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The Dressian Exploder

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  • About me
    Thud Gud
  • Location
    Building a launch vehicle based on the Mk-55 'Thud' Liquid Fuel Engine
  • Interests
    SPAAAAAACE, MOAR BOOSTERS, SFS 1.5, Jool, The Dres Appreciation Society, Making history expansion, The revival of KSP Wii U edition/KSP for nintendo switch. Gameslinx's planet packs, the Mk-55 'Thud' Liquid Fuel Engine.

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  1. Really good wing parts! Have you considered making some that taper between the thicker size and the normal wing board size? Could be useful for larger non-space planes. Given it's a thicker size, have you also perhaps though about making a wing with an intake?
  2. If new designs are being suggested to replace the scrapped command pods, might I make a suggestion for pods based on Gaganyaan and/or SUSIE?
  3. If it's at all possible to launch a craft without any techs then it might be possible without cheating. You do get a very small amount of science for recovering a craft that's flown somewhere.
  4. I believe those are from the Kerbal Foundries mod.
  5. Yes it does. The Tantares soyuz docking port will even dock with the BDB version!
  6. If you ever consider making one of the Hermes designs, might I suggest following the form-factor of the old but top-notch A.P.U.S mod? I think the size and shape would work pretty well for Hermes.
  7. Are you potentially thinking of ProbesPlus? I don't know the mod well myself, so it might be something else but it's probably worth looking at.
  8. There's nothing specific that Kerbal Atomics does to other nuclear engines so it should be fine -note though, that while Kerbal Atomics' engines run on LH2 from CryoTanks, MK3 Expansion's will use LiquidFuel like the vanilla Nerv.
  9. Seconding that. I've never seen a KSP mod that actually adds a custom suit model but if it happens it would be cool as hell.
  10. My guess, given what we've seen, is potentially some of the other studied Apollo configurations -Direct Ascent, or possibly EOR.
  11. This is more wishful thinking than anything else, but wouldn't it be funny if Beale was making NOVA for BDB and Cobalt was making UR-700 for Tantares...
  12. Probes Before Crew, a mod which rearranges the tech tree so that uncrewed vessels are usable before crewed ones.
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