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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. What you're seeing is the same as me. If I add an extra antenna it works fine. But without an antenna it does not connect despite the CNC settings beings there. But the probe is designed not to need an extra antenna since it has a relay built into it. Sorry if I wasnt more clear earlier. Edit: Oh ok you get the CNC button in the VAB. Let me test again.
  2. I added an optional attach node in a recent commit to the P3 engine. It needs to be enabled in the part action window and it adds a node to the top plate of the engine. I added a note to the description as well so people wont miss it (well those who read the part descriptions that is ). The Ranger mid course motor got nerfed hard in terms of MP storage so this will be the first proper on orbit propulsion system for probes until you unlock the lunar orbiter in the next tier. OGO is a bit tricky but a full build guide will be available on Friznits wiki. A craft file will be available too.
  3. Hi @TaxiService, I've encountered an issue with Commnet Constellation and a couple of the probes we have in BDB. We have 2 probes (such as the one in the pic below) that are single part probe core relays. The probe core has a built in RELAY antenna instead of an INTERNAL antenna. This works fine in stock but CNC does not recognize this properly and the parts end up with no command and wont work as relays either. Doing a little testing I found that if I added a second antenna module with type INTERNAL, CNC begins to work. In this situation CNC still treats the part like it has 1 antenna and it does work as a relay. However it uses the antenna power of whichever module is weakest. Finally I changed the power of the INTERNAL antenna module to the same as the RELAY module eg 1M and now it works perfectly. CNC will treat it like a single 1M relay even though it actually has a 1M INTERNAL and 1M RELAY. I know its kind of a weird use case but I thought you should know about the issue. If you can identify a fix that would be nice but if not then we can just simply include a patch that will add internal relays to these parts via MM when CNC is installed. Thanks.
  4. Epic! Congratulations on this release. It's turned out incredible.
  5. You can also use sigma dimensions and ReScale! https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions Far as I know the rescale configs still work so long as you have Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions. But JNSQ is natively made at 2.7x scale and is pretty great. A lot of the development testing nowadays is happening on JNSQ.
  6. Far as I can tell in the current build of KS3P (including the unofficial patch) it is not possible to have more than 1 profile available per scene.
  7. if you're having weird issues with strange shadows at the edge of the screen when landed and such, it can be solved by disabling high precision in the ambient occlusion node.
  8. As far as I can tell DECQ supports realplume within compatibility files on their end rather than within RealPlume-stock. I'm leaning the same way. It might look like a vulcain but ultimately its a mainsail.
  9. @Pappystein we do have an open issue on antenna rebalancing on github and yes we do intend to convert some antennas into relays. At least the tracking antenna if nothing else. We just havent made much progress on that issue just yet. But yeah on the broader point we do out best to balance between function and historical progression with the stock tree. But it will always be limited. CTT is the best supported alternate tech tree but that leaves the stock nodes as is while extending the late game while most bdb stuff is early to mid game technologically. Perhaps one day some kind of historical progression tech tree will emerge with BDB support but in the meantime I find myself crying a bit when doing tech balancing with the stock nodes
  10. None of the authors use Remote Tech so if you feel like your patch is worthwhile feel free to make a pull request
  11. Thanks to some balance changes courtesy of JSO, Juno IV-B is quite flyable now. Keep in mind that the Jupiter 1st stage tank and the 6K 3rd stage tank are now underfilled. As discussed earlier you are encouraged to adjust the fill depending on the mission. It is also recommended to use the upgraded LR79 NA13 config instead of the S3D.
  12. The J-2X should be fixed now in the dev branch. Also forgot to apply the 25% thrust scaling to the upgrade earlier so the upgrade was a massive bump in thrust. It should all be ok now.
  13. Smokescreen 2.8.13 was just released so you can give that a try by updating. I dont think the logs will help as the content was similar to last time. Hopefully you won't get the issue, fingers crossed. Um if you do get the slowdown you could also try reporting in the smokescreen thread (with logs) and see if Sarbian can help. He is much more familiar with the deep guts of the game and perhaps he can spot something. Ultimately everything RealPlume does is through smokescreen.
  14. I'm really struggling to see whats wrong here. You could also try to install v2.8.7 of Smokescreen since you are using CKAN and are up to date. Some people have reported issues including on the latest 2.12 patch. I know this version is largely trouble free Um if that doesnt work Im sorry I just dont know whats wrong. Uh to be honest I'm not really sure. The mainsail is functionally an F1 like high thrust booster engine and is not a sustainer much less a hydrolox sustainer type like the vulcain. Squad doesnt seem to care so much having made it strongly inspired by the vulcain which is a sustainer type engine. I could give it a hydrolox plume but that would take away the fire and fury one expects of a mainsail launch. As mentioned in the earlier reply there are some lingering issues with smokescreen so I wont push out an update till its fixed and I've had a chance to test things in 1.9. Also I want to see if ReStock is going to update soon. (I cant speak for them but I expect the models will remain the same and they will update their patches to the new part names of revamped engines). EDIT: Looks like restock might be a while so I won't be waiting on it before release. Since I dont expect RealPlume to be functionally broken in 1.9 with the current release I dont see an urgent need to rush to update.
  15. Patch is updated now with the new engines And now for a ranger Block 2 mission. Atlas LV-3B Agena B Yeah we're still working on how best to bring the rolling under control Simulated images from the TV system
  16. I presume you're playing with the dev branch? those are references to the old Able/Ablestar engines. The patch has not yet been updated with the new BDB 1.7 engines.
  17. Hi Sarbian, seems to be working now. Also the plume editing issue seems resolved too, am able to edit and change parameters live. Thanks for the quick fix
  18. Hi Sarbian I was able to reproduce this, config cache and player.log https://www.dropbox.com/sh/is9r54aof9gv0ez/AADSDQ71dCj3AMj58Prn0CkKa?dl=0
  19. What a way to conclude Tantares Thank you so much for all the wonderful parts you've made.
  20. Ah cool! But yeah the dev branch version of the Juno IV-B is still problematic (IV-A works), i haven't gotten round to working on it yet and there are scaling issues that need to be taken into account when balancing as Cobalt pointed out (I totally forgot about that). Imgur album embeds are broken on the forum. But you can post individual pictures using the BB code embed.
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