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Everything posted by jimmymcgoochie

  1. I can’t tell what the problem actually is based on your description- screenshots please! Check that you have all the required dependencies for your mods and that you’re using the right mod versions for your version of KSP.
  2. Bad news- internal probe antennae don’t count and can’t transmit science. Good news- just bodge the save file to change the antenna to EXTENDED and you should be fine.
  3. A pretty conventional series of missions- fix a rover, rescue a Kerbal in LKO, dropped a mini lander on Eve while the orbiter continued on to Ike, shot a couple of tourists into space and back… More funds for the extortionate facility upgrades, I still need at least 6 million funds to get everything up to level 3. And yes, I did say Ike- it lives around Eve in the Snarkiverse; Gilly is elsewhere (the KSC crew in my report/story series haven’t figured out where yet) and Duna now has two moons, though they haven’t figured out which two.
  4. Try scatterer v0.0723 instead of the latest version, I had some serious issues with the newer versions but 0.0723 seems to work fine.
  5. Don’t put mods into the Steam copy of KSP. Steam-mangled KSP installs is one of the most common things I see in this section of the forums, just don’t. Leave the Steam copy of KSP with no mods at all, that will be your base copy whenever you want to make a new modded copy. Each new copy you make should have a different name e.g. 1.10.2 RSS so you can tell them apart; CKAN can do all the mod wrangling for you and track many different copies of KSP, on different versions, with different mods in each. Right now I have at least ten separate copies of KSP on CKAN- 1.12.2 GPP for the Space Race I’m running, 1.12.1 Snarkiverse for a career play through I’ve been doing reports for, 1.11.1 RSS/RO/RP-1 which I also have a report for, at least three different copies with JNSQ and different game versions and mods in each, my old 1.7.3 first ever career, a couple of old Kerbalism-based copies for an old report I did last year and a few miscellaneous test versions- plus modless copies of 1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.10.2, 1.11.2 and 1.12.2 which I use to create new modded games, plus the Steam copy which just sits there to get game updates (not so important now that there won’t really be any more game updates, but I expect a 1.12.3 at least). KSP has no limits on how many copies you can make and adding mods or updating/deleting saves in one won’t do anything to any of the others. Use that to your advantage and there aren’t really any limits to how many KSPs you can have; well, except your available data storage, and the inevitable load speed decreases from filling them up, and in some rare cases running different versions of KSP one after the other can cause strange things to happen, but that’s about it really.
  6. A known issue with MiniAVC and the reason for the existence of ZeroMiniAVC which automatically deletes MiniAVC whenever the game loads.
  7. It really is as simple as copy and pasting the whole KSP directory to make a second copy. But before starting anything, a few things to consider: Where did you get KSP from? It’s really easy to get different versions of KSP via Steam, but doing so via other platforms e.g. the KSP store might be a bit more difficult. For RO/RP-1 you want to use KSP 1.10.2, don’t use anything newer as they’re not yet compatible and you’ll have a lot of headaches with it (I know, I run my RP-1 game in 1.11…) Did you put mods into your only copy of KSP? If yes, copy the whole KSP folder and paste it somewhere else (desktop would do for now) to keep your existing modded game and saves safe. With that done, delete the original copy and reinstall a fresh copy of KSP 1.10.2, then make a copy of that right away and save that on your desktop too. Add all your RSS/RO/RP-1 mods to this new copy of 1.10.2, best done via CKAN. You should end up with two copies of KSP on your desktop- the original one with your current mods and saves in it and a new one with RSS/RO/RP-1 in it- and a plain stock copy which you can then use to create more copies of KSP in the future. It’s always a good idea to backup your saves separately before doing any mod installation or game copying, do that first and avoid the horror of losing your saves to corruption or just deleting something you shouldn’t have.
  8. @Wiseman it’s been a while since the last episode, is this series still going? Obviously real life comes first but would be nice to know if/when you’ll be back. (Or maybe I’ll end up getting to Mars first and you can steal my ideas for once )
  9. I have a few different saves in various states of (in)activity, so several different Jebs. My first career in 1.7.3, Jeb is dead due to failing to disengage time warp when bailing out of a doomed spacecraft low over the terrain, then accidentally setting him as KIA instead of MIA in the Astronaut Complex. Although I may have since revived him by save file hacking… In my JNSQ save, Jeb is aboard the spaceship Tenacity half way between Tylo and Laythe during a mission to the moons of Jool, hindered considerably by very high part count. In my Kerbal(ism) Space Program save, I can’t actually remember where Jeb is- probably on a space station somewhere. And in my current Into the Snarkiverse save, Jeb is doing what Jeb does best- making a nuisance of himself around the KSC, pulling pranks on everyone else and generally acting like a toddler who ate too much sugar. Maybe I shouldn’t have left him in a tiny pod in orbit for 30 days, he had several stress breakdowns during that time and hasn’t really been the same since…
  10. I’m just using the default scatterer configs. There are GPP cloud textures on CKAN too- I have the high res version.
  11. Just to chivvy you all along a bit, here are some highlights of my own random blundering through my own challenge: Not my first launch- that was a puny Spudnik-based thing that barely cleared the atmosphere and didn't warrant a screenshot- or even the second- that was a cluster of atmospheric sounding rockets, all carried by the same core rocket and fired off into the upper atmosphere for pressure data and stuff, then parachuted back down- but it'll do the job. Reached orbit after 2 hours and 17 minutes, ended up half way to Iota due to an overpowered SRB second stage. Then I launched a terrible noodle rocket with about 20 FL-T200 fuel tanks in the stack, meaning it bent almost 90 degrees at times due to a lack of rigidity and a lack of attitude control from gimballess SRBs and not lighting the core Swivel until said SRBs had burnt out. Ended up in vaguely the right orbit, headed out to Iota. Everything was working fine, but then it got stuck pointing straight down towards the moon and the signal died so it ended up crashing. Which is actually what the objective wanted in the first place. Is it just me, or is that mountain to the north of the GSC an obvious volcano? Moonshot 2 succeeded where its predecessor had failed- first by not trying to fold itself in half, then by aligning its orbit with Ceti only to go to Iota instead (whoops... but Iota happened to be in exactly the right place to salvage that mistake for minimal fuel cost), and finally making it to Gael's inner moon, capturing into orbit and landing with both sunlight and signal. And a nice view. At 3200m/s remaining in the tanks after the landing, this thing was stupidly overbuilt. A few minutes short of ten days in so far. I've only been doing single missions at a time so there's plenty of scope to go faster! And I've just realised that I've forgotten about the "orbit Gael and return" thing...
  12. “Why did the rover fly off in a random direction?” He says, after attaching a wheel that’s clipped into the ground and has suspension for added bounce… “Why isn’t this rover moving?” He says, with the brakes on and brake force turned up to 200%… (the rover even had brake lights on it!) “Why no traction?” He says, after turning all the traction control settings up to maximum but leaving the wheel friction settings at their default, low, values… Traction control reduces torque to prevent wheel spin, which with Minmus’ puny gravity and the default slippery wheel settings is almost inevitable; turn the traction control waaay down and bump up the friction settings so you can actually get some grip and go somewhere. I’ve said this several times in various places on the forums, and I’ll say it again- change the key binds for wheel controls so they’re different to the attitude controls (WASD) so you can drive a rover and still use the reaction wheels to keep it pointing in the right direction. I use the arrow keys instead and it makes using rovers, and also takeoff/landing in planes with steerable landing gear, a lot easier.
  13. Jeb: *drives one of those little yellow KSC trucks through the VAB* HAHA! You'll never catch me! Gene: Deploy the spike strips! *skidding noises* Gus: Jeb, not into the fuel tanks-! *CRASH* Jeb: IT'S GONNA BLOW! *dramatic slow-motion running/jumping* *distinct lack of explosion* Jeb: Aww... Sanlan: Hey, where'd everybody go? We fixed our little "fallen over" problem! Bobak: How? Sanlan: Like this. Bobak: Interesting use of the landing legs. Sanlan: Whatever. Bye stupid legs, smell you later. Mortimer: You threw them away!? Ribdo: It's not like we'd get them back anyway, they'd just burn up in the atmosphere. We brought the ladders back for you though. Mortimer: ...fine. Sanlan: Can someone send out a boat for us? I don't want to swim all the way back. Ribdo: Me either- that Mun rock is heavy. Wernher: Hey Morty, this'll cheer you up. Mortimer: It's... the Mun rover? Wernher: Well, yes, but look over that hill. We can put this on fridge magnets, postcards, T-shirts... Mortimer: Hmm, you might have a point. Linus: Deploy the laser thingy, my awesome rover! Bob: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Bobak: What's going on!? Bob: *ahem* Sorry, forgot there was a massive ridge of mountains in front of the Dres landing site and came in a bit too low. Everything's fine though. Bob: Landing in three, two, one... Bob: Close enough. One solar panel and one seismometer, coming right up. Oh, and while I'm here I can take the rest of the fuel out of that sample craft, no point leaving it here. Bill: Hurry up down there, will you? Bob: I have to wait until Dres rotates around so I'm under your orbit. Nice alignment though, should be a nice quick rendezvous. Bill: Not that quick NOT THAT QUICK- *CLANG* Bill: Oof! Bob: Oops. Ah well, nothing's broken, moving in to dock. Bill: SLOWLY this time! *** Automated Deep Space Network probe control system online. Attempting to establish data connection with vessel [Eveshot 1]. > >> >>> Connection failed. Attempting to establish basic telemetry feed from vessel [Eveshot 1]. > >> >>> >>>> >>>>>Connection established. Mission status: 17 entered SOI of target body [Eve]. Automated node execution system enabled. Executing node [1] of [2]. Completed. Mission status: 14 standing by for capture burn around target body [Eve]. Rendering model of spacecraft relative to target body: Executing node [2] of [2]. Unknown celestial body detected. Altering burn to intercept unknown body. Deploying lander. Attempting to establish basic telemetry connection with vessel [Eveshot 1 lander]. > >> >>> >>>>Connection established. Executing deorbit burn. Completed. Connecting to vessel [Eveshot 1]. Connected. Onboard analysis of sensor data initiated. Mission status: 27 entered SOI of [unknown]. Comparing radius, gravity, terrain height, surface albedo and spectroscopic data from [unknown] with reference data [pre-Anomaly_planetary_data.dat]. 1 match found: [Ike]. Mission status: 17 entered SOI of [Ike]. Rendering model of spacecraft relative to target body. Alerting Mission Control. *** Bobak: Woah. Wernher: Impossible! Gene: This better be important- oh wow. Bobak: Mission Control to Dres Express. Bob: Go ahead Control. Bobak: Mission Control to Azimuth Space Station. Lensel: Go ahead Control. Bobak: Mission Control to Mun Station. Val: Go ahead Control. Bobak: You're not going to believe this... Eveshot 1 has just arrived at Eve, but during its capture burn it deviated from the programmed burn to intercept an unknown body orbiting Eve. We don't have a signal to get usable science data, but the basic telemetry feed is saying that Eve has a new moon- Ike! Everyone: *** Connecting to vessel [Eveshot 1 lander]. Connection established. Mission status: 12 standing by for atmospheric entry of [Eve]. Mission status: 11 atmospheric entry of [Eve]. Mission status: 96 critical overheat imminent. Fairing overheating. Deploying fairing to prevent overheat. Deployed. Connection lost. Attempting to reconnect... > >> >>> >>>> >>>>> >>>>>> Connection established. Mission status: 42 waiting for parachute deployment. Rendering model of vessel relative to target body. Mission status: 41 parachute successfully deployed. Mission status: 40 landing confirmed on [Eve]. Deploying communications array. Deploying solar panels. Attempting to establish data connection with vessel [Eveshot 1]. > >> >>> >>>> >>>>> Connection failed. Rendering model of vessel relative to target body. *** Gene: We've got a telemetry update from the Eveshot 1 lander, looks like it made it to the surface in one piece. Still no data signal from either craft. Wernher: Not surprising- Eve's about as far from Kerbin as it can get right now, the DSN dishes just don't have the power to reach it. Mortimer: Well, today's your lucky day! We just completed a whole lotta contracts on the Mun, Minmus and Dres so now there's enough to upgrade the Tracking Station! How much did you say it would cost, Gus? Gus: About 600,000 funds, give or take. Mortimer: *wince* ...very well, here's the funds; take it and go before I have time to talk myself out of it. Gus: Nice! *heavy construction machinery noises* Gus: DOOBURRY, WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT DRIVING THE FORKLIFT!? Dooburry: to not to... Mortimer: Well, I'm away to accept a whole load of extra contracts. Oh, by the way, there are two poor chumps stuck in LKO who need rescued, someone take care of that? Bobak: One of them is almost right beside the two remaining grabber probes, I'll send one over now. Bobak: Man, those spherical pods are a lot draggier than I remember, it's not even going to get close to the KSC. Someone dispatch the rescue boat. Herman: LAND! Solid wet moving transparent blue- wait a second... Sanlan: *giggling* Ribdo: What? Sanlan: *barely able to talk for laughing* His name is Herman. Ribdo: So? Sanlan: *nearly exploding into more giggling* Herman Kerman. Herman: So where's my room? Sanlan: Sorry, Herman Kerman, all the rooms are already occupied. Herman: So where am I suppposed to sleep? Sanlan: You can sleep on one of the hot bunks in the rec room if you want, Herman Kerman. Herman: Why do you keep using my full name? It's weird. Sanlan: I don't know what you mean, Herman Kerman. Herman: OK seriously, stop it. You're freaking me out. Sanlan: Okey dokey, Herman Kerman. Herman. Stop it. Sanlan: Stop what, Herman Kerman? Herman: Cut. It. Out. Sanlan: Cut what out, Herman Ker- ouch! Hey, didn't your mother ever tell you not to hit a lady? Herman: Yes. Sanlan: ... Herman: ... Sanlan: Why you-! Jeb: Hey New Guy! Come on and I'll introduce you to the only game in town: Poke Morty Until He Pukes! Mortimer: *grabs cattle prod* Bring it on, you little toerag! Herman: Gene! GENE! Put me back in space! PUT ME BACK!
  14. I've updated the rules and objectives a little bit- added the rule about "active missions" which I thought I'd included before but hadn't, and removed the objective to put a relay network around Gael as it doesn't really accomplish anything. I'm not seeing very many progress posts so far... But when you do do them, can you please include a summary at the end of which objectives you've completed and the UT time you completed them, it'll make it easier for me to track everything (I might need a spreadsheet...)
  15. There are two ways of doing this- there's the "mine fuel on Tylo with a dedicated mining base, truck it around Tylo on dedicated fuel tankers to the lander(s) whenever they land and then battle with gravity losses by lifting off a high-gravity body with a full load of fuel" way, and then there's the "mine fuel somewhere else, bring it to Tylo and fuel the lander in space" way. Mining elsewhere is probably the better option in my opinion- Vall's the closest available mining spot and getting from Tylo to Vall and back is pretty trivial, but Bop and Pol have really low gravity and could be better options for hauling large quantities of fuel off their surfaces and all the way to Tylo orbit. Getting off of Tylo is difficult enough that you want to be lifting off with as little weight as possible- including fuel- and filling up with fuel in orbit means you'd be landing with the majority of your fuel already burnt, increasing your TWR and making things much easier for yourself.
  16. I second RCS Build Aid, very simple and easy to use. There are a couple of other mods that can add/remove fuel across all parts to give a more dynamic idea of what's happening, which can be useful for planes so you don't make it unstable (or too stable i.e. in a nosedive) as you burn fuel, to try and do that by hand with larger craft or those with many fuel tanks/types would be prohibitively complicated.
  17. There are a few different ways of doing it: Right click any command part (capsule or probe core) and then click rename vessel; As above, but click "configure vessel naming" instead- that's a relatively new addition in 1.10 or 1.11 I think, which can be useful for vessels with multiple parts that will break off and go their separate ways (e.g. a cluster probe mission to Jool) or where you're sending small craft to dock with a station and want the station to keep its name no matter what else is docking to it. In the tracking station, click the vessel on the list or on the map, click the little info icon then double-click the ship name and it should allow you to rename it from there;
  18. This is all working as intended. You need either a probe core (that isn't a Stayputnik) or a Kerbal pilot on board to use SAS; engineers and scientists can't do it. There are different levels of SAS: level 0 is the basic SAS mode that tries to cancel rotation, level 1 adds pro/retrograde hold, level 2 adds radial and normal hold and level 3 gives you everything; this corresponds to the levels your pilots need to reach to be able to use these abilities, so a level 1 pilot can do pro/retrograde hold and a level 3 pilot can use any SAS mode they like. Reaching level 3 is relatively easy- just plant a flag on the Mun, plant a flag on Minmus and make a (very brief) trip outside Kerbin's SOI and that's enough XP for any Kerbal to reach level 3. Probe cores have fixed SAS abilities that depend on the part- the QBE and RoveMate have level 0 SAS, OKTO and HECS have level 1, OKTO2 has level 2 and HECS2 and RGUs have level 3, with the Stayputnik having no SAS at all; keep in mind that you also need reaction wheels (or RCS) to control your attitude and the RoveMate, QBE and Stayputnik have no built-in reaction wheels at all. If you're in sandbox mode you can change the difficulty settings to enable SAS more widely- turn on "All SAS modes on all probes" and every probe core will have all the SAS modes. You can also disable Kerbal experience in every game mode (I think), in which case every Kerbal will be level 5 by default and all pilots will give you full SAS control.
  19. Playing through the career/story mode of Meeple Station and it turns out (spoilers) the titular Meeples aren't from the planet they're living on now, but instead come from another planet that was destroyed by a massive impact. Some of the residents of said planet escaped the cataclysm by turning themselves into space squids. The little squid are children, the bigger squid are adults and the really old squid end up huge. Giant. Space. Squids.
  20. SSPX contains dedicated centrifuges, with core diameters from 1.25m to 5m and built-in deployment and spin animations. With certain life support mods they also provide artificial gravity bonuses (e.g. "Firm ground" in Kerbalism, which you usually only get when landed), plus they look great and have detailed interiors, plus SSPXr just got a major expansion to add 1.875m and 5m parts so there's even more centrifugal goodness to go around! (pun intended )
  21. Biggest facepalm in space flight ever: Black Arrow. Be Britain, late 50s/early 60s. Work with other European countries on the Europa launch rocket. Get tired of France making dud second stages when your first stage (Blue Streak) works every time. Make your own second stage, also doubles as the first stage for a smaller rocket. Run turbo pumps on steam- no really: run HTP over a catalyst to produce oxygen (oxidiser) and lots of hot steam which turns the turbines, no need for any fancy stuff like most other rockets. Turn down offer from USA to launch payloads for free. Build working launch rocket (Black Arrow). Cancel project because it’s too expensive. ”But we have the final rocket at the launch site already, can we launch it, pleeeeeease?” Launch it successfully into orbit (Prospero- the Shakespearean wizard who gave up his powers). AFTER IT WAS CANCELLED. USA be like “Nope, we never said we’d launch your stuff for free.” Pay much money to USA to launch stuff instead. Be only nation IN HISTORY to develop an indigenous orbital launch rocket- that works- and then abandon that capability. Oh, and those pesky slow French? They went on and developed Europa into something called Ariane… Black Arrow was built to the same diameter as the Europa second stage it could have been stuck on top of a Blue Streak first stage to put much larger payloads into orbit as Black Knight. But no, they killed it off after one launch failure due to leaky plumbing and another great British idea died due to shoestring budgets. /rant
  22. Yes. Originally I had intended the Iota and Ceti objectives to be done in parallel, but since I've moved those then go ahead. Still only two active missions (that will complete objectives) allowed at once, the objectives must be completed in order and you can't launch anything for phase 2 without completing everything in phase 1 (and so on). Here I was thinking I'd gone into too much detail with the rules, when it seems I wasn't detailed enough
  23. Mortimer: More rich idiots tourists want to fly into space, get that shuttle thing ready to launch. Bobak: We can't- there's nobody here to fly it. Mortimer: Eh? Bobak: Jeb's still AWOL, Sanlan's not a pilot and Ribdo freaks out at the mere sight of one of those X-20s. Mortimer: Then hire another pilot. Bobak: Can't- no room in the Astronaut Complex. Gus: And we couldn't handle the extra paperwork either. *rocket noises* Everyone: Whaaa? Jeb: Please keep all parts of your anatomy inside the craft at all times, and if you throw up back there you're cleaning it yourself. Gene: JEB!? Jeb: Oh, hey! Wassup? Gene: What's- what's up? WHERE THE *quindar* HAVE YOU BEEN!?!? Jeb: ...sleepwalking I guess? I woke up under the launchpad, there was a rocket there so I just did what you'd expect me to do. Jeb: Alright, tourists- look to your left and you'll see Minmus, Dres, Jool and Duna out of the same window. Tourists: Ooh! Jeb: And now if you look out the window you'll see the superheated plasma of atmospheric re-entry rippling off the sides of the shuttle. Tourists: AAAAAAAAAAAH! Jeb: Ah, quit your screaming, it's not even that bad. Gah, now you've distracted me and we're overshooting. Tourists: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Jeb: Brace for some sweet, sweet Gs. *eight gee split-S* Tourists: ... Mortimer: Jeb, those tourists won't pay for their flights if you knock them out! Jeb: You guys are no fun at all... And besides, they're all fine; maybe a bit greener than usual. Gus: OK Jeb, call the ball. Jeb: Huh? *shuttle wobbles off course* Gus: Never mind! Jeb: OK, chumps, pay up and let's get the runway clear before that nuclear-engined SSTO runs us over. Tourists: eek! *plane noises* Mortimer: Hold on- how much!? Wernher: Ah. Yes. Well, by our estimates it's going to take at least 10km/s to have a hope of making orbit of Moho, and the only way to get that sort of delta-V is with a nuclear engine; trouble is the NERV isn't really capable of running for that long normally, so we had to make all the components even more resilient than usual- which for a nuclear rocket costs a lot of funds. Mortimer: I... I think I need to lie down... Bobak: What's with all the little burns? Wernher: Fifteen minute transfer burn. If we tried to do it all in one go we'd crash into Kerbin, so we do these periapsis kicks to reduce the final burn duration and get a bit more Oberth effect too. Bobak: Makes sense. *more plane noises* Bobak: What was that? Mortimer: Hang on, where did those rich idiots tourists go? Sanlan: They're in SPAAACE! With me and Ribdo too! We're going to the MUUUUN! Gene: Uh oh... Sanlan: OK, stupid freeloaders, your ride's done. Beat it. Tourists: AAAAAAAAA-! Ribdo: Why did we have to put the tourist pod between our pod and the probe thingy so we have to undock everything, push the tourists out the way and then grab the probe again? Sanlan: How else could we have done it? Even if we managed to make it all fit, it'd fall apart on the ride up here. Ribdo: Fair point. At least this isn't one of those *shudder* horrible little shuttlethingieswiththetinycramped-! Sanlan: *smack* Dude! Stop hogging the oxygen! Ribdo: sorry Gene: Could someone please explain what exactly you two are doing up there? Sanlan: Contracts and stuff. Also neither of us has been to the Mun yet and we wanted to go, so we decided to go together. Gene: *off mic to Wernher* Better start putting together a rescue mission... Ribdo: Probe away! Too bad we forgot to put thrusters on it so now it can't do the resource survey, but whatever. Sanlan: Just need to wait until the target landing site moves under our orbit, time the deorbit burn just right, nail the suicide burn and *fzzt* uh oh... *THUD* Gene: What was that? *CRUNCH SCRAAAAAAAAAAPE* Gene: WHAT WAS THAT!? Wernher: Rescue mission will be ready to launch in an hour- Ribdo: Whoops! That wasn't meant to happen... Sanlan: Stupid shoddy engine cut out on us just above the surface and the whole thing fell over. Wernher: That's odd, where are the rest of the deployed solar panels? Sanlan: They bounced up the hill when we "landed", I'll go and get them. Wernher: They bounced, uphill? Sanlan: I know, weird, right? Sanlan: These aren't even set up right, you need to press this one and then that one and you'll get twice the power. Amateurs. Bill: *aboard Dres Express* Oh yeah? Well your stuff out here isn't any better! Ribdo: Ooh, a rock! Sanlan: Big deal, we've got rocks back home too. Ribdo: But it's a MUN rock! Sanlan: Yeah, they already have some. Wernher: That's true, Bill and Bob got some Mun rocks during their mission. Ribdo: ...I'm keeping it anyway. Linus: My rover should be arriving any second now. Be gentle with her, she's already driven across the Mun several times. Ribdo: Yeah, yeah, I know what I'm doing. *welding noises* Ribdo: Ta-da! Now it's even super-er! Linus: *happy noises* Ribdo: Ooh, ooh, test it out on that crater over there! Linus: She's beautiful! *happy crying* Sanlan: Woah, it has lasers now! I want one! Sanlan: So, uh... How do we get back? Ribdo: We get in our rocket, point it up and fly back. Easy. Sanlan: Yeah, but we're on a hill. Ribdo: So we point uphill and use that to our advantage. Right, Jeb? Ribdo: Jeb? Bobak: I'm sure he was just here? Gene: Lock down the KSC. We're going to search every inch of this place until we find him, and when we find him, he's well and truly *quindar* Jeb: *through Gus' walkie-talkie* Hide and seek? I love this game! You'll never find me! Gene: Mun Station, this is Mission Control. Get Commander Valentina on the line. Jeb: Hey, no fair!
  24. Nuclear Moho probe. Yes, the NERV is heavy and expensive (even more so with the ‘high quality’ version to extend its rated burn time) and yes, thirty tons of stuff of which 0.75 tons is spacecraft is pretty extreme, but who can argue with 13km/s of vacuum delta-V? I looked at other options but none came close to packing as much delta-V into the same footprint. With a TWR of 0.2 and some stupidly long burns to get down to Moho (which in the Snarkiverse orbits much closer to the sun than usual) this could take a while.
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