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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Different channels, different metrics. These 20 to 50 users that keep posting here are trend setters, those opinions usually get echoed there. The inverse is also true so, nope, just Forum is not enough. Something that I learnt over the years, Forum's heartbeat is kinda reflected on reddit et all (or vice versa, or even besides - I didn't managed to establish causality) and the number that matters the most is the anonymous readers ones. This Forums os a source of curated information, after all. There are content creators, content replicators and content consumers. The metrics we need for the task at hands are the content consumers. And you think those assumptions (some of which aren't assumptions) are not grounded on reality. They are. Ignorance ignores their own ignorance - the path to wisdom is not knowing about everything, but knowing what you don't know. This path is beyound most people, including on the Game Industry and is the very reason things are how they are. We don't need to know exactly how many players KSP2 have, it's enough and sufficient to know if it's a growing or shrinking trend. And the knowledge we have, besides incomplete and imprecise, is good enough to the task at hands. We are filling blank spots YOU know nothing about, something completely different. As an example, I don't need to know that Gravity is exactly 9.80665 m/s2 (what's not, we used this number by definition) to know if something will break or bend if I let it fall from the table. Since my objetive is to have things over the table that will not break when falling, once I know the object's resistance I can use 10 m/s2 (or even 9, why not?) that it will serve me the same - it's a freaking table, not a suborbital trajectory. Do you get it now? I couldn't agree more (but I'm still trying). The problem is not the assumptions. The problem is the absolute lack of consequences. As an example, I don't mind KSP¹ tendency to wobble on bad designs. As a matter of fact, I really like it (besides the wobbling reflecting a tree structure, instead of a more real life equivalent spars, spines and reinforcements). I don't mind even the auto-struts (except by that absolutely stupid bug happening since 1.2.2). What I mind is the lack of consequences on using auto-struts! They should add mass and cost to every part being auto-strutted, that would made things interesting. I completely agree with @PDCWolf when he complains about how shallow the game is becoming. This game were intended to use STEM as an entertainment and learning tool, but right now is just a somewhat 3D Hollow Knight using engineering as scenario but without any engineer on the creative and development teams! Parts are nothing more than spells and powerups. How do you plan to promote STEM without STEM professionals around? It's like trying to teach Math using teachers of Literature! Alternatively, perhaps this is intentional - KSP2 is not a STEM entertainment and learning tool, just another glorified RPG or proto SHMUP intended to allow people to be condescending to themselves by pretending they are doing something "hard". With all the due respect, I don't think you understand the game enough. Ideally you should out the radiators on the part that most need it, but if your design doesn't allow it, you need to compromise. One viable compromise is to attach parts with LOTS of thermal mass on the target part, and then shoving the radiators on these parts. Or in parts attached to these high thermal mass parts. There're parts with better convection than others. There're parts with better conduction than others. There're parts with more thermal mass than others - worst, with variable thermal mass. And all of that parts have different skin and core heat capabilities. Making these work the way you want are the challenge, not merely attaching parts by aesthetics in a glorified sudoku pattern. The whole reason to bother with all of this is, hell, to solve problems. You remove problems to be solved, you remove content from the game.
  2. That’s true, tens of thousands must enjoy the game in silence and that’s why they don’t have the time to comment. Lucky them. YOU may know nothing, but some of us can infer something from available data. Most clients are silent because most clients are not playing the game. We may not be able to know for sure how many people bought KSP2, but we can use SteamCharts as a heart bit for the current user's interest on it and the last week we had daily peaks of about 400 users (versus the historical low of 40 last month. So, yeah, we have about 10 times more active users in the last week than the worst score, and about twice the peak of the previous week. So we know that the game stats are improving for now - but the peaks are already dropping, yesterday we had a peak of 200 against ~320 one week ago. We also know that KSP2 had a peak of 11K concurrent users at launch (an impressive number) on Steam (what happened just 10 months ago). Since Steam is known to have about 75% of the online userbase, we can infer they sold about 16K copies on the very first day (given or taken, as we don't know exactly how many users fire KSP2 outside steam launcher). We also know that only 1 on 26 customers complain, the others 25 just walk in silence. So it's safe to assume that for each complain you find about a bug, at least 20 others customers had quit playing the game. From the initial of 16K to about 600 (estimated peak this week after the last patch, i.e. 450/3*4), we have about 26 leaving users for each one still around. DAMN, that 1 to 26 heuristics appears to work! Obviously, I'm abstracting refunds and new sells, but yet we can have a very good general idea of what's happening. YOU don't know nothing. Don't project your ignorance over the rest of us.
  3. In the same way Companies are obligated by law to respect consumers rights. Now check what Apple and Google is doing. Or even Unity Technologies… Believing that just because someone printed some fancy words on a nice sheet of paper called "Law" will magically make things happen is naiveness. Laws need to be enforced to have some effect, and the sad true is that no one is enforcing such laws nowadays. Did you saw Unity disclosing to any of their shareholders they were going to pull a fast one over AppLovin? No? Neither do I. Do you are seeing anyone in jail or at least being prosecuted due this stunt? No? Neither do I. Kiss Sherman Act bye bye if nothing changes about it in the next months - once the first one manages to walk from such stunt, you can bet your pension funds more Companies are going to follow suit. IMHO these subjects being explicitly ignored on the interview strongly suggests that changes and innovations are out of the menu for some time, as they are focusing on keeping their inner belongings tight right now. Whatever they wanna to announce, it was already announced so except by a little surprise or two they could had kept close to their hearts, there's nothing else to disclose other than "we are working to deliver what it was already promised". What I think it's perfectly reasonable. The next best one (and somewhat cheaper depending on how resistant to alcohol the dude is! ) is to monitor Forums and similar channels for disgruntled workers/ex-workers venting about. The faster the post (as long it make sense, of course) is censored or watered down, the most probable the information is pertinent. There's this old myth about one of my grand-grand-fathers. Brazil, about a century ago, was essentially an agricultural economy so the middle and upper classes were, almost entirely (salvo lawyers, physicians and politicians) farmers or something like that in a way or another. This grand-grand-father of mine had a Chicken Farm - and one big problem for Chicken Farmers were chicken theft, no one bothers to brand a chicken as they do with cattle, after all. So when he had to travel, he hired the local chicken theft to keep his chicken's safe. It was some good money, but still better than losing the chickens - and you can bet your eggs this guy knows how to prevent a chicken from being stolen, what was also good for him as he still could steal chickens from other farms (what was not exactly condone by my grand-grand-father, but since he ended up gaining an edge on the stunt over his competition, it was not condemned neither ). The fact is that there're a lot of "chicken thieves" on the Game Industry (they are everywhere, but apparently they are more numerous here) - some of them pretty liquided by being crossed by someone else, and willing to spill the beans for cheap, or even for free, in reprisal. You only need to keep your ears open while walking on these channels. Sifting the wheat from the chaff, however, is a challenge by itself - it's more intuition than reasoning, an Art and not a Science - so, as usual, we always take them with a significant grain of salt. Getting older has some advantages, indeed.
  4. Are you nuts? Asking information from the people that have every motivation in the World to do not share them to you? Do you think that Unity Technologies had disclosed any of the crapstorm they were planning about the Fees to their shareholders (or to the few ones that would be considering to be) before doing it? This is beyound naiveness…
  5. Someone zoomed on it once, and:
  6. As a matter of fact, buyers are not the only stakeholders on this history. Every single one that bought one single share of Take Two Interactive is also a very important stakeholder. Anyone thinking on buying (or not!) TTI shares is also another very important one. Knowing exactly why so many delays happened, what is being done to mitigate the problem and how this will affect future prospections are of the upmost important to anyone considering investing in the company. You know, not every KSP player is a kid - some of us own companies, and others even invest on the game industry. I wonder that TTI shares on Brazil halved the price in a year for a reason, no? It worths to mention that T1TW34 didn't paid a single cent in dividends on the last 12 months. Try to imagine investing your Pension Funds on something that didn't paid back anything for a whole year… On the bright side, they are slowly recovering in the last 3 months, but still a far cry from what they used to be valued early 2020 or even 2022. How a Company treat their costumers have direct influence on the prospections of income, that by its turn reflects on the expectation of value on the shares in the forecoming months. And, frankly, it's simple like that.
  7. A fantastic cliffhanger for a Kerbal halloween short history that, frankly, I'm surprised no one (AFAIK) explored yet!!!
  8. Yep. The OnCopy (or Clone) process is completely screwed. The appalling thing is that I kinda managed to fix it, but then I screwed loading crafts… I know where the problem is, I know why the problem happens, but I need a bit of time to figure out how it happens so I can fix it. At least I spent some time this weekend and found some potential fixes - all of them demanding some refactoring, unfortunately. Since we are here, let me explain the problem: When KSP 1.4.x came in 2018, it introduced a thingy called ModulePartVariants, that it's essentially a Part Switch - allowing the user to choose between different variants, instead of forcing the author to shove these variants as discrete parts. Problem: by some reason, whoever wrote the support on Editor royally screwed up a lot of small features in a very insidious way… On this specific case, things go South when the root part of a subassembly have that ModulePartVariants thing. When this happens, something is run again on the subassembly after TweakScale had done its magic, royally screwing up the parts - sometimes using prefab values, sometimes pulling numbers from that tiny little place where the Sun doesn't shines. In a way or another, your craft is screwed. You will not reproduce this problem on KSP 1.3.x and older, obviously, because Editor at that time wasn't mangled to support ModulePartVariants. This is something that started to happen on the 1.4.x for sure (I'm still playing 1.4.3, so I know). Making things yet more complex, right now I don't even know if some of the misbehaviours are really due TweakScale failing to cope with the mess, of if it's something new being injected by Monkey Patching, introducing new misbehaviours by collateral effect - as it was done recently. This means that all that experience I had gathered over the many idiosyncrasies buried on KSP is not worthing too much, as I need to retest everything from scratch to be sure (good thing I had documented most of them on github, so I have a benchmark). Not even reverse engineering would help, as the patched code is downloaded at runtime and it exists only while the game is running - essentially unpairing the code you have installed on the HDD from the code you are really running in memory. This new environment creates some interesting challenges…
  9. Well, I have so many that usually I would need to ask if you want them in chronological or alphabetical order - not to mention if in the current period or something in the past. Well, the last one is tragically comic - I decided to shove some communication and observation satellites around Kerbol (why not?), and one of them on a polar orbit. Of course, I'm a bean counter stand-up guy, so instead of using a traditional rocket, I used a plane as first stage (more os less like virgin galactic), then used chemical rockets for the second stage and third stage and finally ion engines for the final stage. Interesting enough, it ended up being relatively cheaper than a full rocket solution (the first stage is 100% recoverable, after all). The boring part was to change the satellite orbit to polar in a reasonable time (I'm playing "Make Kerbin Great Again" style, so I need fast results instead of cost/beneficial ones - and I had already saved some bucks using a plane as first stage), so 5 ion engines made the trick - only 4 hours of burning on an orbit between Moho and Eve. I'm on 1.4.3, by the way (the best performatic KSP on my rig). Everything gone perfectly, I got even some Xeon gas to spare - what should had triggered that "ok, this is not normal" feeling. Once I managed to reach the desired orbit, I opened the menu to go back to the Track Station and plan the other two satellites (each one aiming to a 45 an -45o inclination), and promptly clicked on the Revert by accident. Even worst, clicked on the Revert to Launch without even thinking about, so distracted I was - it took me about 3 or 4 attempts until I got the damned orbit right, so I essentially reverted due muscular memory. I closed KSP and decided to watch some movies to cool down.
  10. I know I'm necroposting, but this thread came on the very top while I was goggling for the same thing (I'm getting old, hehe). So I decided to post an answer here so anyone getting here the same way will have the answer available: What you want is a MM patch like this: +PART[ISRU] { @name = IRSU_10x @MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter],0 { @OUTPUT_RESOURCE,0 { @Ratio = 444.0 } } } This will copy the current ISRU part (the "+" thing), then will change it's name to IRSU_10x, then will edit the conversion ratio to 444.0 (10 times the original value, IIRC). Keep in mind: you just created a new part, and any savegame you use it will be screwed if you delete the patch later. I suggest you save this patch on a file called ISRU_10x.cfg, and to place this file on a directory called __LOCAL on your GameData, so you will be able to keep track of it without risking getting it deleted by accident while updating things. <Your_KSP_Root>/GameData/__LOCAL/ISRU_10x.cfg
  11. Well, I can't say for sure but apparently it's something related to Texture Replacer: [LOG 09:44:17.601] [TR.Loader] Texture compression spared 25.5 MiB = 26.7 MB [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "EVAhelmet" -> TextureReplacer/Default/EVAhelmet [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "EVAjetpack" -> TextureReplacer/Default/EVAjetpack [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "EVAjetpackNRM" -> TextureReplacer/Default/EVAjetpackNRM [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "EVAtexture" -> TextureReplacer/Default/EVAtexture [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "EVAtextureNRM" -> TextureReplacer/Default/EVAtextureNRM [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "EVAvisor" -> TextureReplacer/Default/EVAvisor [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "kerbalHelmetGrey" -> TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalHelmetGrey [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "kerbalHelmetNRM" -> TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalHelmetNRM [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "kerbalMainGrey" -> TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalMainGrey [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "kerbalMainNRM" -> TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalMainNRM [LOG 09:44:17.635] [TR.Replacer] Mapped "kerbalVisor" -> TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalVisor [ERR 09:44:17.663] Material doesn't have a texture property '_BumpMap' [ERR 09:44:17.663] Material doesn't have a texture property '_BumpMap' <snip> [ERR 09:44:17.668] Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex' [ERR 09:44:17.668] Material doesn't have a texture property '_BumpMap' <repeat ad nauseaum> From the time the ERR thingies started to happen, they monopolises the log and nothing more is logged until the last logged entry 4 minutes later: [ERR 09:48:08.803] Material doesn't have a texture property '_BumpMap' Looking for exceptions, I found: [ERR 09:44:18.168] Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex' [LOG 09:44:18.184] [TR.TextureReplacer] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at TextureReplacer.Replacer.initialise () [0x00216] in <ce567d4728574e639ab3ea598d7914b1>:0 at TextureReplacer.TextureReplacer.LateUpdate () [0x0002e] in <ce567d4728574e639ab3ea598d7914b1>:0 [LOG 09:44:18.267] [ModuleManager] Waited 0.000s for patching to finish [LOG 09:44:18.267] [ModuleManager] Applying patched game database [LOG 09:44:18.286] [TR.Loader] Texture compression spared 25.5 MiB = 26.7 MB [ERR 09:44:18.341] Material doesn't have a texture property '_BumpMap' What's settle the case: Texture Replacer killed itself on the LateUpdate due a NFE, and I'm betting that this killed the caller's thread, halting the game loading. You will need to ask TextureReplacer guys for help, I'm lost on this one. In the mean time, I think that removing TR will allow you to play the game in the mean time.
  12. This one is recent, but I can't think on Halloween anymore without thinking on it!
  13. It's the main criticism about Mateba's ones (and any other autorevolver too). An autorevolver is way simpler than a pistol, but still a bit more complicated than a simple revolver - you need proper sealing on the chamber, otherwise the gases will leak and the mechanism will not cock. On the other hand, they are safer to be handled exactly because of that: you can have a finger ripped out on a Magnum .44 if you don't mind how to hold the weapon while firing. Additionally, not every ammunition have enough kick to pull the cycle - common ammo degenerates the weapon's cycle into a double action exactly like common revolvers. But at least you can use ordinary non FMJ (Colt and S&W) ammo on it if desperated, what still makes it more versatile than a pistol.
  14. Oh, crap. Apparently my paranoia paid off - we are really dealing with a Sherman Act violation here!!! https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/report-unity-runtime-fee-small-devs-applovin-targeted Additionally, also from the linked page: THIS is where the "stupid" part played a role - you just don't try to play a plot when you are weak and miserably relying on a positive outcome to stay alive - it's one of the most basic and simple lessons from the Art of War from Sun Tzu, you don't start wars that you can't afford not to win!. Terrible times to be on the Game Industry, the chilling effect of this craft will shatter (is shattering?) the whole Eco System. “Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22
  15. Just found this one! Launching a SSTO using a bobsled - I can't imagine the G forces when the tracks start the climb in such accentuated angle - it must be back breaking! (and the thing intended to be manned!) - you need to be a Kerbal to survive the launch!
  16. Damn, it took me half an hour until I understand the damned thing wasn't inverted! As a matter of fact, Konstantinov is not the only one to have that idea. Emilio Ghisoni also though of that, and created the Mateba MTR, and later the Model 6 - the idea was being commercialised until recently as Mateba Model 6 Unica (one of the very few autorevolvers in existence). Both guns tried to lower the most the barrel to do exactly the same, reducing mizzle climb. Never used one of these, but I had heard that at least on this requirement, the thing succeeded. — — POST EDIT — — Forgot about the Chiappa Rhino, the last work of the guy.
  17. Now, my turn: SimCity is another cultural phenomena. It not only inspired people to pursue related careers, but was subject of many essays including on political organizations: Interesting paper this last one, it also criticises SimCity (we are talking the very first one) due the perceived weaknesses - some of them were worked out in the later releases, as I was informed. I remember reading an article on some dead tree based magazine when younger, stating that some Towns in USA were actively encouraging public servants to play the game - of course, finding such article at this time was an impossible mission to me right now. This is what I call a Cultural Phenomena, and I'm not the only one stating that. Your links about KSP supports my thesis that KSP¹ is exactly the same, being used on Engineering Courses and even on NASA - not to mention the public in general. Exactly. This is not just a game. Like SimCity, KSP¹ is a Cultural Phenomena. Something that cause changes on part of the Society. It's the reason KSP2 got almost 12K concurrent users on Steam on day 1 - but also the reason that drove such numbers to 130 right now (or, worst, 40 at Oct 17, 2:00). It's not wise to handle KSP¹as "it's just a game". It's way more than that - and exactly due that, it's important to preserve such legacy the best they can - because failing to do such will also bring heavily criticising over them - KSP2 would not had received such a terrible reception if KSP¹ would had been "just a game". As a matter of fact, the same fate afflicted a posterior SimCity release at 2013, literally leading to the Maxis shutdown in 2015 - curiously, the same year in which Cities: Skylines was released taking its place on the market. "All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again." And, as an unexpected bonus to this Thread's very subject (and, so, closing the loop and making our discussion on topic): The thing was even ported to OLPC!
  18. Well… We are listening. With all the due respect to KSP2 developers, comparing 10 years of KSP¹ legacy to KSP2, right now, it's belittling it. Hopefully KSP2 will revert this position in the future but, right now… Because KSP2 had no place on this discussion, it's completely out of the scope of anything being said here and I completely failed to understand why it was brought to this discussion otherwise. The alternative would be considering the post as derailing this thread, what I find pretty improbable due his role on this community, so I took the most logical conclusion I could think of. I have word that not PD neither I.G. was involved on this one - it was organic and spontaneous, being the reason I brought this topic to the discussion!
  19. Not, it's definitively not. Please prove me wrong by showing people openly and clearly crediting KSP¹ for they career choices. How many games' characters are being sent to Space by Aerospace Companies? KSP¹ is a game. But not only a game. Trying to belittle it in favour of KSP2 will only belittle KSP2 itself.
  20. Well… Concurrent players and active add'on authors usually are a good metric. Yes, interest in games comes and goes, and when it happens with a decade long behemoth as KSP¹, it's not a surprise that this movement ends up with way more attention than common games. KSP¹ is not merely a game. It's a cultural phenomena, like Doom - but beyond, because we have a whole new generation of highly skilled professionals crediting KSP¹ for their decision on pursuing such career. Not even Doom managed to get this. You are failing to address exactly one of the main reasons KSP¹ managed to get such traction - long standing communities. This new model of discardable communities driven by Discord et all just doesn't works for long standing cultural phenomenas, because Culture implies in memory, remembrances, and social media like Discords thrives on the exact opposite. Quick paced, short living communities like Discord are good for marketing, no doubt. As a matter of fact, they are perfect for this. But you don't do a success career on gaming only with marketing. You need to gather people around you that would add value to your content. I don't see people with marvellous histories about rockets being mistakenly launched at "lunch time", or about how they knew someone that knew someone that was the driver for Armstrong and Aldrin on the pre Apollo times on Discord. Pursuing only instant gratification, discardable communication channels may work for kids, but not for the people that made KSP¹ great in the past. You need good content to thrive - so your choices are to have a huge budget to pay for such content, or to form a Community that will create such content for you. And you don't find good content creators on discardable communities with little to no memory. — — POST EDIT — — As a matter of fact… I connect to Dsicord about twice a month at best, being the last time about 10 days ago. And I found a Community with 9908 members that created about 94 new posts about KSP2 in that time, and 55 about KSP1. Really, the numbers for this old fashioned Forum looks way brighter, IMHO: we surpass these numbers here on a single hour on a good day.
  21. It's not my place to fingerpoint people, so I will not give you any concrete examples. But… There's a thing called Reverse Engineering that it's a way to analyse the binary code in order to reproduce the source code. It's also known as decompiling. This practice is expressly not allowed by Forum Rules (see legal boundaries), as well the EULA. Now, this is not exactly illegal - but it's subject to legal complications in some cases, as well being illegal for sure in a few countries. That said, it's blatantly clear that a lot of authors around here are relying on such practices. No ill intended, I'm absolutely sure, but this had set a precedent where a few authors decided to monetize the results of such practices (what I think may cause legal implications even on USA). What the Devs can do about is to talk to their legal counsellors. The pertinent legislation is tricky enough to push me away from commenting about. Baby steps. They already won a round, let's see what happens. Some youtubers are probing using Juno instead of KSP, and this is already another round won. KSP¹ online players on Steam Charts are half from what it was early this year. SpaceDock total downloads ditto. CurseForge too. All the metrics I have strongly suggest that, right now, there're half (or even less) players on KSP¹ than we had earlier this year, eroding a user base that was growing strongly since at least March, 2022. Please note that such metrics are unable to give you the absolute number of players - we can only evaluate the numbers qualitatively, not quantitatively - i.e., I know for sure that we have half or less users than early this year, but I don't have the slightest idea about exactly how many they are or were. — — POST EDIT — — Not all Reverse Engineering techniques are considered shady. One of such techniques is called Clean Room, and this one is legal on every place I had looked at. And it's what I do on KSP-Recall, if you go to its github you will see inumeorus issues full of experimentations trying to figure out how things behaved that way.
  22. Time is the best teacher and, also, the harsher - as I had said before by the way. KSP add'on are being ported to the competition; known youtubers replaced KSP to it on their videos; people are making money and getting hired accessing their source code in EULA's and Forum Rule's violation. We have a saying here on Brazil : Água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura. (by some reason, Forum is refusing to embed this video!) Erosion. We are witnessing the franchise's erosion.
  23. The problem most people fail to realise is that they already had lost this one. There're people on the wild applying shading practices to access the source code and earning money from it. There're people even getting jobs by accessing the source code in EULA's and Forum's rules violation. This battle is over, the Genie is out of the bottle. Anyone is able to make some dimes at their expense now - the precedent has been set. What we are proposing is that they formalise the current status quo in a way in which they can profit from it too - before things get yet more out of control and beyound hope of being salvaged. Are you aware that KSP's add'ons are already being ported to the competition? People are already moving on, lefting them behind. After using their source code to leverage their add'ons, that it's now feeding the competition. Had they started to considering our proposition 6 months ago, chances are that they would be in a way better position - what's exactly what I had predicted it would happen. Unless they are intentionally skimming the franchise, I think it's time to start to think seriously on a change of strategy. Whatever they are doing now, it's not working for the game.
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