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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. As from 2018-0606 and under @jandcando agreement, I'm the New Management(TM) for Impossible Innovations. From now on, it's all my fault. In a Hurry: Releases: on GitHub on SpaceDock on CurseForge Old thread: on Forum. Project Yes, it works with KSP 1.10.0 (with Making History and Breaking Ground) Current Release: Install Instructions. Announce. Source: on GitHub ChangeLog: here. TODO list Introduction: Impossible Innovations is a parts pack for KSP that adds some late-game parts based on fusion. Eternal Working In Progress. Here's the rundown: The Add'On adds several engine types that run off of deuterium. There is also a powerful RCS system driven by tritium. The reaction wheels also use tritium. Other all-around useful parts are added like the dead weight, different strut varieties, better parachutes, etc. Part Information: A little bit of useful info on how Impossible Innovations alters the tech tree: Impossible Innovations uses ModuleManager to place additional nodes to the tech tree. So if other Add'Ons do likewise, the possibility exists that there may be overlapping nodes, but no functionality would be lost. There is some basic integration with the Community Tech Tree, so don't worry about compatibility issues there. Some Pictures: Here. Known Issues: Working on it. Please be patient, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to break something soon. Credits: Contributions From: JandCandO (for creating this Add'On at first place!) Dungchunker (For creating the amazing blue models you see) Baconator900 (For previous efforts as one-man testing team) Lando (For creating Part Generator) And future new features/bugs/mishaps from yours truly. Legal Stuff:
  2. NASA is not a small player neither, but I see your point.
  3. By paying a considerable amount of money for the publishing rights while stating the conditions on the contract.
  4. If it's not way above our head, it's not Kerbal enough! You are on the right path - I foresee a ver brilliant Kerbal future for you.
  5. Is not how things work in the Industry. People like badges and achievements so they can brag about them. Allow them to be cheated, and the thing became valueless. Worse, it devalues your game. It's not about your opinion on the matter. It's about how customers behave. We have 10 years of online gaming telling us that allowing your achievements to be hacked is receipt for disaster. There are no separation between "achievement safe" and "achievement unsafe" on the API. So, or you inspect each mod before signing them (Apple Store style) to allow "safe mods" to be installed without disabling achievements, or you just handle them all as unsafe. Perhaps on KSP 2. But right now, it's unfeasible.
  6. By carefully (and not so honestly) trimming the fuel tanks and use fuel-less fuselages .. :) The Droid is a fuel tank! On the "cheat" version, I shamelessly edit the fuel tanks capacity directly on the CFG file (it crashes Kerbal-X due this). Below, two versions from the same craft. And another screenshot from another angle. You can see that my CoL is slightly below the CoM (not really a problem, so I didn't fix this), but the CoT is aligned to the CoM - so the thing is maneuverable on space: I used Vernour RCS, so I could save the Monopropellant space. And since the thing is a fighter, she could use the extra punch.
  7. What prevents such implementation is essentially the high tinkerability and modifiable nature of the KSP's architecture. Before implementing achievements, they need to find a way to lock out any mods and plugins for the ones that wants such feature, or the Achievements will be easily frauded - denying the reason for its existence. It's probably the reason Sony doesn't allows mods into PS4'''s KSP. People that would prefer the plugins, should be locked out the achievement system.
  8. On the maiden flight from the Mk2 revision of my Airship, I made a mistake trying to stabilize her (she wobbles a bit while maneuverings), and barely managed to avoid a collision when I realized she had deviated heading. I ended up doing a low pass near the Control Tower, Top Gun style, with an.. ~3.400 Tons and 390 Meters long Airship. Managed to make ~1400 Kerbals to feel the need... the need for clean pants. Maintenance staff will have a really unpleasant time cleaning up seats and working stations. =P There're no pictures from the Control Tower. Mysteriously, no one were found on the facility during this stunt... =D
  9. So, yeah. I'm managing to make the triple-hull design to be stable. Some more work to do, as more floaters I have in the airship, harder is to stabilize the gondolas! :-) Baby steps. Whale baby steps. =D More interesting pictures here: In time, the last update from WBI Tools solved some glitches for me.
  10. About this GitHub mess: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CmLxcwOKAU
  11. Hi. This is to advise you that We Updated Our Privacy Policy the Plugin. =D I found a (stupid but non critical) error (I made) and fixed it. Download here. Please note that it's a Pre-Release yet - I built this in a hurry, so there's a good change that I missed some other bug somewhere.
  12. If anyone of you had the uter displeasure of using SourceSafe or any other of the MS Team Services on the last decade or before, you would be asking yourselves why Ms didn't bought something before. :-) I'll not enter (openly) on any Conspiracy Theories, but I was on the mobile business when Ms bought the mobile division from Nokia, and some friends from Nokia Foundation didn't told me nice histories about what was happening there about a year before the acquisition. I ditched Github almost two years ago due some issues I will not talk here, and I can't help but to wonder If MS was already planning to acquire Github by then.
  13. Since they don't have noses, I think they breath by the skin. Rubbing sunscreen can drown them.
  14. But it works nevertheless. Once you get the ideal angle between the Wings, the thing became very stable and maneuverable. The thing is.. It works! Even on "real-life", there're some guys making flying models on it. Every single one of them had to reach some compromise in order to make the thing stable. Mine was to use sweep wings: the CoM is exactly between the two ailerons. And it make turns like a charm. :-)
  15. First thing I do on launch is rotate to the desired heading. Second thing is to tilt the rocket about 5° (Aoa at 85°). This usually saves the facilities from raining metal. It's what they do in real life.
  16. You're an optimistic. You believe our technological society will survive this mess. I think that in a hundred years we will be back to the Dark Ages, restarting from scratch. If we don't get into Mars by 2025 or 2030, we won't get there at all.
  17. 10/10 : Only humans do lies. You had invented artificial intelligence. I'm a robot. ELISA was the prototype. LISIAS are the next step. All your bases are belong to us.
  18. Check the CoM. The control surfaces works as independent entities - the symmetrical "brother" don't work by mimicking an surface setting. It does its own thing, that usually happens to be the symmetrical opposite of his "brother". However, control surfaces behind your CoM works one way, and ailerons ahead the CoM works another. See this post for further details (keep reading the follow ups)
  19. You would need to expend a serious amount of energy anyway, as you need the thing to reach escape velocity - otherwise you will end up with a "ring" of wastes orbiting over your facilities. What I don't think will make your extra-terrestrial life easier...
  20. Lisias

    How to rep "farm".

    I could not say it better. Boy, I couldn't. I managed to put two there on my very first thread. You need to have some kind of talent for these things, it appears to me....
  21. I remembered this thread this week, as a huge amount of mods were updated to 1.4 series on the past 10 days. It was kind of "annoying" because from all the times I restarted KSP, only a bunch didn't popup a message from KSP-AVC about a new version from a mod. :-) (yeah, people love to complain). In a way or another, keep an eye on the 1.4 series. As more mods are updated, your exposure to that "critical mass of nuisances" I mentioned gets smaller and smaller. Sooner or later, the 1.3 series tend to dust down and freeze in time, so kind of have to do it someday. What I do is to keep a 'mirror' installment for 1.4.3 and 1.3.1 - I'm on 1.4.3 normally, but "back port" a save or another to 1.3.1 to test things. Using 1.3.1 and testing 1.4.3 is even easier, as you can plain copy your save game to 1.4.3 that everything works (most of time), so give it a try once a month (after updating the mods to that last version) to see what happens.
  22. To tell you the true, I didn't fired up Career neither Science this year. Not a single time. I'm "sandboxing" the whole year. :-) And be sure I'm having fun. Kerbals, however.... =P
  23. So, I have this megalomaniac need for building huge vessels. I have a Mission? Great! Let's make even greater by using the GREATEST SHIP MY MACHINE CAN WITHHOLD! =P So I spent weeks, more than a month, trying to make something that would fly without spaghetification, while also avoiding the easy way out of auto-strutting everything. Because I'm not only megalomaniac, I'm also perfectionist. Yeah, I already reserved a room on the loony bin near home. I managed to make a blimp. A slightly big blimp. 380 Meters long. So I launched that lady. And she flies. And she flies pretty well. Damn, she flies fast - 55m/s!!! No bad ! But then... Geesh, I'm somewhat low. Only 170 meters high, it's better to gain some altitude. But at 55m/s, a mere <5° inclination made the huge body start to get lift. 380 meters of lifting body to be more precise. Enough to make me loose control of her ~3.000 Tons. Lots of control to loose. But hey, I'm at 170 meters high, right? Well... Did I commented that she has 380 meters long? So, half 380 is 190 meters. And since I'm a good engineer-wanna-be, the CoM is at the (almost) exact center of the vessel. So she was 20 meters too longer. Or lower... #facePalm. I cut the thrust and shoved the Joystick to front. No joy, her nose didn't stop climbing (and her butt, dropping). I set the buoyancy to zero (she's a blimp!). Again, no joy. Her nose still raise - slower, but still raise. And her butt... #sigh I know you know what happened. Valentina and 1025 more Kerbals became farmers.
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