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Everything posted by KerballingSmasher

  1. it's just color but a British spelling. No one knows why. Also can be used in reference to extra detail. Always great advice! oh we all have several of those
  2. Little bit of a bumpy landing there, but nice combination of powered and parachute!
  3. This gets my vote. Does this mean that this one would have wheels instead of skids, too, since Sojourner was a rover (albeit a mini one)?
  4. Excuse me, sir, for butting into your conversation, but if you're trying to be American it's "color", just another aside note for @Mukita12. If it was first person, maybe have the transfer student use "colour" though. Just a side note!
  5. WE CANNOT, WILL NOT, AND DO NOT WANT TO WAIT WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!? Please don't judge, the caps were me just tryna be funny. If I do offend someone, I can change it.
  6. Having seen several in person, I can confirm this.
  7. Technically, it's Ron-Day-Voo (as in Deja Vu) but that's just me being a picky French student
  8. Launch time was originally supposed a half hour or so ago, had to push to 3:37 EDT
  9. No, I think it just means that it's the 26th engine...
  10. Also, can I just mention how cool it is that we, as a fanbase, have essentially created a game within a game?
  11. Okay, I saw the Mars blooper earlier but I wasn't sure if it was on purpose!
  12. Oooh, does that include Douglas Adams and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
  13. Wow, that's impressive. Not quite as funny as the Mun one, but still good!
  14. A station name... Hmm... what about DRACO? Designed for Radiation Above the atmosphere Containing Organic lifeforms? It's a bit of a stretch, I know...
  15. Smooth, Bob, smooth! Bummer that he can't play too well, maybe he'll use the quarantine time to help learn to play better
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