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Everything posted by Mikenike

  1. I told you that it didn’t have to come thus far but you’ve forced it so here. How does one access the report?
  2. I am playing sandbox to perfect orbit and Mun capable rocket launches. I will edit this post and add the mass and part list later.
  3. I am not able to post pics but may have a mini ssto I will edit this later to include the part list and the paint + the weight.
  4. Hold up, how would one access so said feedback section. And don’t make me go back and quote you from one of your previous posts. Oh, gotcha, I play EE so I don’t know the names of mods.
  5. Guys, I need a lifter to get me there, not advice on a lander!! No specifics on the lifter just needs to carry a larger lander that is one terrier wide so 1.25 m. wide. @Epicdreamer where could one find this in game dv calculator?
  6. Well, it also depends on microsofts thing about xbox and mods, discriminating idiots, they let PC players do it, so why can you make xbox the same?
  7. Well thanks, I needed advice in general as I have nil in out of Kerbin influence knowledge. Like I said, I have a "small" lander already, I just need a lifter which I can copy off of. Also is there anyway an Xbox player can post pics? @Epicdreamer I don't know if it will help much, im a EE player. Still thank you for the advice and I hope it finds other people like me.
  8. When (if) is the new KSP DLC coming for EE version of KSP? And yes @RealKerbal3x I agree with you I would gladly throw some money in to get some new things for KSP (last night I built a Saturn 5 mock up with a few changes. I will dicuss that on my status feed I am working on) and I would really like to se new robotics features added to Xbox and Playstation because you PC players ( I find nothing wrong with PC player or game play, I play STORMWORKS on STEAM) have gotten more features because you have a PC with a group of people who let you share things and Microsofts strict limits on mods and sharing things. Besides, you guys have had it longer. I competely agree with you @Kerbart. I would happily fork money over because I know it would be a good ivestment with an even better return.
  9. This will be the place to post your photos of craft for my other topic post which I posted about five minutes before this one. Please include the list of parts from parent part to last part. If it helps any I have the Hisory and Parts pack.
  10. Hey guys, I haven't posted a new question in a while as I haven't needed any help. Now I need help with getting innto a stable orbit and hopefully make it to the Mun and maybe even farther into the solar system. Anyone have any videos and/or help that I might need, I started on a small lander that may be able to make it back home from the Mun and back to the atmosphere of Kerbin. If any one has any info or tidbit of info that could help me that would be awesome. I will have a new post up for the ship designs that you guys used for these exploits.
  11. welcome to our forums. I have played for 4-5 months and have not even began to do orbit and mun missions yet. Will have to ask a question on how to make a good reliable craft and how to do that. My advice is to go as slow or as fast as you want to in progression.
  12. I can say how correct these statments are, and there is nothing for me but to say Hi and Welcome.
  13. Hey @Manuparis welcome aboard. What kind of help do you need more specifically, btw I play on Xbox and ps and Xbox are in the same boat for KSP so PM me if you need anything in particular. I may not have the best answers or one at all but I will sure try to answer it. On another note you can ask guys like @Starhawk @Dman979 @Vanamonde @James Kerman And others among them.
  14. Hello @Lionballs and welcome aboard. Play with no mods and on sandbox mode until you learn the basics. Use reverts and saves, and don’t push your self to be the best you can be in the first two minutes, don’t expect it to come within the first two weeks either. I have been playing for well over 4 months and I still don’t get it all. I still don’t get why the nerv is so good in space.
  15. Oh, I thought you were new.
  16. Most all larger KSP EE jets will have that problem, I have a medium sized ultra long range jet and it has the same problems. Rotate your jet say 45 degrees and use your horizontal stabilizers to turn your jet, it isn’t the worlds best way to turn your craft but I find it works worlds. Ps, don’t use them with engines with a gimbal because the gimbal will help you more than those stabilizers ever will.
  17. I have played KSP EE for a while now and had the exact problem as you guys. I bet its glitch.
  18. Dude, You are using a Saturn 5 to carry an ant. Why?
  19. No you guys got it correct about the shuttle.
  20. I use the full throttle during all of my launches, the only problem I have, fuel, you run out of it faster at higher throttle levels. I try to get an orbit but still run out of fuel because I trade fuel for speed and altitude. The only reason I do use full throttle is my load, normally a lab+ all of the batteries and communotrons and solar panels. I also don’t really have enough brains to make a highly complex lifter, I use a two to three stage lifter using Rhinos’ and MainSail with two or four boosters but still need more as I don’t have the brains to rendezvous multiple payloads and dock them. Besides, it’s more efficient and effective to launch one smaller rocket with everything on it.
  21. Is it coming on Xbox as well or will we be stuck with making history as our only one?
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