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Elon Kerman Jr

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Everything posted by Elon Kerman Jr

  1. I can put a food dome on it so I can make more food so bill can have more food Valatina is best
  2. @53miner53I did it I know how to dock so I can maybe do a turn
  3. Ok my skylab would be nice and good with up to 20 days of food if I just have a small life pack and a recycler
  4. @AdmiralAndreWhens the next video? Also you should make SLS mission
  5. when is the next challenge we seem to be on the fourth for a week or more. I haven't had to time to do the challenges because there to hard and fast What is the challenge we need to do
  6. @Rudolf Meier How do use the mod because when I look up tuturouls for the old one they don't have the same gui and stuff like when I go in vab or hanger and press the little gui button to set the different parts it wont work do I need those other mods you linked
  7. @damonvv https://rocketry.wordpress.com/2018/06/02/big-falcon-rocket-cutaway-image/ Here is a good image of what it might be
  8. Oh god I will be sending a colony with that re entry sphere and tweak scale
  9. @53miner53I think I might have another go at sending something up as my docking controls are bit better
  10. @The Minmus DerpNot a lander but I think I would share it is from a youtuber named admiral andre and he does really good detailed ships and stuff with making history. Icouldnt do everything he did but its pretty much the same
  11. That looks so good it looks like something from that Constellation program @The Minmus DerpCould I post my cool little Soyuz here that I made from a video
  12. Once I make a Insight lander I can post it here it will have one mod only
  13. Ok I think I am almost ready to do a insight launch with the now made parts also will you make a small Canda arm for probes that can grab on to thing or be used for small stations? =D
  14. @KattenWht updates do you have can I see a Snek Pek
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