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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Alrighty, the new DDR-ISSRJ2 Is now released, fixing most of the flaws stated in the test. New features: - Redesigned, bigger wing. - Smaller control surfaces. - More stable and maneuverable - Engines re-positioned, allowing more range. - Body control surfaces to increase aerodinamic design. - Front canards to increase pitch stability. - Tailstrike wheel moved up since we needed slightly more pitch for takeoff - Rotate speed is now 65m/s - Stall speed is 70m/s - Brakes are strong enough that mostly the plane doesnt need reverse thrust. I hope that the modifications fix all the flaws, and maybe makes the plane better. https://kerbalx.com/Commodore_Gamer118/DDR-ISSRJ2
  2. I dont watch TV anymore, just to see news and cats. Anyway, someone here had try to make your LEGO creations into a KSP craft?
  3. @Lisias, the error came back, Im on 1.8.1 with just quite a few mods, but now there are some lines after the TLAs that say: [WRN 11:13:44.448] Internal: deleting an allocation that is older than its permitted lifetime of 4 frames (age = 5) That happended after I launched a B-52 and was starting the take-off run, and also Im still wondering if we can get the fix in 1.9.1, since craft made in that version cant run in 1.8.1, Waiting for quick answer.
  4. The last movie I saw was the Star wars 9 movie, the room was almost empty, like 10 out of 50 seats were used, then 1 month later my sister invited me to see it again, it was a diferent theater, smaller room, nobody asside , below, or on top of us, it was also pretty empty. I used to buy DVD movies because theatres were expensive, I kinda enjoy more at theatres due to perfect popcorn and lots of diferent snacks, and in the DVD movie you could hear the public, since in my region the people just get on the top seats, get a camera and film the movie, so you could hear everything from laughs to sometimes conversations, both video and sound quality is bad, the camera unfocuses, sometimes you could see people, etc.
  5. Alright im entering here My PC was 4GB RAM and an HDD KSP 1.7.3 was loading pretty slow with both DLCs and some mods, 1.8.0 did a lot faster. Yes
  6. So I'm GLaD. I got burned Think of all the things we learned For the people who are still alive
  7. As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you! Now these points of data make a beautiful line.
  8. But there's no sense crying over every mistake You just keep on trying till you run out of cake
  9. The DDR company realised that its only aircraft is not succesful at all, so they decided to make an entire family of aircraft! The new DDR-ISSRJ1 ( Super Special Regional Jet ) is aimed for connection flights, since the other regional jets transport an small quantity of passesgers, the ISSRJ1 carries probably the double or triple of passengers without adding more engines! Cruise: 120 m/s @ 5000m Fuel consumption: - 0.39 kal/s Range: 5000 km Rotation: 50 m/s Cost: 62,186,000 with fuel Weight: 36.08 tons with fuel Fuel: 2320 kallons Seat: 2 pilots, 40 passengers in mk2 cabins and 16 on mk1 cabins, Total= 56 passengers The aircraft has a lot of manuveability while keeping stability, if you want the aircraft can do an extremly pitch up, it will dont last long because of the engines, in case of an emergency the aircraft can easily land on water, the damages would be small and its able to be repaired cheaply, tailstrikes while taking off are unavoidable cuz of the long tail and CoM position, then, there is a tail wheel that can handle the tailstrikes very well, a drone core is included since the pilots need to take a rest, or if they pass out. The aircraft is avaible in any payment form and we deliever worldwide. https://kerbalx.com/Commodore_Gamer118/DDR-ISSRJ1 -The DDR Company
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