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Everything posted by Cataclism

  1. .... Hello! There is a KSP video on Youtube from Shadow Zone, in which he made a pretty cool jet-elevator to lift his kerbals from the launch pad floor all the way up to the cockpit. But I needed something a lot easier and lighter to adapt on the bases I´m sending to atmospheric planets/moons in 'The World Beyond -> Traverse'. So, I followed some good ideas from that video and made "this". The videos of the first failures attempts are bellow and, for those interested in some related explanations, they´re hidden at the end of this post. https://youtu.be/1UiJsZFhrfg https://youtu.be/tjoLM80U3v8 https://youtu.be/ZLyOLDqYe9U ::::::: Now, I´ll try to make it inside a vertical small tube, fixed to the entire height of the ship, so to avoid the kind of stupid accidents you´ll see in the videos. Probably something like the way Matt Lowne used small landing wheels to enable some spinning inside his space station. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; After all those numbers, an engineer decided to take an Akita rover (by Umbra) an go for some R&R, camping near the ocean. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2. Yeah! I came today to make THAT report too! Good you´ve already noticed. Man, it amazing how the single 0.9gravity of Bishamonten can change even the biomes of the nearby planets!
  3. Thank you! I was just about to try and remove my post, as I´ve seen other reports alike.
  4. Man, this "simple" mod is the thing! I mean, I love the idea of some indicating/blinking lights, without the needing of reinstalling aviation parts just to have that navigation light for sinalization only. Thanks!
  5. Hello! Have you tried SSTU? You can resize almost everything to the diameter you want. And it has also some cool, different types of cockpits as well.
  6. Hey, guys! Have you noticed, or perhaps someone has already commented, that once a kerbal enters the "Deployable Emergency Shelter" (that cool, effective small tent on the "rovers" Umbra´s menu) they will be completely ripped off of their inventory items? I have reinstalled the mod, and the issue persists: An engineer decided to take some R&R from all those number and went camping. He started with the items in the inventory, entered the small tent and, when going on EVA again...... the Kraken had stollen it all!!! Here´s a little video... the "proof" of the disappearing is at 2´15" https://youtu.be/PrRlqkWcXG4
  7. Hello! Thank you, THANK YOU! for keeping this mod up! First time I´m going to try it but, for what I´ve seen around, it will completely help me to perform something like I would with Extraplanetary LAunchpads, without the entire "stuff", of course. I mean, one could built at Kerbin and then Hyper-it to another ground base they have on another planet. Great!
  8. Hello, there! I´ve started to explore Daedalus (on Traverse), and now that the biomes are all scanned, I think there´s another little misspelling to correct: one of them, spread along the entire planet, is named Vaopr Lakes. Maybe the idea was Vapor Lakes? If so, I followed your previous tip and rename it on the .cfg file. It´s showing ok in the game, now.
  9. Hello, travellers! Two videos of my latest landings on Jeanne and Pooh. As my previous "base" was a loss, landed in a very bad, inclined spot, I had to rescue my crew back to the space station and plan a new base down there. Some of the screenshots show the basic procedure just to replace the main relay antennae, which had misteriously disappeared after I reloaded the game. So, I´ve just downloaded Umbra Space technologies (all that Kolonization and good stuff), which I had never tested ´cause my previous installation on 1.4.5 wasn´t properly working. I´ve decided to build some kind of Ranger/Karibou base - and I like it! But, here a small, old-fashioned advice: remember to READ the manuals. I always use to do but, in this case, in my eager to test that very cool new stuff, I didn´t pay enough attention to those lines which clearly say that the Ranger inflatables WILL recquire some materials to even deploy, as well and engineer on EVA. As I´ve turned off the option "consume materials" on the settings, AND the deployment seemed to be properly working on the VAB, I was stupid enough to NOT test these functions outside BEFORE the maiden launch. And so, I´ve got screwed! Now, with nothing much to do in agriculture and workshop fields, those cretin kerbonauts will have to try and spend some time fishing on the relatively nearby lakes of Jeanne I´ve seen from low flight. Bummer! So, I may hear "hoy!, why don´t you just send a resupply flight?". Well, I could never - EVER! - perform a successful landing near the points I´d wish in any atmospheric planets, and I doubt I could do it in Jeanne. I may try downloading some SSTO cargo planes and see what happes, as I suck as an aeroplane constructor.
  10. THANK YOU for the mantainance of this mod! The one I have for so many weeks thinking about how to program to create it (which I wouldn´t have the brains to do), does actually already exist - and is much, much better !
  11. Landing on Jeanne, the main moon of Amaterasu. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: After a few failures, a almost-successful landing on Matterhorn. Heavy gravity and thick atmosphere there, but my favorite planet so far, though. I was never good descending into Eve, but I believe those whom´ve mastered that stock planet should do fine here.
  12. Sure thing, sir! I´ll try to help however I can as soon as I fix my "technology" problems. Yeah, I can say I have a bit of knowledge regarding the bunch of effort needed for mods an game-extras, as I used to create a few small parts and stupid vehicles for Operation Flashpoint, probably more than 15 years ago.... but I´m sure that those didn´t need not even 30% of the drawing/programming necessary for KSP nowadays . :::::::::::::::::: EDIT: thank the good-Kraken for you modder´s forum signature! I´ve just realized the bunch of stuff you create and I didn´t know!
  13. By the way, if your intentions are for Duna only, at least for now, the reentry heat won´t be a problem (different from Mars). It will be gentle in Laythe, as well. But, if you happen to grow an idea of reentering Kerbin or other atmospheric planes (planet pack MODs), the heat will take its told. I´ve been beaten up by it in several The World Beyond planets, and most of the times the rover has to remain like a (chinese) farmer´s head until low atmosphere: all covered from the heat. (the flames/fire effects have been disabled due to performance reasons)
  14. I´ll see if I can restart the old part of the brain thah has dealed with 3D, graphics and textures for so many years, so to be able to get you some help. This awesome mod DO deserves (sorry!)DOES deserve any help that I can put into it.
  15. Hello, DMagic. As I´ve read on this topic, a few issues may´ve happened regarding Science Relay, and here´s my report about it, running with other mods on 1.5.x. , Windows10 64Bit. Hope that come to any use. :::::::::::: I´ve been playing using these mods on the "Modlets" page, and they´re pretty cool! They really make things a lot easier. But, I don´t know if any other player has had a problem with 'Science Relay' yet, but it seems to be locking the game, and I have to close and reload. So, if you haven´t received any complains about it so far, my description lies bellow. Thank you! .. ....... .. ..:: Again, the mod is GREAT and did work quite all right. I´d love to try and test/investigate it a little further, but I have removed it for now - not only because I´m playing a science mode, but mostly ´cause the current installed mods I have cause the computer_+_game to take more than TEN minutes to reboot and reload (after a crash or just to wipe out the memory usage).
  16. Well, our probes have finally reached "Daedalus" and "Odin", the outter planets in Traverse system. In fact, there is another celestial body, which is a crazy asteroid/planet that has an amazingly hyperbolic orbit, and crosses thru Overture every... 1,200 years! It´s so, so far away, under both bigs excentricity and inclination, that I won´t even bother about it. Let the 10th Shimals generation deal with it on the far future. ..... Daedalus and Odin are both alone in their spaces, with no moons attached. Both under a lot ice, and full of ice mountains everywhere. Cool! Maybe our sponsors, the companies that have spent a BIG money to dispatch the kerbals out here, will like the idea of bringing out here the Winter-K´ex Games! Is really nice to compare both the extremes of Traverse: Adeon, full of hot and sanded lakes - and beaches, why not? -, and Odin, full of frosty shores and... beaches, as well. Personally, I´d ratter remain on the ice! .... I´ve propably missed two or three celestial bodies, but I believe more than 95% of the Traverse binary system has been visited. No, NOT explored, ´cause only about 30 probes have been sent down thru the surfaces. Now, it´s time to set up a few space stations, on strategical planets/moons, gather all the acquired knowledge and begin the colonizing. I´m pretty sure it will take more than 50 Kerbal-years to just have a basic system properly working on a few planets, but that´s gonna be fun. Let´s get to work!
  17. Thank you, DMagic. I´m glad I came here to ask you: this way, I´ve finally payed attention to your signature, and "discovered" the size of your work on KSP!
  18. While arriving at the two inner-most planets - "Labyrinth" and "Bishamonten" -, those whom haven´t mastered their journeys towards planets like Moho (me, for instance...) will pay the price for that. Despite I´ve used the average window transfer (which is quite often), I´ve performed a single bunr, while it would probably better to have burned to periapsis Traverse (the sun) as a middle-course, and just then to perform another lowering orbit burn to reach the planets instead. To make it worse, in the middle journeys I´ve performed some corrective burnings, which must have increased my orbital velocities even more (I prefer to reach the celestial bodies at an angle around 80 degrees, instead of the equator, cause that way the SCANsats will have a better amplitude and radius thru every orbital period). Circularizing both the planets´ high orbits took me a LOT of fuel and time: above 8,500Dv and more than 4,500Dv; Again, "Viva la gasolina infinita!" ........... Very nice places to go, anyway! But I probably won´t set any bases in that direction, regardless all the cool stuff one can see over there, for the same reason I´ve ever disliked to travel to Moho: I like much better to travel away from the sun. It may take a longer time, but the burnings are easier and more precise. ............ Matterhorn, instead, have attracted me very much! But its upper atmosphere is a little more dangerous than the other ones I´ve explored. Still, as I´m already setting a space station and base on the nearby space, it won´t be hard to pay a visit more often. ::::::::::: ;;;;;;;;;; ................ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; While attempting to land on Labyrinth, there is Fragment trying to eclispe Traverse! In the tracking station, the list of the current flights: the lander symbols are not actual lander, but probes showing ideal places for an eventual future base.
  19. Here we are again! :-) ............... Well, regarding to the SCAN maps, please don´t botter, as DMagic answered that the map list on SCANsat is really limited to the third level. They may enlarge this limitation in the next upgrade, if the world-modders think necessary. ............. As for the Adeon supposed bug on the biomes, considering what I´ve seen on the console, the game is really identifying only those three biomes on Adeon: Major Lakes, Sector M and Bubble Lakes. I have landed my probes in a few different enviroments, and there is no way to show other biomes. As you can see from the science archives screenshot, and also when flying and/or landing over sanded areas, the game still regonises only "major lakes". I have visited and landed around 85% of the bodies in Traverse system, and so far it happened only in Adeon. (y) ...........
  20. Hello, guys! Please, is there any kind of celestial bodies´ tier limitation? I mean, maybe the SCAN do not entirely recognize a moon of a moon (which could be called a 4th tier)? I´ve been playing with TWB (The World Beyond), and, on these cases related above, the map overlay DOES work all right (in the Map View ´M´), and both Altimetry and Medium scan perform science with no problems. But the moon does NOT appear on the SCAN map list (the big map, which show us the trajectory over the biomes, slopes, etc.). Could you guys please take a look? I´ve already told TWB´s developers, so maybe the issue is on that mod, but would be nice to get an answer grom here as well, just to avoid that none of you or them need to search for an error that does not exists on the mod. Thanks!
  21. Sure thing! Will do this tonight. First, will reinstall that TWB core, just to make sure. By the way, now running smoothly with EVE+Scatterer+SVE (Stock Visuals). Thank you for the tip! I now noticed the instruction "install BOTH the Scatterer and EVE". (y) And I´m writting to the SCANsat deves as well, so maybe that other issue is related to their software and you don´t need to struggle around for nothing.
  22. Hello, there! ......... When my probes arrived at Adeon, I noticed that almost the entire planet is under the biome "Major Lakes", even on the land. Is that supposed to be like that? I´ve both landed on the sand and splashed down on the water, and both are "Major Lakes", even on the surface. I still haven´t tried to land on the "Sector M", though. Again, just a note. ....... I am having so much fun reading the descriptions of the Traverse´s celestial bodies! Still, while reading the "Odin"´s info, there is a detail that I believe requires a small correction. I post here so other users can correct me if I am wrong.Where is written "(...) a few hundred milleniums", I´m pretty sure the correct is "milleniA". No, I´m not any kind of latin-knower, but from what I recall from a few lessons, the plural is pretty tricky, as in words ending in "us", like "Campus" become "Campi" in the plural (yeah, "forum" -> "forums" is ok... go figure!), and those ending in "um", like "millenium" become "millenia". If you ever watched "X-Men" (the first movie), at the beginning prof. Xavier said something like "But every few millenia, evolution takes a giant leap". Just for saying... as I believe all my phrases are filled with english mistakes as well. :-D ... Thank you!
  23. I should have mentioned it before. As for information, in this gameplay I´m going in my first Science mode. I realised the quantity of active vessels (at tracking station) seems to permanently counts in the calculations, so at the time I had more than 40 comm/relay sats in my previous career mode, besides a dozen space stations, the game was TOO slow. So, when I have decided to begin the interstellar travel, I used a little bit of that cheat-role-play: I´ve set all the sattelite´s range modifiers to the maximum, and removed all kinds of blocking for the signals (all of this in the settings menu) - except for the plasma one, which is cool and the most realistic one. I know it´s not the same but, considering that my previous network was running pretty smooth and I hardly had any place with no communication signals, this new choice may simulate that, without all the weight of those heavy-parts sattelites. ... For those whom like the science itself, I must say that the Traverse system is very, very generous! I don´t carry too many equipments on my probes: mistery goo, gravmax, two-hot, barometer, magneticBoom (DMagic) and the two main SCANsat ones. Besides, I´ve got two active manned space LABs, which must return me something around 2,500 science/year each. That said, when I left "Kerbol" towards Dawn/Traverse I had 55,000 science to spare, and almost the entirely Community TechTree researched. Now that more than eight years have passed on Traverse, I completed the R&D and still have more than 130,000 science. ....... This sunday, the Interstellar Explorer Kappa has arrived at Anan... Amerat... Amaet... A-M-A-T-E-R-A-S-U! "Amaterasu"! After many, many days of travel, it´s the first visited planet by this expedition, after Shima, of course - the motherplanet of our new home, the moon called Pooh. Considering the other two expeditions, who have explored Sora and Overture (and now are setting their return to Shima), Expedition Kappa would seem to have many less work to do (Amaterasu has only two moons - "Hakurei" and "Jeanne"). Big mistake to think like that! All the three celestial bodies have atmosphere, so I was planning on the shimals to try to expend a little more time landind, unlike the other two teams, that have keeped their orbits and waited to recover the signal from the landed probes. The name "Amaterasu" seems powerful to me, and one of the first conclusions I had when I arrived at it was "damn, I should have picked THIS as our new home!". It would have been a bad idea... The planet itself is showing its frightful side: I´ve already blown the two landing probes I had brought within the cargo bay, due to the strong 1,21g gravity (ASL) and a very heavy 1,5atm pressure, which means the probes could barely reach the upper kilometers of the atmosphere before to explode. Then, I´ve finally managed to land a third one. This planet will need a long, strategic time on planning its further exploration... ... Traverse is part of some kind of a quad-system, but it´s a binary system itself. At Amaterasu´s surface, the closest to Traverse planet I´ve had visited so far, was now possible to see "Fragment", the little red star which forms the binary with Traverse. .................. Jeanne is so good-looking, easy to land and full of natural biomes, that I´ve decided it´s going to be the place for our new space station (the one´s already waiting around Shima). ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::;;;; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Arriving at "Promise", one of the inner planets of Traverse, I decided to not circularize it and use the current re-adjusted burn to go and meet "Raem", the single moon of this planet. Cool, man! If the spread-word about Minmus tells about a giant ice cream, what would kerbals say about Raem? "Does the concept of a so-called ""twin-moon"" even make sense?" A good, goooood place to pay a visit. I´ve made a mistake with my first probe and ejected the engines before the landing. I was afraid the thin atmosphere would not be enough to hold the chutes and the probe would just smash into the ground. My calculations, as usuallly happens, were wrong. Using a big Mk16-XL, one Mk2 and two drogues Mk12, the landing was pretty smooth and clean, hiting the surface at only 4m/s. A bunch hotter than the previous visited space bodies, Raem, much closer to the sun allows us a nice view from the couple-sun, "Fragment", over the sky. Again, I like the way the biomes were named. I mean, the moon is called RAEM, but the ones on the blue surface are REM (Rem Lowland, Rem Dunes, etc.), while the ones on the pink side are RAM (Ram Fields, Ram Dunes, etc.). I´ve also noticed a few high-holes from the air, which made me remember the "Mohohohohole", that crazy, white mouth down there, in Moho. They must be further investigate by a future manned expedition... ............... From Raem, we burned back to its motherplanet, Promise. So blue... so much water... nice! I shall bring some creatures to swimm in Promise. I prom... swear that! Promise has shallow waters too, just like I´ve seen in Crannel. Thank you, developers! Weeeeeee!!! \o/ In the pictures, you may notice that the three "stars" are aligned in the sky. That means "you´re going down". :-P Landings, landings, than diving the empty probe carrier into its final moments. But, as I still had an avaiable probe, I´ve changed my mind and sent it straight to the sun, just to see how close to Traverse OR Fragment it can get. Time to pay attention to the other probe-probers. ............... ::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: Status: planning to build a waterpark on Daedalus and a "magma resort" on Seraph. :-D .......... Today, another of the probes´ prober has reached "Seraph", the single moon of "Adeon". Wow! This moon is so red and hot... it matches the vessel textures! And, again, I enjoyed a LOT the description of this piece of rock. Some doubts of the far Shima´s scientists must be solved with the probes, as the high space temperature is around 260K, while it seems to increase beyond 380K at the the surface! Sending the first probe... and It "luckly" ends up landing on a very high slope. For a few meters, MechJeb and the parachutes have holded it up and steady, on a 1m/s descent. Then, the chutes have been auto-cutted, and the probe began a free fall rolling, exploding along the hill until a single structural piece remained intact. Which was good enough: I´ve found more shallow... "waters"? Or lava? Thrilling!!! ........... :::::4 ::::: ::::: Stormy skies on Kerbal (which now is running as if it was Pooh....) and the busy schedule for the Traverse probes.
  24. Cool! I believe #8 should be named after something regarding to the awesome Falklands Islands. 8-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falkland_Islands
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