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Everything posted by sturmhauke

  1. A well made, integrated mod manager will always be better than a third-party one. But that's by no means a trivial thing to implement, and there will be no further development on KSP 1 (or 2 most likely). The best example I'm aware of is Factorio. The entire game is designed with moddability in mind from the ground up, including the mod manager. It also enforces proper dependency management, which avoids a lot of the issues you see in mods for other games.
  2. I'm not in charge anymore, but we were chatting about this a while back. With KSP2 development basically dead, some of the later missions aren't possible to complete for various reasons. As for mission completion requirements generally, the basic idea is that later missions often require player skills learned by completing earlier missions. Shuttles are cool and we love them, but they're also more difficult to design and fly. If you try to skip ahead you may find yourself overwhelmed. There's been some discussion of doing a v6.5 thread, where we would go back to KSP1 but add in the new missions (which was my original plan before KSP2). Nothing definite yet though.
  3. I have one install (different ones for different mod sets lol) with GEP, GPP, GPP_Secondary, OPM, MPE, and Kcalbeloh (along with various high-tech propulsion mods). Load times are, uh, eventually, but it seems pretty stable once it's running.
  4. I'm sad but not really surprised about KSP2's fate. TT has pulled shenanigans like this before. I was prepared for this possibility as soon as the acquisition was made public.
  5. "Para-" means "next to". "Parasite" is from Greek and originally meant "next to (someone else's) meal", with the connotation of freeloading off of someone else (i.e. eating their food). "Parasocial" was coined partly by analogy, to describe this kind of one-sided relationship.
  6. This is common in the tech industry, especially games. Legally, they're still employees until the end of the notice period. Practically, most of them will have been required to clean out their desks etc., although generally they get their severance pay as a lump sum and can still begin work elsewhere as soon as they are able.
  7. Corporations these days have gotten far too greedy and shortsighted. Projects can be cut loose not just for simply failing, but for not making "enough" money. There are lots of cases where a bunch of staff was laid off and the execs got fat bonuses.
  8. My guess is a handful of senior devs were offered a bonus to stay a little longer and wrap up whatever they reasonably could.
  9. These are both correct. I used to work at EA and some other game companies (not Take Two or any of its studios though). I've been through many layoffs; it's an unfortunate aspect of the game industry that needs to change. And yeah, console certification is primarily about making sure the game doesn't brick the console, corrupt local files, stuff like that. They don't care if the game is actually good, or has weird bugs that only affect gameplay.
  10. Mods can't fix core game engine bugs without access to the source code. (I mean it's theoretically possible by reverse engineering the compiled code, but that's extremely difficult.) Without that, mods can only use the game API to control its behavior, and attempt workarounds for anything the API doesn't provide.
  11. We choose to go to the Mun. We choose to go to the Mun in a space shuttle and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. - Jonamon Fitzbitz Kerman
  12. That condition sounds terrible @boolybooly, I'm sorry. Thank you for running this thing, it was one of my first forum badges.
  13. Thanks to @OJT and @Artienia for their help during the transition! I haven't been around as much lately due to various RL issues and generally feeling a bit burned out. But I'm still here as an advisor and Cool Badge Maker.
  14. This seems like a case of too many junior devs who don't understand the consequences of their code, and not enough senior engineers and/or QA support engineers doing code reviews, catching and reproducing low level bugs, or mentoring. Programming in general is hard, and game programming is very hard. Somebody in charge didn't take these kinds of problems seriously enough to properly allocate resources to them. Sauce: I've been a software engineer for 10 years, partially overlapping with various roles in the game industry for 9 years. Outsiders love to blame individual devs, testers, etc., but it's generally a systemic problem - in other words, bad management.
  15. Ideally, uninstalling a Windows application will remove the relevant registry entries, perhaps with a prompt to the effect of "Do you want to remove your settings? Y/N" But lots of application uninstallers don't bother doing that. The nature of this bug (that is, the devs not properly understanding what the registry is for or how to use it) makes it almost certain that KSP2's uninstaller doesn't remove anything from the registry either. So uninstalling KSP2 won't make anything worse, but the registry will remain full of unnecessary entries until someone cleans it up. It's like if you kick out a bad roommate and he leaves a bunch of junk behind. The junk is harmless (unless he was making drugs or something crazy like that), but it's also occupying space that you could use for something else. Now, this analogy breaks down a little bit because if you go rooting around in your registry deleting stuff without understanding, it would be like cleaning up that junk pile and also accidentally tearing up floorboards and cutting electrical wires and stuff. That can't easily happen when cleaning a house, but it can when cleaning the registry.
  16. Those plans have been temporarily put on hold. My dad died recently and I've been busy getting his affairs settled.
  17. If you want to help us beta test and give useful feedback, I'll send you some info. If you're just curious, I'm sorry but you'll have to wait.
  18. If you want to see a kerbalload of shuttles, or try your hand at some missions, come on over to the Shuttle Challenge thread! We're planning a bunch of new stuff too.
  19. OPM? What's that? Ovoid Preflight Machinery? Opalescent Potato Muffin? Office of Polar Madness? Oblivious Pain Management? As for Saturn, I haven't seen one of those on the road in a while. Anyway, this is Kerbal Space Program, not Kerbal Discontinued Cars Program.
  20. Sarnus? What's a Sarnus? We're still refining the stock system missions for now, we haven't done any major work on any additional planets that may or may not exist.
  21. ANNOUNCEMENT Artienia and I have been planning some big changes, including a whole bunch of new missions. We aren't ready to make them fully available to all players yet, but if you are interested in being a test pilot and giving us feedback, please message me or Artie. When we're ready to go live, we'll be retiring this thread and launching a V7! Here's a little sneak peek: What does it all mean? Stay tuned!
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