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Everything posted by Carni35

  1. Hi everyone ! My planet shine add light on my ships but no color at all. I tried to move all settings but all I can do is modify luminosity. Even at 90km above Ocean on day light. I play on 1.7.3, 2.5 scale with rescale, and on KSRSS (Kerbin Size Real Solar System). So did I miss something like a special config because of KSRSS or something like that ? Thanks for you help
  2. Thanks @Mudwig ! As you said 25 percent seem be a reasonable approcximation But it's always cool to have an Idea about the maths
  3. Hi ! As said earlier, I play real historical missions with BDB in a 2.5 scaled system. I heard about change the size of real playloads to match with the scale. It is just 1/4 of the real weight ? If not, is there a formula to do the math ? Thanks
  4. Thanks @Machinique & @Pappystein, for these informations. I wasn't aware about the "rescale factor", lot of things will seem more logic now @Mudwig, you said that the official playload weight include the agena service module. Is it a an Agena particularity or other upper stage add some weight to the official playload number (by official I talk about the number we can find on wikipedia) ? Can't wait to see this this agena rework Cobalt ^^
  5. Hi ! Talking about balance. I m currently managing to do historical "discoverer 13" mission in a 2.5 scaled system. So with a Thor agena rocket, and I noticed that I can barrely put 1.5t in orbit (even with an agena B) against the 6t of reals discoverer satelites. I think the agena upper stages might be a little underpowered (at least for a 2.5 scales system)
  6. Hello I come again because I'm not able to make RF stockalike work for all Tantares and Tantares LV parts. (It work fine with stock and BDB) I'm bad at programming and don't understand what's the matter... I post here my logs. If someone have some time to take a look it's nice https://www.dropbox.com/s/r19quhf21putru0/MMPatch.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/k8a58dirirxapjw/ModuleManager.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwn92ti9pjjd2e4/output_log.txt?dl=0
  7. As I said, to be sure I have created a new fresh install with all my mods. Launched it, no messages. Added Kerbalism dev kit, and those warnings appeared. I think it's related Anyway maybe it's not important, just wanted to warn you
  8. Hey ! For info Kerbalism Dev build seem interact weird with BDB for now : https://i.imgur.com/mnhX2MM.jpg Tested with a fresh new install before and after
  9. Cool thank you for your help ! ^^ https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpq7x0tobt2wax9/ModuleManager.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpq7x0tobt2wax9/ModuleManager.log?dl=0 For the modulemanager.configcache i can't find it in my gamedata. I guess there is a trick to make it visible ? So I just seen that real fuel do the same thing. So I removed Engine ignitor, but the problem is still there, all tantares engines don't have ignition config
  10. That was the first thing I did After fresh reinstalle it appear that happen when Kerbalism Dev Kit is installed. Will see if this bug will be still there at the release
  11. I have reinstalled the last realeases for both and still nothing for all tantares engines. Which is strange because other stocks or mod parts (like BDB) have their engine ignitor config in game. I don't understand why...
  12. Hi ! Thanks for this awesome mod ^^ I have a little question. There is a Tantares config, but all the engines I have now ( RD-107/108/110) didn't have an engine button in BAV or limited ignition. Is it a problem from my installe or they are just not config yet ?
  13. Hi ! Thank you for your answer ! Yes I think it's a Real Fuel mod matter, but since the config is provided by the BDB release itself, I asked here For the moment I had just changed the Able AJ10 .cfg into "no pressurfed engine" But what is realy bothering me is this fearful warning which appear 2 times every time I launch the game : https://i.imgur.com/mnhX2MM.jpg Here my log. If someone have time to take a look its nice ^^ https://www.dropbox.com/s/2sda5dvld3f6fwc/output_log.txt?dl=0
  14. Hi ! Excellent work ! But there is something I don't understand. I'm doing Vanguard 1 and the Able AJ10-37 need a pressure fed tank. But the Able 100 liqued fuel engine is not pressurized... I guess I'm missing something ?
  15. Cool ! I want try JMSQ from a long time ago. That version could be a trigger. But will you follow the updates of original JNSQ or this is a new mod with his own evolution ? Anyway good luck
  16. Hello ! I try to make a Kerbalism config for the tantares engines (Ullage and ignition). But I don't find the localisation of the .CFG doing that for other mods parts like BDB. Someone could tell me the path ? Thanks for your help
  17. Awesome work ! Can't wait the release ^^ Just by curiosity, I see that the Dev build is near twice the size of the latest release. BDB will be lot more heavy or is it just due to the Dev build version ?
  18. Hi ! Just to know, is there a non official BDB patch somewhere ? Even WIP ? Amazing mod by the way
  19. Hi ! I am curious about the next release of KSRSS ^^ Do you think you'll be able to use the new texture feature of 1.8 to improve your mod ? And do you think release the new version this year or more for 2020 ? Again thanks for this mod
  20. Hey Scatterer is not compatible with KSP 1.8 yet
  21. Hi ! I have a little tricks which can help with the node problem. If you duplicate the part, sometime the node come back to the right place.
  22. Hello everyone ! After two or three hundred hours on Stock KSP, SSRSS et KSRSS I want try the RO adventure. But after lot of researchs, some things stay unclear for me... - What the difference between RO and RP0 parts ? All RP0 parts are RO no ? Just the in game price change ? - I downloaded BDB and Tantares packs since I heard that some of their parts are RO (Like some engines for BDB). But when I create the ''NoNonRO'' folder in my game data. All Tantares parts disappears, and their is only 5 or 6 BDB parts (And no engines). So I don't understand... -What's are the must have mod parts RO compatibles for a good game experience ? (In addition to FASA and RN parts packs) - Can I just Pick up the RP0 tech tree for my RO game without the rest of RP0 features ? If someone can answer to these few questions that'll be awesome Thank you for your help !
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