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The Dressian Exploder

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  • About me
    Thud Gud
  • Location
    Building a launch vehicle based on the Mk-55 'Thud' Liquid Fuel Engine
  • Interests
    SPAAAAAACE, MOAR BOOSTERS, SFS 1.5, Jool, The Dres Appreciation Society, Making history expansion, The revival of KSP Wii U edition/KSP for nintendo switch. Gameslinx's planet packs, the Mk-55 'Thud' Liquid Fuel Engine.

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  1. This looks really nice, definitely gonna have to give it a try! Have you considered CNAR or Knes compatibilty at all? I think it'd fill out the lineup of historical rockets nicely. Another thing that might be worth doing, if it isn't already the case, is mapping all the techs in the tree to stock techs (i.e using the same name as them in configs) so every mod has at least some level of compatiblity. You might also want to consider testing with AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads, which adds its own tech nodes.
  2. Do the 'aerodynamic crew tubes' have any crew capacity, or are they just structural like those in SSPXr?
  3. A lot of those parts (Daedalus, thermal engines, some radiators) can be found in the wonderful Sterling Systems mod, which has some level of interplay between itself and FFT. It contains several fancy radiators but quite a few of the ones you've described are also in the Heat Control mod which is designed to be complimentary to FFT. I'd definitely recommend installing it if you haven't done so already.
  4. With regards to bad aero, have you made sure every side of the part models are textured? As someone mentioned earlier in the thread the BDB guys had issues with X-15 that were caused by that.
  5. Have you considered trying to implement directional scaling (i.e different scale values for height, length and depth) or would it not be feasible?
  6. This mod isn't really supported any more, you're best off looking to Artemis Construction Kit and ORANGES for SLS and similar rockets.
  7. Quite a few of these probes are in the ProbesPlus mods, New Horizons IIRC is in Tundra Technologies, that won't be all of them but quite a few of those probes will be in those mods. Check them out, they're pretty good!
  8. Bit of a necropost, but does anyone have a link to this old mod? All the links I've found are duds.
  9. KSP2 wished it could've come close to what you've achieved. This is absolutely stunning!
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