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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. “Merciful Kraken, I have squandered my savegames with plans of many things. This was not among them. But at this installation, I beg only to play the next few games well. For all we ought to have launched, and have not launched; all we ought to have rescued, and have not rescued; all we ought to have clicked, and have not clicked; I pray thee Kerman for forgiveness.”
  2. With so many workforce being fired, I think the best time to get funded and hire experienced people to work on the project is now!
  3. Yep! Some few of us ends up understanding machine code directly - but I'm not absolutely sure we can call them "humans" , so yeah, it's exactly it! It's one of the reasons, for sure. There're different ways of releasing the source, with different outcomes. I will summarise the most relevant ones (being plausible or not) to help you on understanding the matter: The Source could be released on Public Domain, so anyone can do whatever they want with it. Yeah. Right. Dream on! Unless they are completely out of hope of keeping the franchise alive, they will not do it. I won't neither, and I AM an Open Source evangelist. The Source could be released on a MIT/Expat License style: Almost the same thing as Public Domain, but at least anyone using the Source Code will be obliged to mention you on the copyrights and documentation. Again, I won't do it neither. There's no gain on it while there's hope of making money on the franchise. The Source could be released under a GPL or similar Free (as in speech) license Things here start to be feasible. GPL style license don't forbid you from rereleasing something using the Source, but demands that any modification you do on the Source must be distributed under GPL (or whatever is the license you chose) too, and so any enhancement will be available to you too! Same for bug fixes. I would be allowed to legally download the Source code, apply my changes, publish a binary only package to whoever would be nuts enough to use their time testing my gadgets that so would help me to check if I did things right - as well anyone else here (many will fail, but we need only one succeeding to have the problem solved) I scratch your itch, you scratch my itch, and both of us profit from the ordeal. But, besides all the other assets not being part of the deal, the Source - in theory - can be used on a competitor trying to cut their teeth on the same niche, and having access to the Source is a barrier less to do such. So, in the end, it's up to them to decided if they think what's worth more for them: to gather open source resources around them (what's, being sincere, it's a problem by itself) but allow a few opportunists to try their teeth on their niche, of if it's better to alienate such workforce but keep a small edge over the competition (that can still invest their own resources on it, if they find profitable, and compete the same - [edit: and assuming they aren't doing it already by using shady practices]). Only them can answer this one - we don't have enough information to even suggest something. The Source can be made available on a restricted license, that allows me us to merely read the code and compile it on my our rigs, so I we can debug it. But nothing else. It's a compromise on doing nothing and going Open Source. Ok, I will not have any incentive to fix the thing myself and push the fixes to be used by them, but I at least I can check exactly how and where things are happening under the bonnet and, so can do something on my add'ons to prevent triggering problems and/or work around them (as I already do on KSP-Recall). THIS is the option that fits perfectly what you said. In a way or another, such Source code is their property - more or less as you computer, home or car. It's up to them to decide what to do, our role on this thread is to offer them options, in the hopes we manage to reach a win-win situation for all parts involved: Users want to play the damned game without being peskyed by bugs, crashes and nuisances. Plain impossible on Stock, and it's becoming extremely hard with mods Authors will be able to really understand what's happening inside the damned thing, and finally we will be able to locate the real source of the problems instead of finger pointing each other, trying to save face (or something worse). They will have a better chance to keep selling KSP¹, helping on keep things funded so they stay afloat. If they go OSI, it's plausible (depending on how dextrous they are on gathering people on their cause) to even expand the user base by supporting new devices currently beyound their reach, as porting things around is where OSI is really good. Not an easy feat, but plausible. It's exactly how we have WINE and Proton nowadays. Ideally. Perl, for example, doesn't exactly copes with your statement!!!!! (yeah, I'm maintaining some Perl code these days - the problem is that the damned thing is still be the best tool for the task, so… )
  4. Symmetry is pretty screwed up on a lot of parts, this is another task force I need to cope soon. I plan to work on it at the same time I work on the wheels, as they are pretty affected by this symmetry mishaps. HOWEVER, on my rig the symmetry for the A+ parts I'm seeing on your pic: are working fine. This is my take: See? The symmetry is working perfectly on my rig. So it's something on the floaters you are using (SXT?), or perhaps something on a previous A+ version? I just released a RC above with some fixes I'm doing over the year, perhaps this new release would better suit you? EDIT: The user is right! @Kerbal410, I confirm your report. The Landing Skid have its colliders messed up. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/AirplanePlus/issues/14 /EDIT I think you reverted A+ to a previous version? My release above have the Category working fine. I really don't remember if the upstream's had a problem on it (or if it had a Category at all), so I'm guessing. But in a way or another, I have a category for A+ here on my test bed right now, using my latest release.
  5. Announce! TweakScale Companion for AirCrafts RC is on the wild. Rebranding the whole thing to TweakScale Companion for AirCrafts Reworking APP patches Importing (and reworking) patches from the late Companion for NeistAir New patches for: MPR SXT Download here or in the OP. The previously known TweakScale Companion for AirplanePlus was deprecated, and incorporated in the new TSCO for AirCrafts. The previously known TweakScale Companion for NeistAir was deprecated, and new (fixed and improved) patches were incorporated on AirCrafts too. Support for MPR (Moderately Plane Related) were added. Revised and improved patched for SXT were incorporated, as TweakScale 2.5 will (hopefully) be published sometime in the near future and there's a chance that it will break really old patches (currently on the SXT's main distribution) - so having them on this Companion will guarantee a seamless migration. I will keep this thing as PRE RELEASE for a week, to prevent causing borkage on the wild in the case I let something silly pass trough unchecked. Early adopters are welcome to trial it. Cheers! — — NOTAM — — I screwed up something on the new SXT patches, perhaps they are not finished yet - its' some time since I worked on it and I'm jumping tasks since them. In a way or another I removed them from this release while I (re)work them.
  6. Hi! Your rig is pretty damanged... For starterts, you have two TweakScaleCompanions installed on the rig - and there can be only one. KSPIE is ano badly installed: KSPIE+1.29.6+for+KSP+1.8.1 <...> Stock folder: Squad <...> TweakScale TweakScaleCompanion TweakScaleCompanion 4.48.45 pm Completely remove <KSP_ROOT>GameData/TweakScaleCompanion 4.48.45 pm . Additionaly, rename KSPIE+1.29.6+for+KSP+1.8.1 to KSPIE. Besides this, I think you have a problem with ExsurgentEngineering (and I don't have the slightest idea about what it is): [ERR 17:07:29.850] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'ExsurgentEngineering': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <106570632fc343a784fad39e75e877bf>:0 Additional information about this exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100002b (from typeref, class/assembly SolidRocket, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) Reach ExsurgentEngineering maintainers for help, this is also screwing a lot of other addons, as HangerExtenderExtended , KineTechAnimationModuleLoader , MechJeb2 and all the TweakScaleCompanions due the Assembly Loader/Resolver problem on KSP: [LOG 17:07:30.683] [ModuleManager] Intercepted a ReflectionTypeLoadException. List of broken DLLs: ExsurgentEngineering 1.0.5122.3109 GameData/ExsurgentEngineering/Plugins/ExsurgentEngineering.dll
  7. Did you installed everything correctly? Things worked fine on my test bed. Send me your KSP.log, MMPatch.log and the ModuleManager.ConfigCache, You will find the instructions on the TweakScale's OP, on the section Support:. I should be able to diagnose the problem with these artefacts. Don't bother, found the cause. A typo in the configs. It was working on my rig because I managed to install NeistAir with the Kraken damned typo!!!! #facepalm Create a directory named "NestAir" on your GameData for while, I'm fixing the distribution and I will publish the fix in the next hours. Sorry! — — POST POST EDIT — — Worst!! I have it fixed already early this year!!!! #facepalm² I completely forgot to publish it!! Damn! (it wasn't even installed on my Acceptance Test Bed, I really forgot about it! damn!!!) Ignore my last advice, install this thing and you will be fine: https://github.com/TweakScale/Companion_AirCrafts/releases — — POST POST POST EDIT — —
  8. I just learnt something that made the photosynthesis in Kerbals something more… 'realistic' on my eyes: kleptoplasty! They can still be animals (molluscs with an exoskeleton, as I imagine them), and by eating Chlorophyll rich food, their cells hijacks the Chlorophyll and start to process light and carbon dioxide to get energy and oxygen to be consumed, restarting the cycle. This can be a good excuse for their incredible ability to survive on space for years without a proper (for human standards) source of oxygen - as long they have enough snacks (hey, this is science fiction, and we just realised why they need so much snacks! They are made of Chlorophyll rich vegetables, as algae, as well something to provide them the remaining nutrients, as vitamins and proteins!). As long there's light (natural or artificial), and a good source of snacks, they can convert the CO2 they produce themselves into oxygen and energy. And by still being animals, they can move freely on the dark as long they have stored energy in their bodies ("fat") to burn for while. This theory needs some polishing, but I like the overall idea!
  9. Hi. Unfortunately you missed the one that would really help, the KSP.log. What's happening is that something was updated or installed that is failing to be loaded (perhaps by a missing dependency), and this triggers an (in)famous bug on KSP on a thingy called Assembly Loader/Resolver , that so actively screws up anyone trying to use a thingy called Reflection or trying to load a DLL. Send me your KSP.log and I will dig it for the culprit.
  10. There's nothing you need to do. By insisting on loading the craft, these modules will just be ripped out, reaching the same result as manually edition the crafts. Just load them normally, ignoring the message. Please note that removing Modules from parts is not always safe - doing it with TweakScale is certain doom on scaled parts.
  11. You don't need to have the Weld Tool installed to **use** the parts welded, but you need to have the welded parts installed on your rig - with or without the Weld Tool installed, you would not be able to load the craft without the welded parts installed on your rig too. You need to reach the craft's author and ask for a copy of the part configs created by the Weld Tool used on the craft. Hey are ordinary part configs created by the tool, so no copyrighted assets are involved. You will need, obviously, to have the original part sets installed too (exactly because of the assets)
  12. And there we go again. Epic (Unreal Engine) is firing ~900 of their staff. https://www.pcgamesn.com/fortnite/epic-games-layoffs Apparently, they are in a similar position of Unity Technologies - spent too much without earning enough to pay the bills. I hope the similarities ends there. — — POST EDIT — — Now, Ubisoft and Blizzard are following suit: https://www.essentiallysports.com/esports-news-following-epic-games-ubisoft-and-blizzard-are-also-undergoing-layoffs/ Apparently not as bad as Epic, but still… Sega is also cancelling games, and laying people off: https://game-news24.com/2023/09/29/sega-cancels-snaps-layoffs-reported-at-creative-assembly/ We definitively have a situation around here.
  13. Eventually. I took too much time to deliver something, and @blackheart612 is not frequenting Forums since some time. Ideally, I want to ask him to include me as an Author on SpaceDock and CurseForge, making everything transparent to users - but even if we decide to publish on new entries on SD, I still need his authorisation so CKAN guys accept redirecting the current AirplanePlus CKAN tag to the new location.
  14. They can just pass the cost to their users, they are also locked in. And they don't want that this matter reaches the Court, because they do it themselves. One of the oldest Internet joke available, my first site made on 1996 had this picture. Humm… I need to fix my site and find a place to it . The paranoid that lives on me salutes the paranoid that lives on you. Sometimes it's hard not to wonder if it's by design.
  15. Three-point belt! Safety first!
  16. Bingo! To tell you the true, this one is a first, I never got a problem like this one before! [LOG 00:21:20.858] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/cupola/cupola' [ERR 00:21:20.998] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleB9PartSwitch' Something is patching B9PS on everything without checking if B9PS is, indeed, installed! And so TweakScale panics, because it can't check the available parts because they are using a PartModule that is not present on the rig. Problem: I didn't found anyone patching B9PS in the cupola by inspecting MMPatch.log . It looks like this part config have it hardcoded somehow - @vysiondropz, did you edited the file Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/cupola.cfg?
  17. One of the worst problems that flagellates humanity is that we are not talking mutually exclusive problems here. You can act as a sociopath while doing managing, and still be stupid. IMHO, the stupid part of this whole ordeal was offering to wave the install fess to people migrating from 3rd parties ad engine to their own. THIS was stupid, very, very stupid. They brought the Sherman Act over themselves (risking jail time), and surely forced them to took more steps back than they would want. About the install fee itself, it could be a devious plot to induce people to do what they really want. There's this class that I remember very well using a very interesting case study: More than an decade ago from the date of the class I took, the coach of the Brazilian feminine volleyball team was disputing its last World Cup before retiring, and he decided he wanted the Trophy as a retirement gift to himself - "se aposentar com chave de ouro", as we say around here. He had a good team, they had good chances to win - but somehow the team wasn't working together as he need them to do. So he picked the youngest and most beloved girl of the team (everybody liked the lass very much!), and chewed her. He specifically blamed HER for every point they lost on the game, being by a mishap of the team or pure luck of the adversary. He literally destroyed her morally and psychologically - all in front of the rest of the team. It was as ugly as you can imagine, there was absolutely no laws about at that time. Obviously, the team revolted against this absurd - strongly revolted, but since the only alternative was to step down and end their career (as any athlete steeping down in the middle on the Cup would never play volleyball again in her life), they had no choice but to ignore the abuses over their youngest team member, or form on her side and fight the coach the only way they could: by bashing their arses out to avoid any situation they know would unleash hell later of the poor girl. They won the Cup. The coach ruined his chances of ever work again, as absolutely no athlete on this country ever accepted to be in the same room as him, what to say be coached by him. But who cares? He was retiring, and he reached his goal, he won the Tournament on his retiring, and this is the only thing that matters for him. That poor girl? No one talked about her on the Case Study, she didn't matter. She could had left volleyball, she could had got traumatised, she could had to spend a ton of money on therapy - nobody cared to check on that Case Study, the instructor didn't had an answer. And I didn't managed to figure out myself, as Brazil has a good collection of Gold Medals and Championships on this game. Obviously, the name of the coach wasn't mentioned, neither the year in which this happened. The team mates? Well, they celebrated the Trophy the same. They had won the championship, after all. The rest of the country? We never knew about, nobody ask questions to the winner, do we? My take on this Unity ordeal is that the install fee was purposely damaging to the most beloved users of Unity (indie developers). If nobody cared, they would have an extra incoming for sure, but if their customers decided to form on them (as it happened), they could step back a bit, giving the "f….. idiots" the illusion of have won, and then apply a new stunt that would milky everybody both on subscriptions and on shares of revenue - what may be what they wanted all the time, but knew it would be a bitter pill to swallow. So they sugarcoated the pill by creating a yet more painful situation, making the poison acceptable by comparison. The CEO got royally burnt on this? Yes, but… Do we really know if he cares? He may be just looking for his final Trophy before retirement. Unity may had hugely compromised its future? The CEO surely doesn't care about - all he wants is the money, and he will be not around when the ship capsizes in a way or another. The million USD question here (literally) is… What the BoD have to say about? They are planning retirements too?
  18. I think you sent me the wrong file. There's absolutely no mods loaded on your rig, by the looks of this output_log! ************************************************************************ Environment Info Win32NT 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Args: KSP_x64.exe Mod DLLs found: Stock assembly: Assembly-CSharp v0.0.0.0 Folders and files in GameData: Stock folder: Squad Stock folder: SquadExpansion ************************************************************************ Reproduce the problem, quit KSP (to prevent the logs from being truncated) and send me the KSP.log instead! — — POST EDIT — — hey, are you using KSP 1.7 or older? Initialize engine version: 2017.1.3p1 (02d73f71d3bd) humm… yes, KSP 1.7.3! [KSP Version]: (WindowsPlayer x64) (x64) ru ============================== Cheers!
  19. Fair enough. If we want support from the layman, we need to make them a bit less layman! Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, I looked for someone (way better English fluent than me) that had done it nicely. And I not only found one, but it talks explicitly about how the Source Game can help gaming! The importance of having access to KSP¹'s source code was already discussed ad nauseam on this thread, I suggest to read this bunch o links to have a thoughtful explanation - you may want to read some other posts of mine too. But, in a nutshell, having access to the Source Code is essentially why we have Internet nowadays - the whole TCP/IP stack (the thingy that allows computers to talk to each other on this big network we call Internet) is Open Source, and it's the reason that everything including the kitchen's sink (LITERALLY) can talk to Internet - as there's no need to rewrite it from scratch for every new device (or pay someone to do it), what would drive the costs to the stratosphere. That said, not everything need to be Open Source in order to succeed. Most games are an example of that. But sometimes, some games get relevant enough to demand a higher level of support that perhaps may not be under the reach of the publisher! Some people may be willing to port the thingy into ARM processors, some other may want to run it on RISC-V dev boards, perhaps a new lightweight, energy efficient and powerful (but pretty expensive) tablet is being launched somewhere in the World and NASA would love to have it on the Space Station running KSP. It would not be feasible economically to KSP's publisher to spend all that money themselves, neither reasonable they start to charge people that run KSP on PCs to fund such development. If KSP¹'s source code would be available, interested people (as NASA engineers) would be able to do the port themselves using their free time. Now we need to talk about something else: what Source Code is not. As it was said above, having access to the Source Code is not the same as being able to relaunch a version of the Game yourself and make some bucks from it. Images, characters, lore, sounds, animations, missions, all of this is also Intelectual Property, and they are not part of the Source Code. So, unless KSP¹'s published decides to release everything as Public Domain (as did by the Fables author!), you may recompile the thing, and (depending of the license) perhaps redistribute the compiled code to whoever may want it- but not the rest of the game. The dude that would download that code would need to buy KSP¹ the same (if not had done it already), because the compiled code by itself is not enough to play the game. Being pragmatic, the real need for the KSP¹'s source code is to fix the bugs. For years KSP¹ is being plagued by bugs that were not fixed - or were poorly fixed, leading to yet more bugs). Obviously, such bugs are not going to be properly fixed anymore now that the KSP¹'s development cycle is finished. Having access to this Source Code will allow us, Authors, to be able to properly fix or work around these bugs without creating new ones, because we will be able to check on the Source Code (and by debugging sessions) exactly what's happening under the bonnet, and so be able to do something about. (I will not discuss, again, about shaddy ways to get access to that Source Code and that's being already exploited on the wild - we aim to be EULA and Forum compliant on this task, some of us are professionals where it's unethical to do such things, as it may affect negatively our careers). Completely unrelated to KSP¹ but affecting it, recently Unity Technologies decided to go the Racketeer way and virtually almost killed their game scene. It was really that bad, and perhaps will keep being that way. The Worst didn't happened (yet?), but if things had really gone down trough the tubes, having access to KSP¹'s source code would improve the chances of having it ported to something else by the Community (porting things is where Open Source guys really shine). On the other hand, if KSP¹ were made using an already Open Source engine like Godot (or anything else that could suit them better), all that drama would just not affect them - because it's plain impossible to go rogue on the customers that are using Open Source themselves. One can withdraw support for the object of the contract, but can't prevent someone else from offering a replacement contract (see the last Red Hat drama). — — — I have noticed that someone (I forgot who, sorry!) is using my Banner on their Signature: But just miniaturising the image made it ugly due the white text being illegible and screwing the aesthetics. So I rendered a new one, without the white text, in a small "form factor": Whoever you are (and everybody else), fell free to use it instead! Cheers!
  20. Good. Please tell me where you work, so I can monitor their game's pricing. Lawyers cost money, and I prefer to see my money funding game development instead!
  21. Yep. But it's not cheap - not remotely cheap. It will cost you dearly, and they know it. It's the reason they do it at first place, even by knowing that they can be challenged. You see, they are big enough to have a squad of layers on their payroll. They can left them seating on their hands all they, or they can send them for you - the cost will be essentially the same for them. And for you? On a quick search, I found a document saying that it can cost between 300 and 1200 USD per HOUR just for the arbitration itself. You will pay fees and, obviously, for the lawyer too - and I'm talking small cases, definitively not the case here. Good if you are a lawyer. Are you a lawyer?
  22. Check your contracts again - it's almost sure you had agreed on something like this: I will left to an exercise to the reader to pinpoint the source of this quote. Good luck, you are going to need it.
  23. And that 3000 people will gladly starve to death after being fired, no doubt. They will look for a job, bringing with them all the knowledge and know-how they gathered while working on Unity - what means that Unity will be feeding the competition, and then eventually making even harsher to expand their current customer base, what means they will be more prone to squeeze the current user base instead - i.e., you. There's also the political problem: Managers have their "power" influenced by the head count under their direct influence. No director will fire man power under their helm unless being forced by other Managers, that usually avoid such fights to prevent rivals gathering together against their workforce later. I consider a miracle Unity had laid off 1.100 workers already (200 in 2020, 300 in Jab, 600 in May) But consider that even by firing 1.100 workers in the last 10 months, they are still on the red by 2.9B until now only for this year (and growing). This is approaching 25% of the total gross value of the company at this moment (~12B). https://companiesmarketcap.com/unity-software/total-debt/ Even by magically stopping the haemorrhage, they need to pay that debt somehow - and since firing workforce will not only make harder to Unity to expand but also will feed the competition (making harder to expand in a self feeding loop), again they will not have another option other than to milky the current user base for more money as soon as they can. EULAs are contracts. Unfortunately, you need a reality check - being illegal or not, it's exactly what the Software Industry is doing on their customers for years, decades, unchecked. The only novelty here is the stunt being applied to fellow members of the Industry, instead of only to their users. Laws are only useful when enforced.
  24. Signed Contracts can't be changed, but Terms of Service can. If you have a contract with Unity, check it. It will tell you that the Terms of Service can change - as well the licensing terms. EULAs, on the other hand, can change - and they are contracts the same - ergo, some contracts can change. Microsoft is doing it for years. Hell, Android is doing it for years - just updated my phone that I paid in full and I had to agree with the new ToS. "Just don't update it, so" someone could propose - but them I can't install and use the productivity apps I need to carry on my work (as a freaking 2FA for github, or even my new banking). Don't think you are safe from this - the only novelty on this crap is that, now, Software Publishers are being bitten in the SAS the same way their users were being for years. This will hardly reach the tribunals because a lot of big players are (ab)using this on their business (see my last paragraph). So any attempt to pursue legal action on the matter will A public gaslighting campaign, and perhaps a character assassination one. That failing, some serious retaliations. The dude/small company surviving the retaliations, an agreement will be signed solving the issue punctually (as well as a NDA preventing the agreement from being disclosed). If and only the agreement is not accepted (but usually the money is too good to let it go) things will reach a Court of Law Where some really serious money will be spent for years. IMHO, you will have about 12 months of tranquility. They will try something again unless they managed to stop bleeding money. Keep in mind: they desperately need lots of money, and they have little to no hope of getting it from expanding the customer base (I can't imagine why… ). So they will be forced to squeeze the current user base instead. They didn't retreated - they just did a step back to earn time and do two steps forwards later. They don't have a choice, to tell you the true. Not the CEO, I can guarantee you. He may be a scumbag, but he's a seasoned one - he knows better. The next obvious suspects are the BoD. Talk to a Psychologist about pathological personality disorders, then attend to some PMI (or similar) classes, then tank to the Psychologist again about what did you learnt from how to… well… do Management. Of course I'm not implying that every Manager is a sociopath - but every manager need to act like one now and then. When they enjoy what they are doing, things get hairy.
  25. For while. More is to come, they still have a huge money haemorrhage to fix - and this ineptitude fest surely didn't helped. They did changed the ToS again telling that they will never try a retroactive stunt again? of course, not! TL;DR: If they manage to pull another install-fee stunt like the last one, you will need to remove your games from the stores or you will had agreed with the terms. "Mudar tudo para não mudar nada", as we say around here.
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