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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. I have this one on my head these days. Don't ask, it just happens now and then.
  2. Consider the possibility of being a KSP bug. I got this problem (or a similar one, who knows?) on KSP 1.4.2 (way before I started to use EdEx), and that was the reason I stuck with 1.4.1 for so long. (I'm still developing on it, to tell you the true) Yes. This is EXACTLY what was happening to me. I think this confirms my thesis. And to tell you the true, you helped on an idea to try to overcome it during my designs.
  3. I watched the Cup's final on a friend's home (eaten too much… ugh ), and leaved the computer running a test for the whole day (about 14 to 15 hours, I think) due this thread: And boy… This is going to take a while.
  4. I hate to "disappoint" you, but the coordinates are stored as floats. I created a contraption and kicked it into a Kerbol escape trajectory, and this is how the vessel is stored on the savefile: ORBIT { SMA = -54688855.617444672 ECC = 236.09464020439248 INC = 46.016948269049045 LPE = 19.064153301546693 LAN = 180.9739736375254 MNA = -77.3624446308296 EPH = 28559.64037943224 REF = 0 } Now what remains to be found is if they are using float32 or float64. — EDIT — I leaved the computer running for the day at HyperWarp. The ship has an acceleration of about ~65 m/s. ORBIT { SMA = -11285.143851689307 ECC = 1146403.5615089915 INC = 47.998571842893362 LPE = 17.609333736598533 LAN = 184.26117195331958 MNA = 85039088.503163129 EPH = 215607.15619859437 REF = 0 } Things are going to take a very long time until something breaks (as KSP is using doubles), as it appears
  5. The EULA also says that you can't reverse engineer the product, that it's a right granted by law to end users in the USA. So, this clause is null and void (i.e., it's the same thing as it wasn't written at all) in the USA. Some countries grant the right of keeping backup copies, others don't. And so on. To be absolutely sure about what you can and what you can't do, one needs to know in which country you lives. — EDIT -- Added some clarifications (in bold)
  6. Above all Contracts and Agreements, there's the Copyright Act. Nothing can negate such Act, no matter what you sign. In fact, signing such a Contract can be a law violation on some countries - others prefer just to make the clausule null and void.
  7. In which country you live? Answering your question is highly dependent from the local laws. The Vienna Agreement establishes a minimal set of Intelectual Property Rights, and some countries choose to expand them.
  8. As I said before, you don't need to thrust people's good will - it's enough and sufficient to thrust their common sense. So, not willing to stomp your stomping but… A single GDPR lawsuit from an European would pretty much put Squad out of business. KSP is a Indie game, not a Block Buster success. This is not PacMan, this is not Counter Strike. There're a lot of high skilled people doing mods here, some of them running KSP inside Containers and monitoring every I/O the program does - on disk, on network, whatever. It's not personal, such people do it for living, doing it on KSP is just another Puppet script. So, the risk of being caught (almost a statistical tautology) and the backslash (including monetary) makes the stunt unprofitable. We are not handling the Mafia here, companies do what they do for money. If the stunt costs more than the money they can earn from it, there's no profit, so there's no stunt. It's simple like that. Of course, things can change in the future. But until there, currently this is not a problem. Coulda, shoulda, woulda. We have a historical base of KSP releases in which we can compare and see when something changes. We don't need to see inside the packet to know there's something "new" happening. KSP is not PSN.
  9. Uh… I lost my rescued victims… And I don't have the slightest idea where to start to search for them… Again! I forgot to add stairs on my rescue blimp. Yeah, I know. So I had this brilliant idea to use the cargo bays. "What could possibly go wrong?"
  10. The last link I posted have a .version file stating "1.4.0", ranging from 1.4.0 to 1.4.99 - so I think it's safe to assume it's for 1.4 . Merge the GameData content into you installment's GameData. There's another KerbalJointReinforcement subdirectory that was "leaked" by the building process, this one (on the same level of the zip's GameData) should be ignored.[this is fixed now]
  11. This link is legally safe. All the GPL requirements are satisfied, with the GitHub's TOS covering your back too. — EDIT -- I will not enter in details here, but GitHub is not covering our backs on the matter. In a way or another, if you are a US citizen you don't have to worry - the burden is always with the distributor, not the receiver.
  12. This is the commit history of the repository. Please pinpoint the commit where LGG supposedly merged something: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/commits/master You see, LGG just compiled the HEAD, where the changes he listed were committed by ferram4. So, no changes by LGG. How about we just bury this issue, learn something from it (and so, do not do the err again) and move on? — — — POST EDIT — — — I was utterly wrong on this. This is the mentioned commit. As the time gone by, things reveled themselves slightly more complicated than I though.
  13. FINALLY! And she taxis very well. And now that I gained some more science, I added the landing lights (would saved my sorry SAS more than once) and the needed search lights so I can do nigh search & rescues!
  14. I crashed my blimp AGAIN. I solved the problem of she stomping her nose on the ground due the tilting from the thrust, but now I'm facing some problems on manoeuvring as now I need to throttle down, and I'm missing the runway for some meters. Engineering is lovely, no? It's not necessarily better, but usually sturdier. As the chips get faster and work at lower voltage, they became also more prone to radiation interference - any loose electron coming from God knows where can now change a bit on the RAM, or some register on the CPU. Shielding costs mass, and mass costs money exponentially - so it's usually cheaper (when not the only choice) to use "old tech" on space crafts and use the sparing mass for more experiments/fuel/whatever. And since you are kicking "old crap" into space, you need the equivalent "old crap" here to communicate and control the thing.
  15. It's just my opinion, but I kinda like the current Cab - it works well for me, as I can use it below and above hulls with the same visual efficiency: Of course, the Cab interior could use some work in order to better achieve this: when mounting the cab over the hull, the top floor would be the command post (while the bottom the observation deck), and when the Cab is mounted under the hull, vice versa. The rationale is that the pilots needs the best view for situational awareness. (but again, just an opinion that diverged a bit! )
  16. I learnt something today, after a series of plain stupid accidents . Not directly related to Heisenberg, but I'm pretty sure this applies too. When building blimps, it's better to align the CoT and the CoM in order to minimize the pitch tilting when accelerating/decelerating. Of course, keeping things balanced when fuel is consumed is quite a challenge.
  17. I finally learnt, after yet another crash on landing, why I was having so bad times. On Blimps, you need to align the CoM and the CoT to minimize the pitch tilting when accelerating/decelerating. (sigh) Well, this explain something.
  18. WELL² (or sort of). After this and this, I give it yet another try. I made another beautiful take off (I'm detecting a pattern - perhaps I should try some horrible ones?): I set the course for K2 in order to rescue that climbers after delivering the tourist to Island (tried to bill an extra for the view, no success - cheap stand-up guys! ). Ok, some good 20 minutes to K2 - I set the bearing, climbed to 4300 meters (more or less) and then a friend called on the phone. On my way back to computer, I realized that I forgot to set the timer while hearing that already familiar sound of explosions… Yes… I managed to hit the highest peak of K2 aiming from the Island! (Time to play some naval battle game, I think…). (open the spoiler for animation) Miraculously, the blimp was still able to fly back to KSC this time. But I landed on the grass, the TARMAC was still shining new.
  19. It's not (only) the forum rules. It's about the GPL. You violated the license, and so, the license became void and null. And EVERY downloaded copy of your package is, essentially, "piracy". What is not only a forum rule violation, but a law violation too. So… My advise to everyone that downloaded that file - delete it. The skies will not fall if you don't - but if you forget and repost it, you will be in copyright infringement yourself and this perhaps could be a problem (if you are going to violate some rule, at least do it knowingly). If you don't have the time to correctly read and comply to the license of the code, my best advise to you is to avoid publishing any code at all. In some countries, possessing copyright infringement material is a felony per se (read about Australia's Copyright Laws). This can be not a big deal for you, but can be for others.
  20. Uh. Sorry the confusion. My apologies. Now that I understood correctly what you mean, I'm inclined to agree with you. Yes, it's possible. See the model used by OpenSUSE, for example: they sold OpenSUSE Enterprise, which is supported, but also allow the download for a 'free version', without support. People use the free version, and the bugs they find are fixed - what end up being beneficial for everybody. People in need of immediate support, pay for it. There're some legal implications, however. People licensing their work under GPL will be ok with that model, but the mods licensed under a CC-SA-NC will probably object it.
  21. Because open source people, the main workforce on KSP modding, doesn't cope very well to Walled Gardens. Giving a real world example, the only reason I'm using MacOS is due MacPorts (or Brew). Even Windows nowadays have the Linux subsystem (running Ubuntu, OpenSUSE), and before that we were using Cygwin and DJGPP (yeah, I'm from that days). But even if that would not be true, Walled Gardens costs money. Are you willing to pay a monthly "tax" in order to fund a Walled Garden for KSP? Or perhaps paying 1 or 2USD for each mod, Google Market Play style? Because the money must come from somewhere.
  22. Typo. I meant Really sorry. And yes, take the newest one.
  23. It's enough to copy the CFG files into any arbitrary subdirectory (I'm using <KSP_ROOT>/GameData/EXTRAS/Heisenberg). You need to have ModuleManager and TweakScale installed too.
  24. I respectfully but strongly disagree with your view. KSP modding is not a fractured mess. This is how we do things on real world - the alternative is confining yourself on a "Walled Garden". Walled Garden has some advantages, but it has also serious drawbacks, anyone with an MacOS on the last year can testify. The KSP launching cycle is messed - we know things break on every release, but everybody is acting as this never happens.
  25. WELL... I tried this again. I did a perfect takeoff from KSC, mimicking a airplane (just for the lulz!): Then I landed on Island, exchange passengers and did a beautiful take off: Everything has gone fine, I approached KSC using ILS, did all the circuit and then, on the final approach my son calls me with something important about his pre-register on college. Half to a minute later…. (open spoiler for animation): No one bought the farm today, so.. I guess this counts as a good landing. And…Yeah, I TRASHED MY RUNWAY AGAIN! Well.. Enough KSP for today. I'm going to bed.
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