f16e612404727d42
  2. **THIS** is real reason I play KSP. (yeah, dark confessions on the way. )
  3. Problem is that is illegal to provide you with a copy, even by you being able to legally own such copy. It's the reason the name of the thing is "copy - right". The right to produce copies. Unless Squad agrees in providing you with them (if yes, I want too!), or the Store you use have them, there's no Law "safe" way to answer your question, so there's no way to answer it without breaking Forum rules. Sorry. I want them too.
  4. Tem altura mínima para a estação? talvez bc esteja muito baixo. Tá usando algum add'on?
  5. Believe me. I had seen a lot worse! If you don't rage quit KSP now and then, you are not playing it properly! Don't miss the "What is your most facepalm-worthy moment regarding KSP?" thread. It's… therapeutic.
  6. So you fail to see what it takes to be an author. Not accepting a add-on for a stock-only challenge is a thing. Being banned form challenges because your add-on "cheats" by scaling parts without properly calculating cost or weight (or even zeroing the weight/cost at all) is another completely different. Problem is: the bad configured parts are a problem to be handled by the part's authors (or the ones instrumenting them with Module Manager), but the crashes, savegame corrupting and cheats were happening due TweakScales not being able to scale such misconfigurated parts. There's no safe option other than do not use such parts. They shouldn't being TweakScaled at first place. I'm not removing a working feature - I removed a crashing bug. TweakScale is working perfectly fine on correctly configured (and known) parts. This had not changed. — POST — EDIT — You missed completely the point. Your gaming was already messed. Sooner or later, you would be facing blowing statics and savagemes being corrupted - it was not a question of "if", but "when". There's no safe way of keeping TweakScale working with such parts. Once the trigger is triggered, the game will crash. About Squad… Look, having Add'Ons crashing the game while they are taking the blame is not cool. I will not leave a bug like this in the wild to save my face.
  7. In these first days of 2019, I got too tired to do anything "productive" (as give maintenance to my Add'Ons, or to do something really interesting on KSP). But not so tired I could go to bed. So I waste some hours of my life doing stupid things on KSP. As these two crafts: (KerbalX) (KerbalX) The naming is a "homage" to some public and private services I'm integrating this week.
  8. When Apple goes to the verge of bankruptcy. AGAIN. Apple is destroying MacOS since Job's death.
  9. Just an amendment - there're no "current version" for KJR. All we have for while are updated parallel forks - some with minimal changes, others practically a new development code tree.
  10. Just to complement what @Green Baron said: Your i5 withhold up to 3.30 GHz. Don't replace it with anything slower than 4 GHz, or you will waste money - as your focus is gaming, not processing. An i7 will be better on the overall, but your gains on gaming will be marginal. I would expend the money on memory for more add'ons on KSP. Your GPU, however, is utterly underpowered by nowadays standards. This is a comparision to mine (a cheap one): https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/compare/GeForce-GTX-650-vs-Radeon-RX460/2155vs4003 And this is a comparision with a sligthly better one, but yet damn cheap: https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/compare/GeForce-GTX-650-vs-Radeon-RX-470/2155vs3558 You best bet is GPU, and then memory.
  11. And YES!!! I successfully bombed KSC with my KB-36 PeaceMaker! Bullseye, right on the Mission Control - never ever send me again to Dress, Gene!!! KAX, TweakScale and Firespitter only. ;-) (Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, see the few last pages for download options, is recommended - you can get rid of the autostruts and EAS Struts on wheels if you use it). Full shooting session here. Aircraft will be available on the KAX/L distribution files. — — — — — POST — EDIT — — — — -- I MANAGED TO BRING VAB DOWN!!! #HURRAY!!! (Val is scaring me….) http://ksp.lisias.net/screenshots/2019/01/01_KAX-FS-TweakScale-Testing/screenshot75#main-img
  12. I tested my fixes on KAX and TweakScale, using Firespiter. (KJR is recomended) KAX/L is going gold tomorrow. [found a stupid bug, and I don't have the time to fix it today - I will delay it and fix it properly] K-36 PeaceMaker. Eight turning and six burning. And yes, this 80t gross weight baby can fly with 30t of "ordnance". I will try to bomb KSP later. http://ksp.lisias.net/screenshots/2019/01/01_KAX-FS-TweakScale-Testing/screenshot47#main-img
  13. I'm playing again with the sound issue, as I did before on the old thread. And I made an interesting "discovery". If I close the intake with the engine at idle, it doesn't dies by oxidiser starvation. But if I throttle it up, it finally realizes there're no IntakeAir available and dies. And without the background noise! Shutting down the engine leaves it with the background noise. The engine became silent only by air starvation. — — — POST — EDIT — — — I managed to (more or less) figure out the ModuleEnginesFX. The engines are now silent when the engines are shutdown, however the idle sound is too low, you need to throttle up a bit to make the noise be higher. Once you throttle up, full throttle down keep the noise on the desired level. It's a configuration issue. I'm finding my way out of this. — — — POST — POST — EDIT — — — I fixed the sounds for the Propellors using stock - and it worked fine even on KSP 1.3.1 . But I still have the feeling that I should had used FSEngineSounds, as suggested here. I don't plan to ditch Firespitter - au contraire, I intend to use it more. — — — POST — POST — POST — EDIT — — — Everybody and the kitchen's sink are using FSengineSounds. I think this is, indeed, the way to go. I will port KAX engines to FSengienSounds and see what happens. — — — POST — POST — POST — POST — EDIT — — — "Eat your own dogfood' - they say. And they are right. I spend the few free moments of the week playing KSP again, and found some mistakes I did on KAX. I'm fixing them this weekend. — — — POST — POST — POST — POST — POST — EDIT — — — Oh, joy! I just realized that using FSengienSounds didn''t really fixed the problem. Just made the sound very lower. Still better than the current situation, but that hints me that the real problem is something else. Switching to FSengineSounds is just masking the real issue. #sigh Well… Back to the testings. I'll keep you informed. ERRATA: That background noise is really similar to an idle piston engine, but it's happening too when no engines are present on the scenario. Whatever it is (audio artefacts from my headphone, real issue or just me in need of stronger coffee), the present configuration has the issue solved, so this is what's going to gold.
  14. I couldn't agree more. It's the reason I don't support this feature here. We don't have a reliable mechanism to prevent abuses other than Moderation - that renders such feature unneeded at first place.
  15. What's essentially the way you make people to proper behave when simply explaining things doesn't works. Try to litter the streets in Japan and you will see it by yourself, as some [fellow citizens of mine] are realizing the worst way. You should feel bad when you do bad posting. You don't need to be punished every time you mishap, but you should feel bad by doing it. It's what will make you remember to do not do it again in the future. Problem is… Some people is feeling bad by posting on the forum sometimes. Now and then people gets out of line on others, and Moderation needs to act to keep things right. You can bet your SAS that the people being moderated by bad behaviouring ends up feeling bad no matter how well Moderators try to handle the situation - it's how we have our brains hardwired, people would not be able to live on a Society if they would not be annoyed when doing "bad things", as we just would repeat that until the end of the social cohesion. In every community, people will feel bad on it sometimes. The choice we have is to decide if the people feeling bad would be the good behaviouring ones - or the bad ones. This is life. You can't be shielded from life and have a good one at the same time.
  16. The only situation I can think in which a "Dislike" button would be useful is to demote bad behaviours as cheating, stealing/plagiarizing, lying, etc. But for such things we already have Moderation. Automoderated communities, however, tends to be corrosive when such "dislikes" are cheap. Slashdot works due the (still) huge user base, but a lot of injustices happens all the time - only some became corrected by the good moderators. The only scenario in which a "disklike" button would be constructive is by being expensive. As a percentage of the reputation - each dislike would drop the reputation by a percentage (5 to 10%). This would refrain people from dislike by revenge or envy, what's the main problem on Slashdot - it's "cheap" to harvest good karma to use attacking people you have a grudge with.
  17. But now you (and everybody else) have a choice. Challenges can demand the latest TweakScale to prevent exploits. Most users are not tech savvy enough to know what to avoid on the game to prevent their mission to be epically ruined (with statics blowing up to the skies!). And the ones that really know what they are doing are able to find their way out - as long they understand the consequences and don't blame TweakScale if the savegame ends up corrupted (happened only once to me and by me being a bit stupid - but everybody does stupid things now and then, so better safe than sorry). ---- ---- POST - EDIT ---- ---- Item 1 is a BUG on the patches made by third-parties. B9PartSwitch's maintainer made this crystal clear. As soon as the patches' authors fix the problem, such parts will be automatically re-enabled by TweakScale (this one and all the future versions). Ask the add'ons maintainers to correctly prevent adding B9PartSwitch when another PartSwitch is installed (or vice versa) - it's the only solution, as TweakScale will never ever touch improperly configurated parts again. Item 2 and 3 will be fixed on the New Breed Code Tree. Right now, Tweakscale renders such parts with wrong cost and/or mass - what's essentially cheating. Any mission you run with such parts are so good as using the Cheats menu to add money or have unlimited resources temporarily enabled.
  18. Neither do I. However, it's this or being responsible for the crashing that usually follows. In all the situations, we have a crash or an exploit - what could lead to Tweakscale being banned from Challenges. What's something that I like even less than this half baked fix I could cook for now. It's the lesser of the two evils.
  19. One size doesn't fits all! It's the reason we have "Options" and "Preferences" on the Main Menu. On the other hand, you gave them too much options, and we have a new set of complains to handle.
  20. I just checked this thread, and since you are using 1.6, perhaps it can be of use. I confirmed the behaviour on my installment (and I'm using a custom MM of mine too), and I confirmed that the workaround solved the issue with the Inflatable Heat Shield. It's not impossible that this can be affecting more add'ons too. Wild guess, but I think it worths to be aware: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-15x-module-manager-311-november-12th-2018-its-dangerous-to-go-alone-take-those-cats-with-you/&page=247&tab=comments#comment-3513505
  21. If it serves for something, I detected the need for this workaround on the 1.5.x too (and I think - but I'm not sure if memory is serving me right - I had to do it once on 1.4.5). — — — POST EDIT — — — Had someone tried to check the problem with and without Making History installed? MH uses the Start Menu to fire some internal processes, and this had bitten me more than once!
  22. I don't see a single problem on the LOG related to DLLs or warnings from KJR/L (and yes, I confirmed on the logs you are using "mine"). What I saw is this: [LOG 17:14:46.735] [Untitled Space Craft]: ground contact! - error. Moving Vessel up 0.244m And a awful amount of the following: [WRN 17:00:18.852] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "GameObject/ServiceTank-25m/DoorA2/ColBox005" <and a reaaly lot of similar messanges!> [WRN 17:00:56.580] WheelCollider requires an attached Rigidbody to function. <and a reaaly lot of similar messanges!> Not directly related to KJR, but perhaps we are facing another "Unholy Interaction between Add'Ons - AKA Krakens food". Worse, I found a lot of messages like that: [EXC 17:26:14.764] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KSP.UI.Screens.Flight.IVAEVACollapseGroups.onVesselChange (.Vessel v) KSP.UI.Screens.Flight.IVAEVACollapseGroups.onVesselWasModified (.Vessel v) EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) EventData`1:Fire(Vessel) ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart:OnPartColliderChanged() BaseEvent:Invoke(BaseEventDetails) Part:SendEvent(String, BaseEventDetails, Int32) ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractShape:ColliderChanged() ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractShape:RaiseModelAndColliderChanged() ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractSoRShape:WriteMeshes(LinkedList`1) ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractSoRShape:WriteMeshes(ProfilePoint[]) ProceduralParts.ProceduralShapeCylinder:UpdateShape(Boolean) ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractShape:OnUpdateEditor() ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart:InitializeNodes() ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart:DoInitialize() ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart:OnInitialize() Part:InitializeModules() ShipConstruct:LoadShip(ConfigNode, UInt32, Boolean, String&) ShipConstruct:LoadShip(ConfigNode, UInt32) ShipConstruct:LoadShip(ConfigNode) ShipConstruction:LoadShip(String) FlightDriver:setStartupNewVessel() FlightDriver:Start() KJR relies on the "OnVesselChange" chain of events to keep track and update the instrumented Joints list it needs. If this is happening a lot on your installment, and the Exception is issued before KJR has a chance to work, then it will not work and then your vessel will have spaghetti joints. It's a guess, but at the moment, it's the best I can do with the time window I have. I think you should rollback some of your add'ons to a version where everything used to work. In time, I noticed you are using TweakScale 2.4.0, but I didn't fount any of the messages I issue when it finds a part known to play havoc - so I'm assuming you are using a old version. Please update it to the newest, unless you are relying somehow to a glitch that TweakScale is preventing (most of the time such glitches will crash your game, but sometimes it will not, and some people are exploiting this ). I also found this on you log (also related to TweakScale): [WRN 17:10:21.478] [TweakScale Warning] scaleFactors must be in ascending order on stack! ScaleType { name = stack isFreeScale = True 12 scaleFactors = 0 5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 10 scaleNames = 50% 100% 150% 200% 300% 400% 600% 800% 1200% 1600% 9 incrementSlide = 0.01 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.2 0 TechRequired = defaultScale = 1 scaleNodes = } TweakScale.Tools:LogWf(String, Object[]) TweakScale.ScaleType:.ctor(ConfigNode) TweakScale.TweakScale:SetupPrefab() TweakScale.TweakScale:OnLoad(ConfigNode) PartModule:Load(ConfigNode) Part:AddModule(ConfigNode, Boolean) PartLoader:ParsePart(UrlConfig, ConfigNode) <CompileParts>c__Iterator1:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) I'm not sure yet about what's this, but I will work on it too - I'm the TweakScale maintainer, so I need to at least understand what's happening.
  23. Need more info. Please publish a KSP.log file on pastebin or equivalent.
  24. My best guess is "probably". KJR only deals with Joints, on per vessel part and it only does its magic when a vessel is created on the Flight Scene (or when it's changed/destroyed). As long runtime vessel data is not exchanged between clients, you will not "break" the fellow lunatics, I mean, lunar players. However… Everybody must use KJR (ideally, the very same version) or some clients will blow the vessels while others won't - and I don't think this will be that great for the gaming experience.
  25. You got a point - I'm thrusting the source of that picture, what's not always a wise move. I don't know who took the photo (and perhaps that one was colourised?). In doubt, I did what I should had done at first place. I looked on the NASA's Flicker account. https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/albums/72157659453355752/page2/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/sets/72157658985288718/page1 You are right. The color pictures are somewhat "washed", but are way better than that one I posted.
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