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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. What if we are an experiment of an alien race to understand the development of life forms?
  2. Next second, someone finds oil aka organic burnable matter on the asteroids, and the US Army leases Starships to "search for potential weapons" ! second after that, they divert an asteroid onto Mars, aka nuking it.
  3. Do you mean butt-to-butt docking? I tried using the stock airlock and it works. Did you install through CKAN?
  4. So how can they keep peak temperature at 1700K? The space shuttle had the same reentry max temperature yet with larger wings...
  5. How does the drag coefficinet of starship compare to other capsules and the space shuttle?
  6. Probably continue to soyuz, that thing is really versatile.
  7. @damonvv could you add translational thrusters? Especially for the starship? The stock ones cannot withstand reentry.
  8. "We are NOT sending our astronauts up in a stainless steel can. We love aluminium."
  9. I thought they used a simple atmo level nozzle here. Dunno, not a rocket engine expert here either. Atmo level engines are underexpanded in vacuum, but that is no big deal.
  10. It does not make sense for a full flow staged combustion engine to use film cooling technique, due to the wastage of fuel...
  11. "Lets sing Ave Maria together for our fallen conrade." *starts playing USSR Anthem at max volume*
  12. "I mistakenly thought I was smart for telling others I am not an alien. Now everyone thinks I am one."
  13. Still, veeeeeeery fresh. Planes take days, truck takes hours, probably at least half a day.
  14. Probably under 1 min. And how warm is warm propellant?
  15. Probably 150 ton, can stretch to 200. But hey, half an hour. Imagine all the fresh food...
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