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Everything posted by Cataclism

  1. Wow! I´m glad I´ve seen this new-release on Kottabos´ channel on youtube. So cool! Not only the fact we´ve got a few vessels, ready-to-use, as example, but the instructions manual alone would already be worth the downloading! Thank you! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; P.s.: for anyone interested, it´s pretty easy to use the Shuttle alone with the stock rockets parts for launching.
  2. Hello! I current no longer play with this mod just because my previous laptop (which is broken) was way better than the one I use now - it should do fine with 8GB ram. Regarding to the grand tour, I believe it´s pretty plausible - considering you "cheat" your vessel from Kerbin to one of this mod´s systems. I have traveled A LOT thru one of the systems with the very same "probe-carrier", but have never used the same carrier to land something which was intended to return to space.
  3. ...depending on my near-future schedules on work and studies, I will try and begin the portuguese translation in this month.
  4. I don´t know if it was deliberated or a coincidence, but the fact that the "Schooner" Pod can be perfectly arranged and protected inside a closed APUS´ cargo bay is really cool! It multiplies the possibilities.
  5. Hello, @Ezriilc ! I have been reading a few comments, and I don´t know if this small issue is part of others... every time I save the coordinates in a negative latitude, whenever I LOAD them, a small error occurs, and it pulls an invalid (red) coordinate. Let´s say, if the saved Lat is -5, Hyper pulls off a red/wrong 355.... Maybe it´s part of the same stuff involving the autolander precision... ?
  6. ...by the way, @NESD , despite ALL THE FUN my kerbals have had these days, , the only thing I could possibly say "I haven´t found/I miss" is acustomized decoupler for the mod. Otherwise, again: It´s really COOL stuff!
  7. I´ve just gotten to know it on Kottabo´s Youtube channel. I like it VERY MUCH! Nice work, @NESD !
  8. Hello, guys! Despite DOZENS of great mods and official improvements, still there are a few things I believe would be AWESOME to have in stock game, as it seems to me they are no challenge for professional programmers to add. 1.) Once you have a LOT of scientific experiments on your vessel/station - and we are going to have A LOT more with the upcoming DLC -, there would be great if we could open some kind of list/menu which shows them all in our assembling, so to, somehow, use them "remotely" while in IVA; 2.) The action groups are great and pretty much useful! And, yeah, 10 groups is more than enough. But, sometimes, you want - or - NEED to change them after launching your stuff into space. Even more, if you couple two different vessels together, things become messed up when you use´em action groups. So, here they are. Thank you for your time, and let´s warm up for new breaking grounds!
  9. All right! The NEWS are good; the "OLDs" still suck. Just imagine: all those new, COOL stuff for science and, suddenly, the airstream/fairing which is carrying´em decides just to remain unreliable and auto-decouple from the rest of the vessel. In practical terms: It would be REALLY great if I could properly launch all the new stuff from Kerbin´s ground, instead of cheating them to orbit because the fairings still don´t work fine.
  10. Oh, man... that´s a VERY PROMISSING release!! I´m already missing play with 'The World Beyond' (due to some issues within my rig), and now I´ll miss playing 'Beyond Home' in advance!
  11. @Ezriilc, I´ve gotta ask: have you ever played Space Engineers? ´Cause, with all the C# knowledge from your head, an application like HyperEdit could perform some miracles over there! Yeah, there already exist the "Admin Tools" menu, but it´s not the same.... Just saying.
  12. Do you have a science container? But maybe you can do this even with a pod... Probably you have already realized this, but every time the lab´s got some free space (after a few days in research), you can "review" the experiments in the container/pod and cycle between them, one by one. So you can chose which ones you want to sendo into the lab and still keep the others. If you have the experiments in your ship, you´ll be able to add the results to the lab even if you have already sent them back to the KSC, as long as you´re able to run them again. But I believe you can´t send just one or a few specific from one part to another. Still, there is a mod from DMagic which allows you to chose WHERE you want to transmit your science to, whether a vessel or the KSC. So maybe you could use it to send those you want to another vessel, and then bring them back to the lab. Try and take a look for a better description: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/108704-14x-15x-dmagics-modlets-ksp-14-updates-3-25-2018/
  13. Hello, @kunedo A little observation/suggestion, but NO WAY it´s any kind of issue, not even a big deal, though: I don´t know if it would be possible, or maybe if it could somehow screw the ship/cockpit design or integrity, but in my opinion it could be very useful if there was a free attachment node/point in the front of the bus, where is the flag. I mean, in my gameplays, I don´t attach the rear fuelcell, and use that node to connect a decoupler for rockets and boosters. I know, they´re definitely not necessary , but are very handy for longer space trips. So, maybe I could do the same for other stuff in the front. Yeah, it´s VERY easy to add any small piece of stock metallic structure both in front or behind, that´s why I say my suggestion is not a big deal, ´cause it´s not a dependable addition. ........... Anyway, I´m glad you´ve added the landing gears to the main cockpit and have still kept them as available alone parts. Nicely done! (y)
  14. ...I found a few ways of how (NOT!) to use MechJeb translatron + Smart A.S.S. + Umbra electric engines.
  15. Hello! Oh, had I fixed all the issues and glitches between the visual enhancements mods before, there would be a set of even better pictures than those above! Here come a few more, with EVE + Scatterer + SVE properly working with the TWB visuals pack.
  16. By the way, the "change mode" feature alone (Cruise/Lander) would already make the mod worth it! And the bus work as a nice hover/boat as well: 46m/s over the water. Great! Again, thank you for the mod; finally even a sucker pilot like me can take the kerbals from one surface base to another without any deaths.
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