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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. @TurboBilder any Gamedata folder screenshots? Also, is the IR version compatible with your current game?
  2. Yeah probably wrong subforum... Or maybe you should go to the FAR thread..
  3. Do you have da klaw? Or are you planning to build 1? I use these to practice my KKVs
  4. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Then this message gets deleted because of "suspected foul language".
  5. Imagine NASA having an orion capsule in need of rescue and SpaceX launches a starship to save it. Then Elon charges NASA like a taxi...
  6. Starship comes in with more guns blazing.
  7. Here try this: https://kerbalx.com/Xdthegreat/pac-3-missile-vehicle and next time you record a video you may consider opening the Alt+F12 menu.
  8. Yeah we need a video. Please show us every interface of the mod. What is the burst length and firing interval and missiles per target on the pac-3 launcher?
  9. If the launch price of the starship is 1 million, it will be the cheapest rocket ever. Even cheaper than cubesat launchers. Biggest rocket launch smallest sats. Nice.
  10. Lazy way: 3 satellites at high eccentricity (high Ap, low pe), 1 polar low-altitude satellite. Pretty much 4 satellites at any "widely separated" configuration will do. If not, CUBESATS. Or if you want, launch to a low orbit. Then use the manouvers to do 2 burns, 1 to reach desired ap at desired place, 1 to circularize at AP
  11. He is certainly a meme expert. And Shotwell runs SpaceX when Elon is too high. He only does the crazy things...
  12. Well, unless your target is a missile, the pac-3 will not engage ir. Right click on the pac-3 and set it to engage air, if your target is a plane.
  13. Yes it does. @Papa_Joe please update the thread name. you can always check which versions the mod can work with from the github page.
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