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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. You are right, I confirm the problem! There's something wrong on KSP-Recall, as it appears. Working on it: https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/329 === == = POST EDIT = == === The thing is working on previous KSPs. https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/329#issuecomment-2095104416 I'm trying to figure out what changed, when and how. === == = POST POST EDIT = == === It doesn't makes sense. Refunding is not being loaded into a new part, and without it the KSP 1.12.x bug relate to ICostModifier is not handled, screwing TweakScale. So I moved the issue to there: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/77 @by_HOY_, do you know exactly when this started to happening? I'm kinda puzzled, because I have remembrances of testing this on the 1.12 KSP series... (besides not impossible I'm wrong - but, dude...)
  2. I said before, and I will say again - there's more than one plausible explanation. For example, I will (again) suggest a quick research about how Stephen Elop conducted Nokia before Microsoft bought them.
  3. To minimize the risks of class actions, probably. They made a huge lot of promises while selling the game (being on E.A. or not, it's irrelevant - the Bureau of Consumer Protection have the final word about the subject in USA - and I'm kindly ignoring pertinent foreign legislation). No matter what they say to you, EULAs are not licenses, are contracts and as any contract, can be questioned on a Court of Law - even with the mediator clause in effect, a situation that will demand to question that clause first and, if won, then proceed with the suit. That said, I'm not saying this is class action material. I'm saying that a class action is possible (if it will stick or not, dunno), and if they are really going to bury the franchise on a landfill (Atari style), then it makes sense to push hard to deliver all that promises the less worst possible (as long it costs them less than a hypothetical class action).
  4. I'm frequenting this thread too much! Ozzy Osbourne, No More Tears. (I love that bass) Cheers!
  5. [Snip] Censorship is about having your Free of Speech suppressed. If your posts about a determined subject are systematically removed even by not breaking any rules/laws, then we have censorship. Personal threatening, doxxing, et all are a whole new level of a problem, we are talking felonies here.
  6. Hi! Yes, I found the problem: [LOG 09:29:37.554] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part MEMLander (Munar Excursion Module (M.E.M.)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0 You are using an old version of SXT, like.. Older then Making History. MH introduced a part called MEMLander itself, and this screwed people using SXT (classic), because now we have conflicts and add'os like TweakScale gets confused. I suggest you to update SXT to the "SXT Continued", as it introduces some fixes (not only on renaming the MEMLander) that are handy for modern KSPs, where "modern" is anything after KSP 1.4.3... Let me know if this really fixes the problem!
  7. My son turned 18 7 years ago... (man, I'm feeling old...)
  8. Check the code that reads the Tech Tree's file (TechTree.cfg), perhaps this can be a Module Manager glitch, or perhaps MM is doing it right, but with the wrong file as KSP itself could be shoving the file on the wrong place. Check what's inside the PDLauncher directory.
  9. It's done, the github repository is no more. SpaceDock still have them, but the downloads don't have a copy of the license, so right now no one knows the terms of the "Bitstudios Public Use License" . CKAN says it's "open-source", but this is a false advertisement (seriously!!). Without the original repository with the license, and no license file on the distribution packages, and not even a copy of the text of the license on the Forum's thread, I'm afraid that anything published by him should be, unfortunately, taken down. Sorry to break it to you. I'm afraid this Forum will start to harvest what they were sewing for some time, ignoring the consequences of bad licensing (or plain disrespecting them). === == = POST EDIT = == == The author published the license, so no restrictions are needed anymore.
  10. Given the current status quo, this statement is the most optimistic leap of faith I had read on this Forum for while.
  11. If you see a CEO taking decisions that don't make sense on the long run, it's because they are probably working on the hypothesis of not existing a long run to worry about. These guys are not stupid, they didn't reached that position just because. (there's always a chance you are missing some detail, but then I call "Risk Management" and see what are the chances of it - recent happenings, dating almost a year already, suggests otherwise however) Perhaps because they is open to new ideas that, perhaps, may change their mind? Other that this detail, I agree with you. Cheers!
  12. So please don't assume I did. I have a pretty decent resume on the subject. And since we are here, check how Stephen Elop stewarded the Nokia brand before Microsoft acquired it. Things are WAY more complicated than you appear to think. === == = POST EDIT = == === Additionally, check this absolutely marvelous video: Using the Game Theory lingo, KSP is in the final rounds of the game - where the most rational decision is to defect until the end.
  13. Yes they can, and yes they do. They don't even try to predict the future with 100%. It's Enough And Sufficient(R) to be right enough to garantee the profits. There's a Discipline on Management called Risk Management. This means that sometimes they will kill a small golden egg chicken now and then, but as long they manage to keep the golden egg goose alive and healthy, they call it an "acceptable outcome" and call it a day. I'm not asking you to like this. I surely don't. But yet, this is exacly how business are conducted.
  14. Yes. But I rewrote it in terms the accountants use in order to explain how they take decisions. If you want to understand why some people take some decisions, you need to understand how they think and, so their language.
  15. Operations don't run on loss. They run on expectations of profit, so it's an investment. On the exact moment someone decide that operation is running on loss, someone else calculates the odds of reverting the trend and how much time it will tale to recover the money after the profits are back. If such money can render more profits somewhere else, the axe-man is called.
  16. Today, it's this one: (frankly, the lyrics are perfect! )
  17. The myth of the infinite demand. With ZIRP (the pandemic relief program), suddenly borrowing money became cheaper as hell, so you could literally burn money with impunity if you wanted. So they used the cheap money to hire people from left to right as a strategic move - if I hire this guy, he will not work on my competitor against me - it's someone else paying his salary (the Government), not me!. As well to buy anything that they laid their eyes on. But then the ZIRP is over, and all that buyouts increased the fixed costs of the company. It's interesting, but the budget to buy things is different from the budget from paying salaries. Not only they go on different Cost Centers, but they are classified differently too - buyouts go to the variable Cost Centers, and salaries (and maintenance, and taxes, etc) go to the fixed (recurrent?) Center Costs. Now, fixed Cost Centers are the problem for the Accountants. Profits are calculated prioritizing fixed Costs (as variable costs are easily amortizable over long periods of time, sometimes even as loss on the taxes, while fixed costs need to amortized constantly). Now we have a situation where the earnings are going to shrink and the taxes are going to get higher (see changes on the Section 174 of the corporate tax), so now they have a expenditure that is going to be harder to amortize. So they get rid of the expenditure. Simple like that. Oh, people are going to lose the jobs due this? Too bad, Corporations are not Charity Entities - you need to pull your weight now to so the money they spent on you this month is amortizable on the next. Otherwise, they will get rid of the costs of paying you. The system does not promotes maximizing fair deals with the employees. The system is trimmed to maximize profits. Yep.
  18. Are you talking about the changes of the Section 174 on what can be amortized as R&D and what's not? IMHO the gross of the expenditures were already made. Music, meshes, textures, animations, all of that costs a ton of money, really, really ton of money. Development are not cheap neither, but are done in a faster pace (usually) with a relatively small team. It's the reason corporations like to buy failed project's assets, to save money by grabbing them instead of paying a lot of creatives to do it from scratch.
  19. On an initial moment, fixing the auto-strut bug would be the best line of action. Adding a better mechanism would not be out of question, but initially, we should fix the problem on the features we already have. We build software in layers, one over the other. We left a bug lingering on a lower layer, it will bite our cheeks later for sure.
  20. I beg to differ. Some of the worst problems on KSP¹ were really, really silly mistakes buried into the code that only lived by so many years because nobody were looking for them, preferring to elect escape goats to take the blame instead. As why the devs didn't solved these problems before, well... I will left to an exercise to the reader. A chain is so strong as its weakest link - and corporate culture can be a Sun in your Beach. There're some gunk on KSP¹, but you would be surprised that most of the problems that plagued this scene didn't came from them. --- -- - POST EDIT - -- --- I HAD to quote this here!
  21. As a corollary. he thinks such devs are talented and competent. If he's right about, this raises some very serious questionings about some other things around here. You shifted the targeting reticle to someone else, instead of removing it from the equation.
  22. Would be unwise, as I'm obviously emotionally attached to the subject and I'm pretty sure I going to miss a lot of shots until getting near the target. You see, slandering is a bad thing - and being targeted by it in the past doesn't means I'm entitled to do the same. And if I'm the only one able to see the links, perhaps there's no real links at all - I love a "Conspiracy.Theory" as the any other guy, but this doesn't necessary means I like seeing people unjustifiably getting screwed by it. There's something smelling funny around here, probably for some years already - but some wind may be masking the source. All I can say is that I checked my shoes, and there's nothing stuck on the sole. Forum is too big of an elevator to be able to pinpoint someone farting with certainty!
  23. Finally someone playing ball with me. So: He's not working officially on KSP2, but he's willing to do so. And he's claiming he's working hard on it already, so unofficially. Do some research on his contacts over life. Or he's contracted to do the work, and he's authorized to say it. [he didn't said it - got influenced by the one passing the word, just checked the posts again] Now match these possible conclusions with my previous claims. (I don't want to be the only one reaching into a conclusion - I'm kinda burnt already by my big, wide mouth). --- -- - POST EDIT 25% of the Conspiracy.Theory is over. Let's see how much the remaining 75% lasts!
  24. I had a life before KSP2, and I will still have a life after it. I had a life before KSP¹, but I'm afraid I'm going to be found after passing away trying to push yet another release fixing something, or perhaps debugging some other nasty bug I found bitting my cheeks. You will survive. We will survive. And, believe me, there are good chances that both of us will play KSP again - perhaps even KSP¹ (a certainty in my case). I understand your grievance, because I'm also somewhat fed up about this. But not due the Game (any one of them), but by the increasing vitriol, back stabbing and rug pushing that this Community is victim since KSP2 was announced (not saying there weren't any before, just that these ones are the ones that managed to hit me badly). We lost our ethics. We lost our respect to ourselves. This is what's making me incredibly sad. However... There's always something good about being sad - it's one of the advanced Stages of healing. Don't take it too hard, it's just a Stage. You will be fine. Me too.
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