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Everything posted by OrbitalManeuvers

  1. You must be using Real Names? For me the ZE-3 also has 1.8 units of solid fuel, and by itself shows 100s ISP/Thrust 2.66kN/5 seconds burn. I turned the thrust limiter down to 23 for a vacuum TWR of 2.36 for the flight - otherwise the TWR is over 10.
  2. Well, here's my story ... KSRSS, default scale/inclinations. I did a test launch after building the craft to make sure I'd built it correctly, and cut off the Agena when my Ap was 500km. Lo and behold, my lunar DN was coming up, and the timing was perfect-ISH to get an encounter, so I quickly just made a node 1 minute ahead and got an encounter. Since this was a hack job and I wasn't even intending to actually go to the Moon, my trajectory was meh, so I cheated myself a 3rd ignition on the Agena for a single MCC to get the landing trajectory you see in the video. This was highly illegal and the mission would have failed if I was using EngineIgnitor but alas I was not and thus I have cheated badly. Ish, maybe, idk. The video is totally raw and unedited, so you'll want to skip. Overheating indicators were unexpected. The video starts at a quicksave point I made on the 1st attempt, and this is attempt #5 from the quicksave spot. The numbers can never be used by another human since this mission is incredibly sensitive to velocity and angle and lunar wind direction. Impact velocity is 45m/s ... survivable but should have been better. The only mission less fun than this one is Pioneer 1.
  3. Helloooo this is a neat idea - thanks for sharing your work with the community. If anyone would like KSRSS Reborn, I have done the planets and the moons all the things. The file in the google drive folder is called ksrss-reborn-orbit-icons.cfg which you can place anywhere under GameData. Then just install this mod as distributed. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nj-stO5XIIRXmbe-_7iZwNr8QiUVLu76?usp=sharing Before anyone @'s me about Triton, I picked T and not AT because the cfg says vacuum but you can do whatever Small request: comet icon? KSRSS has 67P and Halley Edits: I updated to add all the tracking station objects (I think!), and renamed it ksrss-reborn-orbit-icons.cfg, because KSRSS has other branches, and RSS is different still.
  4. I have a video of doing this on JNSQ, and I just noticed that the ball + SRM have about 800m/s in the video from 4 years ago. But today in the VAB, the ball + ZE-3-LYC "Zeus" have 1929 m/s. I wanna give this another try tonight on KSRSS. You're using default scale, and what about inclination? And are you doing a true direct ascent (i.e. launching at night?) or Earth orbit first? Just wanna match situations so we can compare notes!
  5. I guess there wasn't a release after a bunch of things like Shuttle-C were added, so looks like you'd need to install it manually from github. If you've never done that before, feel free to ask instead of guessing.
  6. Doh, I missed that somehow. What a maroon. (Works fine when used according to manufacture's instructions.)
  7. When you report that something super basic doesn't work like it should, and you don't provide any information about your install, then all someone else can really say is "yes it does" - which it does - but that isn't going to help you. A link to your ksp.log file is really sort of a must when reporting that something basic is broken. KSP mods form an ecosystem and everything has to be right. If even one thing isn't installed quite right the effects can ripple quite unpredictably.
  8. Would it be possible to inject the "BCS" tag into the NDS docking port so it shows with a "BCS" filter? triple edit for the lolz: I'm just realizing that the Window Paint Switch doesn't seem to make any visible change for me. The parts around the windows seem to remain the dark default style. Maybe I'm blind and not seeing what's changing? couple more F9+Starliner. both adapters.
  9. I believe the blue scheme is implemented here: GameData/ORANGES/Parts/ET/Paint/Blue/paint.cfg, do you have this folder?
  10. Honestly every time you make any change when debugging a modded install (and especially since you're not using ckan) you should re-upload your ksp.log. The gamedata folder is an ecosystem and adding or removing a mod can affect other mods. Also, if at some point you said that you still get crashes without mods, then your best bet is definitely to be focused on getting a stock install stable. Including mods when a stock install is crashy is just adding fuel to the fire and could be masking the real issues.
  11. I was inspired to try tonight this after using the Falcon the other day. Here's the Hepha ... Hepher... Heffalumpus version. I don't have Jordan's installed at the moment. This is with Zorg's SRBs, and a single (lower) Centaur tank. The upper stage shows 2628 m/s dV at ignition, and my circularization burn was only 136 m/s after the ridonkulus amount of fuel in the first stage. (Also, I do not know how much Starliner does with the upper stage when going to the ISS.) This build does have one of the rocket profiles of all time.
  12. The mystery deepens, as this doesn't happen for me. I'm on 1.12.3, btw. I removed WhoAmI and left FreeIVA. When I'm in IVA view, and all Kerbals are in their seats, pressing "V" to cycle through them doesn't display anything on screen. This is what I've been using WhoAmI for. I'm on 0.2.19 of FreeIVA. So you get text on screen with each press of V? I do get Kerbal names from FreeIVA for certain things ... sitting down, looking at another Kerbal for Switch To, but nothing just from cycling through the seated ones.
  13. my friend, nothing in here is correct. I don't know what prompted you to do things this way, but KSP will never run like this. I think you should start over with a fresh KSP install and use CKAN to install mods.
  14. Wikipedia says Starliner "was designed" to fly atop Atlas V, Delta IV, Vulcan, and Falcon. Idk how accurate that info is, but I figure by the time there's another Starliner flight, the choices will have dwindled from 4 down to 2 ... and I can't begin to fathom how it would end up on top of a Falcon, so I thought we'd at least have a looksee in KSP ... (edit: oops I forgot to mention Nooglin)
  15. Hi - I'm wondering if you've ever seen the (older) mod called WhoAmI? It does two things, but I just wanted to ask about one of them, which is: It just does a PostScreenMessage each time you switch Kerbals with "V" to show the name of the newly-active Kerbal, and the part they're in. This strikes me as functionality that would mesh well with FreeIVA. The original mod just took a hard left turn in terms of being adopted, but this feature is sort of a one-liner, so I thought I'd ask about it for FreeIVA.
  16. I got this out of your "KSP second.log" file. If this is still the case it should be addressed. [WRN 23:22:58.269] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'Deferred' has not met dependency 'Shabby' V0.0.0 [WRN 23:22:58.269] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'Deferred' is missing 1 dependencies
  17. Snug as a spacebug. I did some docking tests tonight, seeing how it was to manually control with the RCS. Zorg - If you see this, question for you ... is it possible to rename the "RCS" items in the doghouse PAW? Idk if this is final layout for what you want, but if so it'd be nice to have both the PAW and the action somehow distinguishable (the actions currently show "Toggle RCS thrust" listed twice). Anyway, I disabled the 2nd RCS for docking maneuvers and everything went great. This thing works so well already. By virtue of docking, I've also looked at the CoM switch, 5 crew, the abort engines (so much better now), the hatch, the crew portraits, Snacks (16+ days for 5 crew so the default seems fine?). Lessee, the chute cover ejected fine for me previously, and still fine, the bucket handle animation continues to draw applause, I think that's it for now! pro tip: set the hatch to off on the docking port and the BCS one shows through nicely.
  18. Thanks to all contributors, this is already fantastic even at this early stage.
  19. I've flown the Ariane with JWST in KSRSS many times.
  20. The forums crashed right as I posted a ton of info. Gosh, frustrating. So now comes the reader's digest version: Try moving the legs up with the move tool just a tiny bit. Mine looks like this and it fixed a similar issue I was having I'm using the dangaffa github version and it has some serious conflicts with CryoTanks, and also if you do *not* have RealPlume installed. I have fixes/workarounds but I'm not typing that again unless it's needed by someone
  21. This sounds suspiciously like the following, and I'm guessing you do have RMM ... so here's my guess (I can't open RAR files so didn't look at the log, but that's the right error message for the below). https://github.com/EStreetRockets/RocketMotorMenagerie/issues/10
  22. The Instance Editor (the dialog when you place or select a static) has a button called "GrasColor" [sic]. Not sure if it's supported everywhere.
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