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  1. Hi Angel I just saw on YouTube that the standard game will have rotation on the docking ports. So ... in the future DockRotate will no longer be a necessary mod, correct ???
  2. I'm using: RENDER = MINIMUM and TEXTURES = HALF but I think that a level below in textures already solves (I'm not sure ... need to test)
  3. I already downloaded it manually. Parts but this will be updated in CKAN too ... correct? (just curious)
  4. Wow! 10 years! it's like a son I started with 1.4.5 and I still have that version installed. A folder only of special games that marked me as "Super Bombermam 3", "Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories", "Super Mario World", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV" ... ah! sweet time. Kerbal is a highlight on the bookshelf.
  5. It looks different than what I have here ... Is this in the mod? Or is it a closed beta version?
  6. Sorry for the question but I don't recognize this capsule. Where did you get it?
  7. Wow ... the angle of the photo makes it look like a new docking port Yes yes ... I made a point of observing this before. I installed it first using CKAN and then manually. Tonight I'm going to test it again to make sure, if it doesn't work I will warn you here and send you the necessary files. GameLog is what you need ... right?
  8. I don't know if you're still trying to friend ... but now it's working. I managed to install by CKAN in 1.11.2
  9. This is going to be really cool! I'm having a problem with the CARGO TRUNK from Crew / Cargo dragon V2 ... he should disengage from the capsule but this option does not appear in the part menu or in the stages. I've tried using the mod in a clean install and it doesn't work either. Am I doing something wrong? Improvisation with other decouplers ... it helps when it comes to playing but diminishes the beauty of the mod I also had this doubt ... but to me it seems to be from Tundra. (hoping so kkk i love new docking ports)
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