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Taco Salad

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Everything posted by Taco Salad

  1. Okaaay I have an issue. It hasn't effected anything yet but it's a bit alarming. Noticed my KSP.log was over 90mb, and just keeps getting bigger the longer the game runs. It's because of this. Is this normal, should I be concerned.
  2. Unfortunately it causes an error and a crash using it. A shame.
  3. About six years ago now I asked for help, and the mod maker gave me a patch that let most of the crewed modules have ground workshop support. Any chance we can get another patch that does the same for orbital workshop functionality? Making it so crewed modules can function both as ground workshops and orbital workshops.
  4. Since we have the F1-B, will we be getting the J2-X? Or along those lines, a BDB version of the RS-25. Maybe even some shuttle era parts like the SRBs. Not a full orbiter as SOCK and the like has that covered, but stuff such as an adapter for Shuttle to Skylab, or maybe even some more exotic concepts, such as shuttle external tank wetlabs. (Also A plain-white variant of the skylab/wetlab parts that blend in with the standard S-IVB tanks would be dope)
  5. I have a question for the devs, what is the real world counterpart for the Herakles rocket in BDB? Or is this entirely homebrew. Either or, I really love the look of it and would like to know more about it.
  6. I've seen people here talk about hydrogen fueled tugs and fuel depots, but with the boiloff system in BDB it doesn't seem feasible. Is there some way to better insulate tanks that I'm not aware of? If not, would it be possible to have a refrigerator part that can eliminate or greatly reduce boiloff. Costs electric charge and needs radiators to transfer the heat into space.
  7. Dunno if this is a bug or something but, the Hokulani-LWWS Light Wet Workshop has no bays for USI life support stuff, while the other Hokulani workshops do.
  8. I took a peek at the dev branch stuff for BDB and somehow broke my USI kontainers and damn, I gotta say the new stuff looks great. Love how clean the revamped parts are, and I like how the lunar lander is now a lot more modular. I can't find for the life of me some images I saw of a concept for a extended lunar stay version of the LM, where the crew hab was expanded, designed to be a separate outpost sent ahead of time before the main crew. Edit: found an image of it
  9. Someone has probably already brought it up, buuuut, would a deployable wing Gemini be considered? Gliding a capsule back down to the desert runway would be fun, and I'm sure with the lego-ability most of the parts here have that I'd be sticking it onto as much stuff as I feasibly could. I'd check if this was already brought up and responded to, but I have no clue how to search just this thread.
  10. Hot diggity damn I Love kitbashing with this mod. Super excited for some of the stuff I've seen here like the stage-and-a-half Saturn, so of course I'm gonna ask the probably dumb question of when do y'all think we'll get to play with these new toys?
  11. Man, this mod looks amazing! Any idea if there's plans to update it? I'd love to mine on some of these (planets).
  12. Annnd it's back now. It worked fine, had OPM and Kronkus working. I then added MPE. It got the error, I removed it, still got the error. Completely reinstalled KSP again, still got the error. Redownloaded Kopernircus, made sure everything is up to date.
  13. Well. I fixed it! Kopernircus works once again! Something with the Paralax mod loveed up something bad when I removed it. I had to completely reinstall KSP to fix it. I thank y'all for your help though.
  14. Just a little warning! Don't know if anyone else had this issue- but I installed this mod, was too intensive, uninstalled it, and it sorta broke my game. I had to completely reinstall KSP to fix the issue. Kopernicus would no longer function at all. If you want more details, I can provide.
  15. Uhh.. Well, here you go. I compressed it. You know it's a good sign when over half of it is the same error message. I wish thee luck, and thank you for taking some time to help me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0d3klmknkrb6wtk/KSP.log?dl=0 Also, no reason to say sorry! Just happy I'm getting some help.
  16. One odd thing, each time I run using Kopernicus, I can verify my game files and it will redownload one file. I wish It'd tell me which, but I'm guessing it's the Kerbin on above. Okay that's extra-odd. Something is messing up every time I load. It works fine, but I can still verify my files and have one validated.
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