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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. The boosters were 500 meters from each other in which axis? If one booster is 500 meters higher than the other, then both have the same angular velocity, but the higher one has a slightly bigger linear velocity and, so, will travel a bit further given the same deltaV. The slightly different drag on the atmosphere also could be influencing.
  2. Did you already made the Spruce Goose? :-)
  3. I have a personal policy to avoid committing binaries (unless as foreign assets that doesn't change). This prevented me a lot of headaches... Packing the release and uploading on Github Release's page also make things easier for users (and automation tools).
  4. I'm checking the code, you are right. Curiously, it only worked after I installed the Toolbar and the Controller - but now I'm unsure if I installed them one by one or both together (testing things late night is not exactly the best approach to solve problems…)
  5. It's working for me. You need to install ToolBarControl and ToolBar (both maintained by linuxgurugamer), and then configure the Blizzy's ToolBar to show the icon for the notes.
  6. Thanks! I saw some more scattered on the code, too. Of course some of them are real deals, but some others I think should be revised.
  7. I have a change request. On the static method, ToobarControl/RegisterUsage::RegisterMod, use Debug.Info instead of Debug.Error for informational messages. I made a mistake on one mod, but spend a lot of time chasing unicorns because I saw this "error message" and concluded the error was on the registering phase, and not somewhere else! //[line 122] public static bool RegisterMod(string NameSpace, string DisplayName = "", bool useBlizzy = false, bool useStock = true, bool NoneAllowed = true) { LoadData(); Mod mod = null; Log.Error("RegisterMod, NameSpace: " + NameSpace + ", DisplayName: " + DisplayName);
  8. KSP.log is usefull to diagnose Plugins misbehaviours. When KSP itself misbehaves, you need to check Unity's log. KSP.log is handled by KSP itself. How to thrust it when KSP is messing up?
  9. Hi! I'm giving a peek on the code in order to learn something, and found that there're missing two source files on the project, AssemblyInfo.cs and ChronoReader.cs .
  10. Yep. The Junos start to choke when in the intake air reaches mach 1, until the point they get a flame-out.
  11. I build this: And then launched it: On KSP 1.4.5. Ask me how.
  12. Right. And our colleague was beaten down to the ground and kicked in the stomach (had this happened after lunch, our friend could had a stomach rupture). It's already on the next level. It's already a police case. In a way or another, the very first thing he must do is ask for help from his parents (as I said below). And watch himself, because that kid is acting with criminal intent, has managed to beaten him down once and will do it again if he can. Sorry to tell this, but that kid is a sociopath. You don't reason with sociopaths. And yeah, I'm done with this. The message was already sent, and I think we stressed it too much already. @Vanamonde , I will not talk about this again.
  13. K.I.Y : Kerbals In Yellow . The next DLC from Squad will be available next… (toc, toc, toc) Just a instant, someone is knocking my door. *FLASH*
  14. He tried, he was beaten, that kid knows how to fight: got kicked on the stomach. This is already on the next level. ed
  15. No. Never. Under no circumstances. This is not a sport, this is not a tourney. We are not knights, this is not a joust. This is real life, where the adversary/enemy/criminal/whatever are not bounded by any rules except the ones that are enforced by force (redundant, not?). Remember: if the other guy would be bounded by rules, you would not be in the need to defend yourself at first place. The response must be quick, ruthless and the most painful and consequential you can manage to accomplish *and* live with the consequences (because, yeah, you are bounded by rules). You don't need to avoid only this aggression. You need to make the guy regret trying the stunt at first place - otherwise, he will do it again, and will be better prepared. That kid would be a criminal if he had enough age. I suggest to do not forget this.
  16. I got some self defense training once, due things that doesn't worth being mentioned. What I was told is that once you decide that you need to stop the aggression, your first, main and only concerning is to stop the aggression, no matter what. You should put the guy down on the first blow, no matter how, not matter the consequences. And then run, run as your life would be in danger (sometimes, it will). If you can't or don't want to cope with such consequences, don't fight back: acquiesce to the agressor and pray for the best - usually it's less worse than the consequences of doing a half baked defense (as our colleague ended up seeing by himself). Justice and fairness are something to be applied by jurists on a court. Here, on RL, all that matters is to stop the aggressions - the current one, and also eventual future ones (prevention). Predators don't have a sense of justice - they would not be predators if they had.
  17. Unfortunately, I can testify that it works! So... Kick him in the balls strongly, ruthlessly and gently?
  18. 何も悪くない悪いことはありません。
  19. It's just a number. Given the huge amount of changes and differences from the 1.3.x series, one can consider that perhaps the 1.4.x series should be that 2.0 the OP talks about. Squad needs continuous funding, otherwise they will not get paid - what would defeats the very reason they are working on KSP. Being that by a new KSP version, or by a myriad of new DLCs, you will pay for it again and again somehow or KSP will be a dead project. That said, what the OP means is that, perhaps, they should handle KSP as a Project - a iteration with a starting milestone, an end milestone, and some goals to be reached between them. And then sell this product for some time before restarting the process again. As you can't have the cake and eat it too, there're advantages and disadvantages on this approach. The disadvantages you already know, but the advantage would be a least about a year without having your savegames being broken by updates. Honestly, I think that a middle ground can be reached. But this is a discussion for another thread - I just wanna to explain the rationale used by the OP. He have some good points (as well you, just to clarify).
  20. If you prefer to be beaten, it's your call. But I would suggest another line of action. Self preservation is a ability you must master sooner or later, however - and I not talking about fighting back (yet), but to avoid being beaten at first place. This kid acted with "criminal intent" - he knows he's wrong, as he avoided being recognized. He choses you as victim, and there's a reason for that: predators always prey on the weakest first. He measured you, and concluded that you are a "safe prey". Honestly? He was not wrong. The very best line of action is ceasing to be an easy prey. How? It's up to you. My first suggestion is look for support from your parents. They are your first line of defense, as you are not an adult yet. In the mean time, learn how to kick your opponent in the balls - strongly and without remorse.
  21. Sergio Aragonés trolled me. I can't explain exactly how, as it would offend a Forum Rule, but this guy managed to troll me now using something he did 20 years ago. From thousands of his cartoons on the Internet, I managed to pick that very one. And it wasn't even one from his times on MAD…
  22. "RAM is overrated". I have a rig with 48G of RAM (a professional Workstation with a dual boot for gaming! - don't tell my employers!), and I can't shove everything I want into GameData neither. The main botleneck is CPU. You have "too much memory", and the CPU will be put into its knees on Garbage Collecting. Besides, every single mod you instal on the game also eats their share on the CPU's cake, and since every part alive on the game it's a discrete entity in need to be individually simulated, the after math is that you run out of CPU way sooner you run out of memory in rigs with more than 16G RAM.
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