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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. I don't think TT2 is on position to make too much demands on the subject. Things as starting to look like when Siemens essentially paid BenQ to assume the mobile business and stop the hemorrhage (both financial and P/R). I don't know if they are that bad already, but IMHO they are going to get there sooner or later. It's not about direct revenue, but indirect ones. You "waste" money here, but this money lubricates some gears, that maje some others to move, and the economic engine ends up rendering you some revenue on the long run in the other end of the shaft. It's essentially how NASA help to fund themselves - did you know that NASA has a licensing program for their IP and technologies they produce? https://ipcloseup.com/2020/11/17/nasa-is-granted-a-patent-for-identifying-a-faster-cheaper-moon-route-has-a-new-space-race-begun/ https://technology.nasa.gov/license#:~:text=NASA waives the initial licensing,net royalty fee of 4.2%. The Government funds NASA, that so license the technologies they created to promote commercial operations based on it, that so renders money to NASA but also taxes for the Government, as well GDP growth. I don't have a clue about how to make this idea to work on KSP, but if there's someone that can find a way, this guy is Carmack. He have a deep understanding on both industries.
  2. You see, there's a solution - follow the money. Blue Badges cost money - make (real) harassment a serious offense that reaches the owner of the payment account that bought Twitter Blue, and you will see real improvements pretty fast. There're tools and remedies already for the serious offenses - they are not perfect, but sufficiently effective. But, by a reason I don't understand (or perhaps I do, but involve politics - out of scope of this Forum), the more vocal are the Twitter detractors, more prone they are to ignore them.
  3. We should count our blesses at this point. Whoever was left cooking this update, they are on the exact same boat as we - except that they have way more skin on the game than us, they got laid off. It's not up to them to say anything, we should be bugging TT2 directly about.
  4. And this is precisely the reason I think John Carmack is a good bet - he didn't earn a penny with Armadillo, he essentially outright funded the thing (em PT-BR, we say "à fundo perdido", meaning footing the money without expecting interest - but not being sad if some happens). He had the itch, the had the will, but by some personal reason he had to pause Armadillo - but never closed the thing, so he's probably still hoping to somehow return to this industry. Perhaps he can be convinced that KSP is the first step for such return?
  5. It's this, or seeing the thing slowly bitrot into oblivion. It's almost 10 years screwing things up. Sooner or later someone need to realise that the best move is not to play anymore, and let someone else more capable assume the job.
  6. John Carmack. How in Kraken's Name I forgot about him, he have deep knowledge on both industries! He's a seasoned and successful game developer (surprised? ), and also funded an aerospace company in the past, Armadillo Aerospace, that managed to accomplish some interesting milestones in the late 2000's (X Prize's Lunar Lander - who remember X Prize?). I doubt he would foot all the money, but if someone else help with the funds, not to mention lure him into get interested on the stunt, I'm absolutely sure this guy would build a solid team and deliver the project!
  7. NOW I GOT IT! You are meaning parenting the objects!!! Yes, excellent idea. Really good!
  8. Can we, please, ask for removing it from KSP¹ too? Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top?
  9. That's the thing: block is your friend. I don't waste my time complaining about how my timeline is full of crap, I just block the source of the crap and that's it. Now and then something passes, and now and then I add someone to the block list, and life goes on. I'm only reporting crimes, but it's more than an year since I don't see anything remotely similar to something illegal. So, yeah. Twitter X is better for me nowadays.
  10. I'm using Twitter X again after long years ignoring it. Currently more a lurker than anything, but the fact is that I'm logging there again. More times than on Slashdot, by the way.
  11. So, a change on some contracted service demanded a photocopy (believe it if you can) of some bill as proof of my residence - as this information would not be available for any spammer in this freaking World already. Being a cheap stand-up guy bean counter, since my last scanner broke 10 years ago I'm using a printing service bureau near home to scan things - it's pretty cheap, to tell you the true, a scanned page costs approximately 1/400 of the price of the cheapest scanner I managed to find. I should had scanned about 10 or 15 pages a year since then. But the dude didn't opened his shop yesterday, neither today (hope he's alright), and I still need to scan that freaking bill. So I decided it's time to bite the bullet, and I bought the cheapest scanner I found around here (yeah, I bought it from a physical shop and walked home carrying the thing - I don't remember the last time I did it!!). Being that thing dirty cheap, I bought an extended guarantee (in truth, a insurance for domestic appliances), as the price didn't increased significantly, and it's almost sure that crap will break as soon the manufacturer guarantee is over. On the way back, however, my key ring broke and I lost the house's keys. My son wasn't in home, I left my mobile in home (I hate walking with that phone in the pocket) and I had to wait 2 hours on the condo's lobby until the kid came back. I was almost asking the janitor for a locksmith (as long the dude would accept credit card as payment, because the money was in a wallet that I also left in home). Oukey, I'm home now. Let's install that freaking cheap scanner device drivers, scan the <insert your favorite non Forum compliant expletive here> bill and send it by mail, putting an end of this Kraken damned ordeal. Where are the drivers? (sigh) Found them on the Internet, download them. Great, now let's install the thingy. Could not. You need to be Administrator to install the thing, the driver is not smart enough to use MacOS's Security.Authorization . Krap, this is not going well. Oukey, switched to a Super User account (my bread and butter login is as unprivileged as I could set it), and finally the damned thing installed. But the scanner remained dead in the water. Krap². Troubleshooting time - after half a hour, I realized my USB cable extension was half plugged on the MacMini's rear ports. Removed it and reinserted it (on the Microsoft way™), that Kraken damned thing finally made some noises. Tested it, it worked. Switch back to my day-to-day account, the thingy was still working (to my relief). But the scanned document was terribly crappy - Krap³. (sigh) Half a hour toying with the options, deactivating almost every "image enhancer" I found. Great, now it worked in a reasonably acceptable way (it's a crappy scanner, after all). But the freaking image cropped out the most important information, and I didn't understood why. More 30 minutes troubleshooting this piece of <piiiiiii>, and I finally realized that this scanner's origin (the 0,0 point) is "bottom right", instead of "up left" as that older scanner of mine used. So I had positioned the document starting with its footer, and by the time the header would be scanned, it blew the A4 page limits and was discarded - and I didn't noticed because this freaking dirty cheap scanner is crappy, but not that crappy and realized the document was inverted and fixed it automatically for me. Krap4. So I finally managed to get a crappy looking but visible (the optics are cheap, after all, and I turned off all the software enhancements) scanned copy of that freaking bill. Let's send this thing by email fast, before something else happens. The Company's VPN is down. 15 minutes troubleshooting it until realizing it's not something from my side of the cable modem, called "Support" (my colleague) and he told me that the Public Administration is digging holes on our internal data center's address (my colleague's address) and that I need to use the backup VPN that was turned on while the main one is screwed. Krap5. It's 16:00 hours now, local time. I left home to buy that <insert your favorite instant Forum ban expletive here> scanner 11:00 local time. At least I had eat something on the way back home. I will tell you something: as soon as that printing bureau is back to business, I will go there, hug the dude and tell him I love him and that I don't want to live without him again. I hope my girlfriend will not freak out.
  12. I beg to suggest an alternative: only buy solid products with good reputation, disregarding the owner. You get what you pay for - choosing products based purely on the owner will induce Companies to create cheat cheap, disposable front-men front-companies to sell crappy products and nothing will change. Reward the good deeds, punish the bad ones - no matter who did the deed. This is what can help to bring back the market to sane levels. That said, I agree that it's harder and harder to find a solid product with good reputation with the Take Two label on it - so I'm not saying you are inherently wrong, I'm just proposing an alternative M.O. to do the same thing.
  13. Where did you find the documentation for it? I looked in every IVA on Stock + DLC and none use it. I'm hunting down 3rd parties, but until the moment, your repo is the only one I found using it and I assumed it was a custom module, as the INTERNAL I found in your repo was using a custom InternalModule.
  14. There's a somewhat interesting discussion about how to build IVAs using Blender and the mu plugin here: I think we should move the discussion here. Until there, may I suggest @ColdJ to take a look on that post and comment here what you think?
  15. Yep. But a better solution is: @PART[31-37AD,37-50AD]:FOR[NeistAir] { -MODULE[TweakScale],* { } %MODULE[TweakScale] { %defaultScale = 3.750 %type = stack } } This will: Clean up any rogue TweakScale patches, preventing duplicates - and so you know for sure exactly what patch will be in effect at a given time. Will create the TweakScale while processing NestAir, allowing 3rd parties to apply other patches in a previsible way using ":AFTER" With @kerbmario using ":AFTER" himself, you have a race condition later where the one with the up hand on the ascii ordering will win the match. Check the Module Manager's Patch Cycle for further details.
  16. Yep, I completely misunderstood the advice. Initially, I though you was suggesting merging the props on the IVA itself, as it was done with the Mk2CrewCabinInternal. Well, as I said, this wastes memory because the same objects (as the seats) are copied over and over, instead of having a single copy "stamped" multiple times. And we have the re-usability factor. But this is not what you was talking about, somehow I missed you were specifically talking about the CFG - but on a feature I'm not aware of. To everybody around be on the same page, this is what I'm doing when I put a seat on a Cabin: INTERNAL { <yada yada yada> MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = Seat1 allowCrewHelmet = false displayseatName = #autoLoc_6002197 //#autoLoc_6002197 = Seat <<1>> displayseatIndex = 1 } PROP { name = Seat_Passenger position = -0.1875, -0.41250, 0.00875 rotation = 0,0.707,0,0.707 scale = 1,1,1 } } There's a vertex on the mesh called Seat1, and it's where the Kerbal is put while sitting. And the PROP thingy tells KSP to draw a Seat_Passenger on the same spot, so the Kerbal don't "float" in the IVA. I'm doing this way because it's how the MK1 crewed parts are defined in KSP (checked on 1.12.5, still the same), and I didn't even thought about existing another, more convenient way. By plain (lack of) luck, I checked the MK2_CrewCab_Int and there I found the seats (and other props) "hardcoded" into the mesh, and this prompted my initial response about being inefficient (not to mention copying ipsi literis copyrighted martial into the work, preventing me from distributing the thing later when I finish the job - if ever). However, after working hours I kept digging, and found the GenericSpace1 where things appears to be like @JonnyOThan says: INTERNAL { name = GenericSpace1 MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = CenterSeat allowCrewHelmet = false displayseatName = #autoLoc_6002191 //#autoLoc_6002191 = Center Seat } } But, still, it's not what he's talking about - the GenericSpace1 also have the props "hardcoded" on the mesh. Unfortunate, to say the least. I kept digging, and found Mobile_Processing_Lab_Int . This one hadn't any seat prop hardcoded in the mesh, neither a PROP section on its config file. Digging on the mesh, I found that the seats are not vertices, but Collections (using a blender lingo). Unlinking one seat's collection reverts it to be a single vertice, as I'm using my Mk1 parts. I didn't really understand how the cube mesh turns into a seat on KSP, I didn't found any metadata hinting me what prop this cube is representing. But, and again, this doesn't looks like what he said above the same. What he's saying is something like this (I think): INTERNAL { <yada yada yada> PROP { name = Seat_Passenger position = -0.1875, -0.41250, 0.00875 rotation = 0,0.707,0,0.707 scale = 1,1,1 MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = Seat1 allowCrewHelmet = false displayseatName = #autoLoc_6002197 //#autoLoc_6002197 = Seat <<1>> displayseatIndex = 1 } } } Problem: I didn't found a single IVA on Stock doing it. I will need to dig into 3rd parties to see exactly how to use it. What I would really would like to be able to do is to set a transformName into the PROP, so I could use Seat1 on it too (instead of copying and paste Blender's data into the position and rotation). That would make me happy right now. -- -- ANOTHER POST EDIT -- -- I'm grinding some github search in order to get samples about how to use things this way. https://github.com/search?q="INTERNAL"+KSP+path%3A*.cfg+PROP+internalseat&type=code However, until this moment, I didn't found anyone doing it this way but yourself - however, using a custom Internal Module. So I don't have a comfortably diverse usage on the wild to rely on this stunt - it may work, or it may not, I would need to study FreeIVA's source code to understand what it's doing, and then try to figure out how the Stock Internal Modules are behaving. For now, I will keep things as they are, and I suggest @kerbmario to do the same. A good compromise would move the PROPs below their respective MODULEs, making easier to eye ball who belongs to who. The idea of using a MODULE inside the PROP is not bad, however. It just won't make my life easier enough to lure me into trying a somewhat unproven technique on the wild without some testings - something I'm not willing to do now, as I want to use my currently scarce free time to do something that I can use on the game now.
  17. That's the shady reality of what I was meaning: unless they managed to do things minimally right (what includes a EULA compliant way to load add'ons), the current (and probably future) IP owner will be the lesser of the beneficiaries. You see, it's some years since this Scene accepted EULA infringing works to be published around here - and things escalated to people charging for closed source add'ons "out there". All of this creates a huge precedence that will escalate sooner or later to something like what happened with Falcon 3.0 from Spectrum Holobyte - someone else will make money at the IP's owner expenses, just like that. I'm not implying that every single author that is turning their back to the EULA is ill intentioned - besides considering incredibly shady that a few of them is (at least last time I checked) currently employed by the competition and, worst, their boss is suing people for doing what this dude is doing here (it's not about what they are doing with the reverse engineering - as it's not a crime, but they are being sued by doing "direct" reverse engineering trying a stunt on Copyrights). What's exactly what Bungie is doing, by the way.*** Electronic Arts too, but incredibly enough, EA is trying the "right way", instead of vilifying something that was considered in the recent past a customer's right - the right to do whatever they wants with something loaded in their computer's memory. [But Dura Lex Sed Lex - good people don't need laws, we create laws due the bad people.] Bungie manages to accomplish what they want, things are going to get very hairy around here. Whoever is considering buying this IP (if someone) is also calculating how much they will need to expend on legal actions to take control back, lowering the perceived value of the IP and, so, devaluating it [in practice]. And the cheaper the IP gets, more probable it could be acquired by someone willing to use it on pachinkos or farming games on Facebook, and by then it would be their best interest to just shut down the whole modding scene and prosecuting anyone that made some bucks at their expense as a preemptive measure to prevent people from making money without paying them something, as this will be their business model. TL;DR: we, gamers and modders, will be screwed. *** Disclaimer: I had misplaced the paragraph about Bungie, giving the impression I'm implying Bungie is willing to buy KSP2. What I was meaning (and idiotically placed the statement in the wrong place) is that Bungie is activelly working to screw the modding scene as a way to solve another problem they have somewhere else. I moved these 3 paragraphs to where they are now, correctly passing the message I intended. But even if they don't, someone else will manage to make some bucks at their expenses - it's already happening for some time, we have precedence. Once there's no one actively watching the IP, you will see very "interesting" things being made with the IP. I don't rule out some videos being published on... "interesting sites" and not only on Youtube anymore. They opened a can of worms.
  18. "Pray to God, but row towards shore" . Let whoever end up buying the thing later to decide if it worthed. You see, there will be some benefits if they manage to deliver something minimally playable under the name KSP2; mods and assets reuse. There're tons of things that can be done once the anger goes away and cool heads start to think properly again. Some games only realy kick in after EoL. Keep Launching.
  19. Not unheard on this Industry - or any other. Sometimes Real Life© just run over us. Perhaps on wishful thinking, I wondered that perhaps they got themselves on a dead end on the code, decided to throw the whole crapload into the trash bin and restart from scratch (I did it once on a big budget project - the manager wanted to kill me, but the rest of the team concluded I was right and backed me... Interesting times... ). And then the Pandemonium happened, and everything got belly up for months. I take a month or two away from TweakScale, and not rarely I need to toy with the thing for a week or two to remember why and how I did some things (did I implemented that feature already? Funny things happens when I didn't but assume I did), what to say on a huge project like that? The "Game Over" for me was when I (as usual) got a argument with someone that looked like a developer, and knew enough from the code to make plausible they was a KSP2 dev. It was when I learnt that the whole heat system on KSP2 was based on the stunt implemented on the KSP¹'s ISRU in parallel with the CoreHeat (is this the real name?) that implements Convection, Conduction and Radiation. I got liquided by learning it, because this dumbed down the most interesting and challenging problems on space faring... But, whatever, as I said before, they just had lost me as a customer - what probably would make some people around here pretty happy. (like Val, that would not be barbecued again!) However, what worried me is that the dude didn't knew about the CoreHeat, so they didn't knew how parts behaved on reentry, while getting heated by atmosphere friction, you name it!!! And with this happening late 2023, at least a month after the For Science! update, this would mean that they could dumbed down the game into a corner because they just didn't planed how to implement some very significant challenges on a space simulator. And by now, it's too late to another rewrite if they really got themselves on that corner.
  20. Yep... Fixed on the post. They are not mutually exclusive situations. In truth, it's almost a mutually inclusive situation. But PD/IG/KSP would not had been sacked NOW if GTA VI had not being delayed, causing the devaluation on the stocks and prompting the CEO to take harsh measures to prevent the shareholders getting (too much) burnt in the process. Again, liability. From the Oxford Languages: We are risking a dictionary war here - I'm pretty sure I used the term "liability" correctly.
  21. You completely missed the point. I'm not implying that GTA VI will fail. Did you ever wondered why the Cut Throat Fest started to happen only after the last Quarterly Earnings Conference Call? Hint: Well... As well: Not to mention: And since the thing was delayed on May 22th: And, finally: So, yeah. P.D. (and KSP2) was sacked because they lost more than 2B USD in stock value early this year due GTA VI being delayed until late 2025. Dude, if this is not a liability, I don't know what would be. (and one must be living in Narnia to believe these events are unrelated, I need to say)
  22. Yes, it can. Limitations from the engine can't be overcome, but programming bugs and silly mistakes (approximately 80% of all grievances we have on KSP¹ since 1.4.0) can. In fact, they already was in some 3rs parties add'ons. You get these fixes that already exist and apply them on the codebase and launch 1.12.6, and a lot of problems will just vanish. The proper way. No software can be guaranteed 100% bug free, but we can get near it. You know, these are two mutually inclusive requirements: in order to be able to affirm if something can or not be fixed, someone needs to know the damned thing, and at least managed to fix some of them. Some of us did exactly that. It's absolutely impressive how the less someone know about software development, the more he's prone to complain about people fighting about how to better develop software. You can't fix what you don't know it's broken - or believe it can't be.
  23. Krap. He does it, I will end up funding 50% of KSP2 myself!!!!
  24. Yes, it is. You are the one claiming KSP can't be fixed.
  25. From the business point of view, GTV VI is a huge liability. It's terribly worrisome to have your entire company relying on the success of a single tittle. It's like opening a shop and having just one client: they literally own your shop, you only pay the taxes. KSP2, the Project, it's probably dead on arrival already. KSP, the Program, it's not. Yet. But I agree it may happen if nothing is done by the current IP owners.
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