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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Well, after a thousand hours (not all of them being registered on Steam), I choose to start a Career. The way I choose to do the first missions is a history for another post, this is how I managed to save a Contract that I took by accident and had no means to fulfill! So I was taking contracts to ferry tourists to low altitude flights over some spots, and since I decided to stick with planes (yeah, add-ons!) the most I could, my tech tree reflected that. But then I miss-click something, and got a Contract to ferry 2 tourists to the Karman line. Blast! I don't have any capsules but the Old and Faithful Mk Command Pod! How in Hell I wold send THREE Kerbonauts to space and bring them back the most alive it would be possible? (dead customers don't come back - neither pay...). Well, I advanced the Tech Tree enough to get better parachutes, and did this contraption: Three Mk1 Pods, glued to three fuels tanks already glued together, three BA-2 Flickers for thrust and lots of parachutes. A ended up using the absolute maximum weight of the (yet Level 0, as I spent the resources on SPH and Airstrip) Launch Pad. I didn't even stuck a KER part on it, I choose to add some more atoms of fuel to the tanks instead. Oh, yes, and a priest on duty at KSCs' Chapel praying for the Kraken's Good Will - just in case. (Hint for a future mod: a priest and a chapel for KSC!! ). By plain luck, or due by cleverness, or by holy bribed intervention (aka miracle), I made it. The mission was pretty boring, and since I was pretty sure I was going to loose them, I didn't made any screen shots of the launch. But the conclusion is: I not only managed to get them alive, but also salvaged the whole ship! As I'm used to hear on some Youtube videos, "Brilliant!!!" (c) 2011-18 Scott Manley. And since I'm going for the cheap on these missions (got ~368.000 on the first day!), I'll probably try hard to follow this line of mission in the near future. (I think I'm hearing Bill crying on the other side of the door...) Well... just to add that...
  2. Lisias

    How to rep "farm".

    By all means, I'm just brainstorming! I agree with the fellow Kerbonauts, a public and "cheap" dislike button would be a abuse-storm.
  3. Bouncing is good. It means you didn't explode yet!
  4. You can save the airbrakes by using the ailerons as breaks. On my design, the inner ailerons are deployed when you hit break - the lower ones inverted from the upper ones. Looking carefully, you will find 3 sets of ailerons per wing (one is under the engines).
  5. (brainstorming mode on) Thinking on it again, peerhaps this is a race condition while refreshing the parts database - a mod would lock up the process waiting for a dependency, but such dependency depends itself from something that it's also waiting for aomething... If this grid lock degenerates on a infinite recursion, so yes, this would cause a stack overflow sooner or later. Perhaps it's not a fault on the native code after all. Time to look into somewhere else!
  6. Lisias

    How to rep "farm".

    The Stamford Prison Experiment gone throughout the tubes because the "Police" didn't had to pay for their acts. As soon one have to pay for what he does, you will see peolpe being reasonable. Money talks, people listen. In God We Thrust. (all others pay in cash) See that a dislike would cost 1% of the rep points. The more you have, the more expensive it become. Just this would prevent abuse by itself - rep points are valuable around here. And since dislikes would not be visible for anyone else other than the disliking and disliked (and moderators - this can be a nice tool for helping to sort disputes), no public shaming to exploit. Of course, this not a suggestion. Just brainstorming. Exactly. This is my dark secret when I choose this profile picture. I already had plenty from my first thread here. So, thanks. But not thanks. See my previous comments about the matter. You don't need to get jumpy over a mere brainstorming!
  7. Lisias

    How to rep "farm".

    I wonder if it would not be a good idea, given some rules: Each dislike you apply, costs you 1% of your rep points. No refundable. So you can't dislike unless you have at least 100 rep points. Once you dislike the guy enough (let's say, your sum of dislikes for the guy reaches 10% of the reputation of the "victim"), he's automatically added to your Ignore List The dislike count and list are private to the user that received it (as the warning points). Such a dynamic would be interesting to watch.
  8. Buy coffee. Tons of coffee. I'm a old fart with 30 years of experience on the field as professional developer - but never touched CSharp, Mono neither Unity before (I'm Old School - I helped to design and implement our own 3D Engine on the "good days". In C++. For Symbian. Yeah, I live on a loony bin nowadays!). And this pile of sheet made me cry at first. So I have some (old fart) advises for you: Don't take it as serious business. Don't allow the thing to make you angry. Frustration is unavoidable, it's how you manage it that really matters. Don't be shy when asking for help. Cry for it shamelessly. Don't be bothered by impoliteness. Judge the message by its content - every good programmer I know is grumpy, our desire to help is bigger than our patience for the job. (and caffeine, our main source of coding strength, make us even more jumpy and grumpy! ) But if the messenger became aggressive and/or mean (what is being called "toxic" nowadays), just put the <non forum rules compliant "compliment"> guy into the Ignored User's List and forget about. Learn how to use Blender3D. It helps. A LOT. There're some cheap courses for Blender and Unity on Udemy - give it a peek. Assuming that you will need writing Modules, learn how to install and configure MonoDeveloper and then create a "Hello World" program from scratch. I should had be a bit less arrogant and did it myself - learning everything at once made my entry point harder. Frankly? The answer for this question is irrelevant. Being your first mod, it's even better to duplicate some already existent one - you will have a benchmark. Do your own thing. What will come from this is just a bonus, the really importante thing is doing you what you think is interesting, not the others. This is not a job. I can't help you here. I'm a freaking megalomaniac. I just can't help on designing small, single task, efficient shenanigans. But every artifact I consider (and sometimes, effectively) doing starts with a good research about what people are doing in the real world. And also on SyFy movies/stories/whatever. This probably will be the best way to gather some guidelines.
  9. Damn! I forgot this! Sorry! 1.4.3 in on the wild now, and it's good enough to worth the download. And it's on Steam for sure.
  10. (sigh). I got this once. But instead of re-download everything, I just moved out and back the directories. I think it's unlikely to be a corrupted DLL issue (but this is not ruled out neither). My current wild guess (and it's a guess because I don't have any hard evidence to support this) is a fault on native code while updating the parts database (due the state of the sfs file when this happens). Sometimes, some very specific situations would trigger the issue, and by breaking the chain of events you manage to escape from it. The worst part is to diagnose the thing. I'm waiting to have it again in order to do a proper authopsis over this hypothesis.
  11. The OP was talking about flying, not landing! Of course, I have some other designs for X-Wing. One for hypercruise, other for take-off/landing, another for dogfight. I'm still figuring out a good one for reentry. Once I manage to stabilize all the possible configuration, it's time to try Inferno Robotics to built the final version. With more 'sensible' engines from some AddOn with good SyFy parts (assuming I don't make my own). This is what KSP is about.
  12. I'm feeling pretty dumb right know. In my designs, I'm was fixing this by carefully trimming the Com with the tanks empty, and then filling up and setting flow priorities.
  13. Yeah, I know. I spent some good weeks doing more diagnosing than playing. Once you find a suspect, try to load it alone on a dedicated installment to see what happens. Crashes on the Main Thread are terrible - anything goes there - usually a serious bug on some native code, where we just don't have how to check.
  14. It's on the MainThread or on the UnityGfxDeviceWorker thread? It's unlikely that USITools is causing the crash, as it's build on Mono and doesn't have direct access to anything that would crash the process. I'm inclined to think that USITools is just the current trigger, and it can swap places with another mod - or just be one of the many triggers. As I'm use to see on some other forums, "It's Unity." Anything goes with Unity. =/ Try that "-force-opengl" stunt to see what happens.
  15. Yes. Everything appears to work fine, except by the toolbar icon (that is a gray square).
  16. HLAirships was not updated for the 1.4.x series, besides working (almost) flawless. As far as I know, only the Icon on the Toolbar is broken. Anyway, I compiled a interim version for myself - and everything works just as fine (and the Icon works).
  17. It's not a single mod fault, it's the set. You had run out of RAM or VRAM - you need to peek the crash report in order to figure out what. What happened is that the memory footprint had grown a bit with the new mod versions, and one of them was that last drop that overfilled the cup. I wrote something about here: You will also find some interesting data on this post (and my following one):
  18. It's not you who needs to see value. It's the vast majority of the gamers. The achievements are a vanity affair. Some gamers value them because they are "hard" to get. If others manage to get the same achievements by cheating, the achievements loose value for such gamers. And then they got angry by "wasting" their time pursuing such achievements. It doesn't have to make sense (it doesn't after all). It's a social phenomena that should be detected, studied and accept if you want to stay on this business. Steam Achievements are public information. They are like badges, to everyone to see, and are available to be seen on the user's profile. Its NOT individual only. It's like Medals - condecorated soldiers don't wear they medals while shopping, but you can bet your mouse they will jump into the throat of anyone that would unduly use one. It's exact the same thing - besides the abyss of importance about the matter.
  19. As from 2018-0606 and under @jandcando agreement, I'm the New Management(TM) for Impossible Innovations. From now on, it's all my fault. In a Hurry: Releases: on GitHub on SpaceDock on CurseForge Old thread: on Forum. Project Yes, it works with KSP 1.10.0 (with Making History and Breaking Ground) Current Release: Install Instructions. Announce. Source: on GitHub ChangeLog: here. TODO list Introduction: Impossible Innovations is a parts pack for KSP that adds some late-game parts based on fusion. Eternal Working In Progress. Here's the rundown: The Add'On adds several engine types that run off of deuterium. There is also a powerful RCS system driven by tritium. The reaction wheels also use tritium. Other all-around useful parts are added like the dead weight, different strut varieties, better parachutes, etc. Part Information: A little bit of useful info on how Impossible Innovations alters the tech tree: Impossible Innovations uses ModuleManager to place additional nodes to the tech tree. So if other Add'Ons do likewise, the possibility exists that there may be overlapping nodes, but no functionality would be lost. There is some basic integration with the Community Tech Tree, so don't worry about compatibility issues there. Some Pictures: Here. Known Issues: Working on it. Please be patient, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to break something soon. Credits: Contributions From: JandCandO (for creating this Add'On at first place!) Dungchunker (For creating the amazing blue models you see) Baconator900 (For previous efforts as one-man testing team) Lando (For creating Part Generator) And future new features/bugs/mishaps from yours truly. Legal Stuff:
  20. NASA is not a small player neither, but I see your point.
  21. By paying a considerable amount of money for the publishing rights while stating the conditions on the contract.
  22. If it's not way above our head, it's not Kerbal enough! You are on the right path - I foresee a ver brilliant Kerbal future for you.
  23. Is not how things work in the Industry. People like badges and achievements so they can brag about them. Allow them to be cheated, and the thing became valueless. Worse, it devalues your game. It's not about your opinion on the matter. It's about how customers behave. We have 10 years of online gaming telling us that allowing your achievements to be hacked is receipt for disaster. There are no separation between "achievement safe" and "achievement unsafe" on the API. So, or you inspect each mod before signing them (Apple Store style) to allow "safe mods" to be installed without disabling achievements, or you just handle them all as unsafe. Perhaps on KSP 2. But right now, it's unfeasible.
  24. By carefully (and not so honestly) trimming the fuel tanks and use fuel-less fuselages .. :) The Droid is a fuel tank! On the "cheat" version, I shamelessly edit the fuel tanks capacity directly on the CFG file (it crashes Kerbal-X due this). Below, two versions from the same craft. And another screenshot from another angle. You can see that my CoL is slightly below the CoM (not really a problem, so I didn't fix this), but the CoT is aligned to the CoM - so the thing is maneuverable on space: I used Vernour RCS, so I could save the Monopropellant space. And since the thing is a fighter, she could use the extra punch.
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